Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Wakasa-Takahama sea trip in Fukui pref.

2014-09-26 23:06:09 | Sea trip
I would like to inform Wakasa-Takahama sea in Fukui pref.

I get off at Wakasa-Takahama station.
I buy a box lunch, and Grilled mackerel.
Grilled mackerel is a famous food for Takahama town.

I go to north about 10minutes, arrive at seashore.

I go to right side. There are many fishes at seashore.
Sea is very beautiful.

Going along seashore, Peninsula is seen.
I arrive at the base of the peninsula, that is Shiroyama Park.
I confirm the Shiroyama Park Map at the guide map plate.

I go to the east side of the peninsula.
You can see a beautiful beach, that is Shiroyama beach.
Fine sandy beaches and shallow sea is spreading.

Bautiful sea and lawn are seen.

I climb north-east peninshura, caves are seen.
There are eight caves in this peninsula.
This cave is very beautiful.

Observatory is seen.
You can see a wonderful Japan-Sea at this observatory.
Today is a fine day, clean Blue sea and Sunny sky makes a best contrast view.

Next, I climb the west side of peninshura.
Hamami shrine is seen at right side.

This shrine is small, and is built by Itsumi clan.
It is in front of Takahama Castle.

Tenshukaku and Castle's Honmaru are connected by bridge.

Go forward, then arrive at Nino-maru, Sanno-maru.
Light house is existing at seaside.

From lighthouse, you can see a wide view of Japansea.
I walk along seaside, sea lock and small islands are seen.
This seaside footpath is a recommended route.

I return to the base of peninshura.
Today is a shrine's festival, Mikoshi is lifted up by the people.

The street south of the one from the coast is an old town street.
Edo period houses are existing.

I return to JR Wakasa-Takaha station.
This is the end of the trip.

There are many Nuclear power plants in Wakasa-Takahama.
Current these plants are stopping.
So, Wakasa sea is more beautiful than nuclear power plans running year.

Fukui Wakasa-Takaha is an old town.
This city had prospered during the Heian period.

Please visit Wakasa-Takaha town and see a beautiful sea.

That's it.

Ancient Imperial grave of Imashiro Imperial King in Takatsuki city

2014-09-20 12:09:54 |  historical trip
I would like to inform Ancient Imperial grave in Takatsuki city, north of Osaka.

I get off at JR Settsu-Tonda station, go North-East about 39minutes.
I arrive at forest of Imashiro Imperial King.
Bus is not convenient, so I recommend you to walk it.

Forest of Imashiro Imperial King has Ancient Imperial grave museum, and Ancient Imperial grave park.

First visit is Ancient Imperial grave museum.

This museum is no-charge.
Special display needs charge.

Ancient Imperial grave is for Emperor Keitai.
This is biggest at River Yodogawa area.
Double Horis are existing.

Ancient Imperial grave is modified for Historical museum, opened from 2004.
Many Haniwa and big grave are foundling.

Usual exhibition
Haniwa and grave are shown.

Haniwa area
Many Haniwas are seen in this area.

Stone coffin that is house shape
This is a dummy
King corpse is in the stone coffin.

Special Exhibition room
Sometime special exhibition will be held.

Next is Ancient Imperial grave park.
This is also no charge.

Many Haniwas are set along Moat.

At the Mori, many people are playing catch, badminton.

You can enter Ancient Imperial grave.
I enter grave from center entrance.

This big grave is same as hill.
I go to backward.

Many sasas are over the grave.
Backend of the grave, small parks are existing at center area and west end.

There were many Haniwas set at this area.
I go foreward.
This is top end park.

I get out the grave, and see all over this park.

This is Spectacular grave.

I return to Ancient Imperial grave museum.
I try to make Stone jewels at Experience study room.
300yen is necessary.
I can make a stone jewel about 1 hour.

Stuff is teaching me how to make a stone Jewel.

