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Climbing Mt.Ibuki in Shiga pref.

2018-04-11 13:19:08 | Climbing mountain
I would like to inform climbing Mt.Ibuki in Shiga prefecture.

Take the Omi Railway bus from JR Omi Nagaoka station and arrive at the Ibuki Yamaguchi bus stop in about 20 minutes.

From here we go to the north for about five minutes and arrive at the mountain climb gate.

Climbing Mount Ibuki, there are places where rough rocks are rolling, so please wear trekking shoes and climb.
It is about 6 km from here to the top of Ibukiyama on the climbing road called Ueno route, it takes about 3.5 hours.

I climb the stormy road at first.

In the first grade, there is a ski resort and it is used as an artificial ski resort in winter.

I will take a restroom at the third grade.

In Mt.Ibuki, you can see wild plants near the mountain trail.
My.Ibuki is a treasure house of herbaceous plants and medicinal herbs, and about 350 kinds of flowering plants are inhabited.
You can also see flowers such as Buttercups, Everyday Grasses, Yamaboki, Odorikoso, Hime Lenga, Ibuki Tranoo, Gunni Furo, Kusabokke.

When you climb up to the fifth grade and look back, you can see the appearance of many climbers climbing and magnificent views of Lake Biwa.

The road width will also become narrow as you reach the sixth grade.

I will do my best and aim for the summit.

I arrive at the top. The altitude is 1377 m.

At the summit there is a statue of Yamato Takeru god.

This Ibukiyama is regarded as a Buddhist mountain, and in my Nihon Shoki there is a myth that Yamato Takeru was supposed to have returned to defeat the God of Ibukiyama on the way back to the East.

At the summit there is a restaurant such as buckwheat and souvenir shop.
Ibuki soba, Ibuki milk is popular.

Taste magnificent scenery at the summit.

The returning shimoyama can be returned in about 2.5 hours.

Please climb Ibukiyama from spring to early summer, appreciate the beautiful flowers of the wildflowers and enjoy magnificent views.

That’s it.