Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Kobe Harbour Land Trip

2015-01-11 21:19:32 | Sea trip
Kobe Harbour Land Trip
I would like to inform Kobe Harbour Land Trip.
I get off at JR Kobe station.

Go east, then arrive at Giraffe statue.

After 7 minutes walking, I arrive at Harbour Land.
I see Harbour Land, go to Harbour Walk.

There is Old Kobe Lighthouse.

Harbour Walk is from Kobe Lighthouse to Brick Warehouse.

Street lights and benches are set, you can sit bench and see sea.

Ship Dog is seen.

Walk this Harbour Walk, arrive at Brick Warehouse.

This house has a shop, and a restaurant.
Eating dinner at this restaurant with lover is best.

Harbour Land is lighted up from evening.

Over this house, Hanekko bridge is seen.

There is the repairing warehoused.
Many workers are repairing.

To see workers in detail, they are dolls.
They are working at accurate representation.
It has humor.

Harbour Land Gas Light street holds illumination Lights till end of March.
About 100 thousands lights are shining.

Please visit Kobe Harbour Land.

That's it.

Wakasa-Takahama sea trip in Fukui pref.

2014-09-26 23:06:09 | Sea trip
I would like to inform Wakasa-Takahama sea in Fukui pref.

I get off at Wakasa-Takahama station.
I buy a box lunch, and Grilled mackerel.
Grilled mackerel is a famous food for Takahama town.

I go to north about 10minutes, arrive at seashore.

I go to right side. There are many fishes at seashore.
Sea is very beautiful.

Going along seashore, Peninsula is seen.
I arrive at the base of the peninsula, that is Shiroyama Park.
I confirm the Shiroyama Park Map at the guide map plate.

I go to the east side of the peninsula.
You can see a beautiful beach, that is Shiroyama beach.
Fine sandy beaches and shallow sea is spreading.

Bautiful sea and lawn are seen.

I climb north-east peninshura, caves are seen.
There are eight caves in this peninsula.
This cave is very beautiful.

Observatory is seen.
You can see a wonderful Japan-Sea at this observatory.
Today is a fine day, clean Blue sea and Sunny sky makes a best contrast view.

Next, I climb the west side of peninshura.
Hamami shrine is seen at right side.

This shrine is small, and is built by Itsumi clan.
It is in front of Takahama Castle.

Tenshukaku and Castle's Honmaru are connected by bridge.

Go forward, then arrive at Nino-maru, Sanno-maru.
Light house is existing at seaside.

From lighthouse, you can see a wide view of Japansea.
I walk along seaside, sea lock and small islands are seen.
This seaside footpath is a recommended route.

I return to the base of peninshura.
Today is a shrine's festival, Mikoshi is lifted up by the people.

The street south of the one from the coast is an old town street.
Edo period houses are existing.

I return to JR Wakasa-Takaha station.
This is the end of the trip.

There are many Nuclear power plants in Wakasa-Takahama.
Current these plants are stopping.
So, Wakasa sea is more beautiful than nuclear power plans running year.

Fukui Wakasa-Takaha is an old town.
This city had prospered during the Heian period.

Please visit Wakasa-Takaha town and see a beautiful sea.

That's it.