There are many Ancient Imperial grave in Japanese.
But free entering is only this grave park.

Please visit Ancient Imperial grave of Imashiro Imperial King.

That's it.

Going around Nara Koriyama City

2014-09-13 10:40:28 | castle trip
Going around Nara Koriyama City

I would like to inform Koriyama city trip.

To Koriyama by JR or Kintetsu Train.
By JR train, Koriyama is a next station from Nara.
Get off at JR Koriyama, go west about 5minutes, arrive at Moat park.
This park is built at SotoBori of Koriyama Castle.
Near this park Yakuon-Hachiman Shrine is existing.
I pray this shrine.

This shrine is built at Heijyokyo period.
Precinct has many herbs.

Turn right at Route 108, to Konya River.
This area is Edo spirits town.

Go along Konya river to west.
There is Goldfish scooping shop.
Koriyama is a famous city for Goldfish.

Soon Kintetsu railway is seen.
Turn right along railway, I arrive at Koriyama castle park.

Walk in the park, go left and cross railway crossing, I arrive at the gate of Koriyama Castle.

There's a big stone wall, this is a castle gate ruin.
Turn right at this gate, walk along Hori, soon arrive at Otemon gate.

Go enter from this gate.No charge.

Near the gate, Jyoshi-House is existig.

This house is built for library at Meiji period.
Current, it is a city hall.

Yamato Koriyama Castle is built by Jyunkei Tsutsui at 1580.
Yoshisato Yanagisawa enter as the lord of this castle at 1724.
Yanagisawa clan keep this castle to the end of Edo period.
Yanagisawa clan introduce Goldfish and Sericulture.
Now Koriyama city is No.1 volume for Breeding goldfish.
Current Bairin gate, Otemon Yagura are restored.

Now this castle is restoring Stone wall, and investigating Tenshukaku stone Wall.
So, entering the Tenshukaku ruin is not available.
Walkg route along the Castle.
First is Bajyo-Senmon Ruin.

Going forward, arrive at the best view point of Tenshukaku stone wall.
Please take a picture for Tenshukaku Ruin.
Next is Gojyuken Horse park ruin.
Taking a break is better.

Go forward, go out from Nakashikiri gate.
Enter castle again from Toriigate, there is Yanagisawa shrine.

I pray this Shrine.
Next is Yanagisawa library.
This library has many books for Castle reports.
Today is closed. Monday is closing.

Next is Yamato Koriyama Hall, 10minutes walk from castle.

This hall is built Culture and sports hall at 2001.
I take a lunch in this hall.

Koriyama city hold a Goldfish scooping convention at August at Goldfish scooping Square.
This year it was held at August 23 and 24, abou 2200people are attended.

Yamato Koriyma castle restoring will be finished at 2016.
Please visit Koriyama castle after castle restoring at 2016.

That's it.

Fukui Castle Trip 2 : Kitano-Shojo, Fukui Castle, Obama Castle

2014-09-08 23:27:36 | castle trip
I would like to inform Fukui Castle trip second.
This time is Kitano-Shojo, Fukui castle, Obama Castle.

Kitano-Shojo is in the downtown of Fukui city.
About 8 minutes from JR Fukui station.

Kitano-Shoji has Katsuie-Shibata statue, Tenshukaku Restoration model, the statue of Oichi and her 3sisters.

Over the shop town, Torii are seen.
This castle is built by Katsuie-shibata at 1575.
Current, here is Kitano-Shojo and Shinata Park.
Tenshukaku Restoration model is made of FRP plastic, 5.7m height.

Katsuie-Shibata statue is seen.

He is a brave face, having a long spear.
Next this statue is Shibata Shrine.
In front of shrine, Oichi and her 3sisteres statues.

This castle ruin park is small, but necessary Tourism resources are enough.

I go to Fukui Castle.
About 8 minutes from JR Fukui station.
This castle is built by Hideyasu Yuuki at Edo period.
Current Prefectural government is existing in the castle Ruine.
Only Corridor bridge is restored at 2008.

