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Pumpkin memorial service of the Yata temple

2021-11-27 12:00:46 | Festival

I would like to inform the pumpkin memorial service of the Yata temple.

I ride Kyoto Station on a subway in "in front of Kyoto-shi government office" and am arrival in Yata temple in a 6-minute walk.

It is the temple in the lively mall.

The pumpkin memorial service is an event said to that middle windbreak and various diseases breaking up include benefit, and the people of the prayer rub it and pray for various diseases breaking up including a middle windbreak.

The pumpkin which cooked indulgently free is served from 10:00 on Thursday, December 23, 2021 by the worshiper of 1,000 first arrival.

On the day there is a long line.

I can purchase a pumpkin memorial service-limited Goshuin.