Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

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Walking around Nada Sake's Nishinomiya Township

2017-10-15 15:29:24 | Liquor trip
I would like to inform Sake Kura in Hyogo prefecture.
There are five Kura ereas of 'Nada Sake', this time I shows 'Nishinomiya Town' located on the east side of it.

Take the Hanshin train from Kobe or Osaka, get off at Nishinomiya station.
From Hanshin Nishinomiya station, go south, and go through the Hanshin Expressway,
there is Nishinomiya Town.

As you go east of Route 43, a stone monument 'Birthplace of Miya water' is seen. About 10 minutes on foot from Nishinomiya station.

There is 'Miya water' discovered here during the Edo era, and Sake breweries squeeze this water and make 'Nada no sake'.

From here go east is 'Miya Water Garden'.

Since there is a fence here and it is not open, we look at the garden over the fence.
The wells of Ozeki, Hakushika, Shirataka are under the hemispherical covering made of stainless steel.
Around here, there is a Miyamizu well such as KikuMasamune.

Returning to the west from here, heading to Hakutaka head office.

Hakutaka was founded in 1862 in the Edo Period, and manufactures Ise Shrine 's sake and high class sake.

On the south side of this company is Hakutaka Rokusuien.

Hakutaka RokusuienShirataka is holding an exhibition about sake making and liquor life at sake brewery.
In the building which reproduced the residence of the brewery of Hakutaka, selling Hakutaka's Sake, providing lifestyle and culture of Nada's brewery and restaurant.

Restaurant Tokyo Chikuyotei offers eel dish and Sake.

Especially, reservation is necessary on Saturdays and Sundays dinner.

Nishinomiya Township is near Osaka and Kobe, and enjoy the Japanese sake culture that continues from the Edo period.

That's it.

Kyoto Plum Blossoms Trip

2014-03-08 22:15:31 | Liquor trip
I would like to inform Plum blossoms Trip of Jyonangu shrine and Kitano-tenmangu shrine.

From Kyoto station, I ride subway to Takeda station.
Get off at Takeda station, 15 minutes walking, I arrive at Jyonangu shrine.

Jyonangu is famous for Weeping plum blossoms.

Weeping plum blossoms festival is opened till March 21.

Jyonangu shrine is built at Heian period.
Cherry blossoms Park entrance chargr is 600yen.
This park has 150 plum trees, that are white, red, pink blossoms.
March 2, weeping plum blossoms are 50% full bloom, but beautiful.

This park is existing around shrine.
Aftet plum trees, I arrive at Heian park.
Heian park has brook, moss and some plants.
Kyokusui-no-En, that is a Heian famous Waka festival, is held at 4/29 and 11/3.
Aristocracies are sit along this brook, and make Waka.

After Heian park, I cross approaching road, enter next park.
Next park has big pond and Tea room.

Next visit is Toba-Rikyu-park.
This park has Toba-fushimi war monument, and war map.
At end of Tokugawa period, Bakuhu army figh to Satsuma and Choshu army at this park.
Current, this is a citizen's park.

I ride subway to Kyoto, ride JR Fukuchiyama Line, get off at Enmachi station.
About 15 minutes walk to north, I arrive at Kitano-tenmangu Shrine.
Lots of bus and taxi are gathering in front of this Shrine.

Plum blossoms festival is held till end of March.
Charge is 600yen, including tea and confection.
Lady invites me no charge ticket, so I can enter without charge.
Thank you lady.

This park had 50kinds and 1500 plum trees, they are 70% full bloom at March 2.
East end of this park, there are river and plum trees, very beautiful Heian Garden.
This garden is modified Earthwork that was mde by Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

I eat plum tea and pancake at tearoom.

In front of main shrine, many Test-takers are lined.

Plum blossoms in Kyoto is available to see till end of March.
Please visit Jyonangu and Kitano-Tenmangu Shrine.

That's it.

Takayama Liquor Sake factory sighseeing Trip

2014-03-02 10:59:56 | Liquor trip

I would like to inform Takayama City Liquor Sake factory Trip.
Takayama is a north of Gifu prefecture.

Going to Takayama from Nagoya, bus trip is convenient.
Round trip is 5000yen.

Get off at Takayama station, I go to east street.
I find restaurant, order Hida beef skewers set menu.
It is delicious 1650yen, little bit expensive for lunch.

Going 15 minutes walk, I arrive at Kawajiri Liquor Sake factory. Map F position.
This area has some liquor factories.
Takayama Liquor Sake factory sightseeing is held from Jan 17 to Feb 27.

Kawajiri Sake factory is a handmade Sake factory since 1839.
Sake aging is usually 3 or 6 months, but this factory is 1 year.

This factort's Sake is mild and deep.
Liquor Sake factory sightseeing is only seeing Sake producing process, we cannot see actual Sake producing process.
I buy Hida-Genshu for souvenir.

Next is Hida Takayama Town Museum.
From Kawajiri liquor factory, 3 minuses walking.
This museum charge is free.
This museum has many displaies.
Especialy Takayama Castle's model and goods are popular.

Next is Niki Sake factory.
I drink Daiginnjyo Sake, it is expensive Sake.
Small glass is 200yen, it is mild taste.

Next visit is Takayama old city hall.
This is also no charge.
You can see Takayama city history.

I go to Ruins of a Takayama castle.
From Takayama old city hall, about 20 minutes walking.
Around this area has lots of snow about 50cm snow height.

Ruins of a Takayama castle is a small mountain.
I climb deep snow. Suddenly I saw a Capricornis crispus, only 5m distance.
Capricornis crispus is cute face.

I climbed at Honmaru, Ninomaru.
They are coverd with deep snow.
We can see a wonderful Takayama city view.
Takayama castle was a big castle at early of Edo period.
But keeping this castle needs lots of money, so it is broken at middle of Edo period.
I hope this castle rebuilding.

After Takayama castle, I go along Miyagawa river.

Then I arrive at Sakurayama Hacimangu Shrine.

This shrine is a god for Kanayama clan.
Kanayama clan is a builder of Takayama Castle.
This shrine is famous for Takayama city.
It is beautiful Shrine.
Takayama festival hall is near this shrine.
Sakurayama Hacimangu Shrine's Autum festival is a Takayama Autum festival.
At this hall, you can see a Takayama Autum festival video, and Mikoshi.

I eat Takayama Ramen for supper.
This Ramen has a black soup, but good taste.

Takayama covered with snow is a sacred view.
Please visit Takayama.

That's it.