I eate Soba noodle with Grated radish for lunch.
This noodle is a famous cuisine in Fukui.
It is a fresh taste.

I ride JR train to Obma.
About 1 hour riding from Fukui.
I get off Obama station, rent a bicycle for sighseeing.
Go north, Genpaku-Sugita statue is seen.
This statue is built in front of Obama hospital, he was born at Obama city.
He is a doctor, write a Rangaku-Kotohajime.

About 2km distance from Obama station, Obama shrine Torii is seen.

After praying this Shrine, I go to Obama castle ruin.
Near this shrine, castle stone steps are existing.
Top of the stone steps, there is the ruin of Tenshukaku.

Obama castle is near the Obama sea at Edo period.
Current many houses are built around this Castel.
We can not see a sea.
The view from Ruin of Tenshukaku is not wide view.

Next is Obama Food Culture museum near the Obama Fishing Harbour.

Obama is a transporting foods city for emperor from Heian period.
This museum has food historical museum, restaurant, bath.

Next is red-light district at Edo period.
Dark Red color restaurant houses are existing.

Obama city is prospering town at Edo period.
This city is a start point of Saba : Mackerel and sea foods to Kyoto.

Next is Koshoji temple.
This temple is Zen temple, built at 1339.

There is a big gate, and a wonderful garden.

Final visit is Saba(Mackerel) Kaido Museum.
This museum shows Saba fish history, photography, books, and Saba Kaido map.

Fukui has many Castles, and historical points.
Please visit Fukui prefecture.

That's it.

Fukui Castle Trip: Maruoka Castle, Echizen Ohno Castle

2014-09-04 22:34:30 | castle trip
Fukui Castle Trip: Maruoka Castle, Echizen Ohno Castle
I would like to inform Fukui Castles.
First, I go to Maruoka Castle.

I go to Maruoka Castle by JR train.
Get off at Fukui station, about 40minutes bus riding, I arrive at Maruoka Castle.

Near the bus stop, there is stone steps to the castle.
Soon I arrive at entrance to the castle.

This entrance has a video inforamation.
Maruoka castle is the oldest castle in Japan.
This castle was built by Katsutoyo Shibata.

I enter Tenshukaku.
Tenshukaku Staircase is steep.

This castle has 3 floors.
Dropping stones equipment from windows.

This castle is built for war, so many equipments for the enemy are existing.
Roof is made of stones.

Top floor of this castle is available to see Maruoka town.

Tenshukaku was broken by Fukui earthquake at 1948, but 7 years after this castle was restored.

Near the castle, Japanese garden and Historical museum are seen.

Next is Echizen Ohno castle.
From JR Fukui station to Echizen-Ohno, ride a train for 55minutes.
I arrive at JR Echizen-Ohno station.

From the shrine, I climb this castle mountain.

Castle gate is seen.

Climb the slope.

Climb the slope 10minutes, Sannomaru park is seen.
Here is Toshitada-Doi statue, he is a final lord of this castle.

Climb the slope 10minutes, arrive at Tenshukaku.

This castle is built by Nagachika-Kanamori at 1576.

Tenshukaku is built on 250m mountain, has three floors.
Tenshuku is made of reinforced concrete.
I enter Tenshukaku.

Top of the Tenshukaku, wide view landscape is seen.

This castle history is available to see by video inforamation.

Nagachika-Kanamori statue is near Tenshukaku.

He has a big nose and ambitious face.

After Castle, next visit is Meirin museum, this was a education center of Ohno Han.
Current it is overall education center for Ohno city.

Next is Uchiyama house, this is Samurai house.
I recommend to take a rest in this house. No charge.

Ohno city has famouse Sake.
I buy Manatsuru, refreshing taste.

Today I stay at Fukui city, tomorrow I visit KitanoShojo and Obma Castle.

That's it.