Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Nankichi-Niimi's Hometown Trip at Handa city in Aichi Pref.

2015-10-11 11:46:24 | bicycle trip
I ride Meitesu train from Nagoya to ChitaHanda station for 30minutes.
I recommend Meitetsu Set ticket, Cafe and Entrance fee discount are including.

Handa city is exsiting at south of Nagoya, Brewing industry and Harbor industry are
developing from Edo period.
This city is a Home town for Nankichi-Niimi, who is a Fairy tale writer, and has a Mitsukan headquarters.

I get off at ChitaHanda station, and rent a bicycle.
I ride a bicycle and go east about 5minutes, arrive at Mitsukan headquarters.

East side, there is a Mitsukan-Museum, that opens November 8.
This museum is big scale,
This museum will be a popular spot.
East side, Handa Canal is existing.
5 warehouses are stood along Canal.
Handa Canal has a Edo period landscape.

I take a break near this canal.

North side, Hanroku garden is existing.
This garden opens from April, No charge.

It is Hanroku-Nakano's house at Meiji period.
Hanroku-Nakano is a businessman for Shipping industry and the brewing industry.

North side of this garden, there is Kunisakari Sake culture museum.
Kunisakari Sake is producing Sake from Edo period.
This museum exhibits Sake producing method, and Tasting and sales of Japanese sake.
This year's Sake is fruity taste, very good.

Next is a Handa Red-brick building.
This building was a Beer factory of Kabuto beer from Meiji to Showa periodic.
I drink Kabuto beer, that is black Weizen beer, good taste.
Small bottle 330cc is 650yen.

I enter beer producing museum. Charge is 200yen.
Museum shows a beer producing method, beer poster, Kauto beer history.
Meiji period has a many industry spots in Japan, Hands is also industry spots in Aichi pref.

Next is a Birth house of Nankichi-Niimi.
This house is small two-storey 4 room house.

I go to Embankment of Yahagi River.
Middle to End of September, lots of cluster amaryllis are full blooming at this Yahagi River.

Next is Museum of Embankment of Nankichi-Niimi.
This museum has a unique design building.
Set the exhibition hall in the basement of the green park.

Charge is 210yen.
Nankichi-Niimi is a famouse Fairy tale writer.
He write a Gon-Gitsune Fairy tale at 18years old.
Gon-Gitsune is a yellow color fox.

He is not healthy, died at 29years old.

Gon-Gitsune is used elementary school's text book.
It has been translated in many languages.
This museum has some explainers.
Please request a explanation to explainer.
Explanation is No charge.

I return to ChitaHanda station, this is the end of this trip.

Using a bicycle, trip needs 3.5hr.
Please visit Handa city.

That's it.