Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Bird waching at Kyoto Kamo river

2017-08-17 18:41:14 | nature trip
I would like to inform Bird waching at Kyoto Kamo river.

Kamo river is a rest place for travelers and Kyoto citizenz.
I get off at Gion Shijyo of Keihan train.

I get off the riverbank of Kamogawa at Kyoto Shijo-dorian.
I observe Small heron, Blue heron, Goi heron, Cormorant, Spotbill duck.

Small heron looks into the water and catches small fish quickly.
I am impressed by the Small heron's sharp eyes and quick movement.
Small heron is hunting only 3 m far from people.

Blue heron stand on the rocks in the middle of the river, and search fishes.

Goi heron is hunting the fish at the river steps.

Cormorant is diving and catching fish.
Cormorant seems to be the best hunter.

Spotbill duck's parent and child are swimming near the river bank.
Spotbill duck's child comes near the people for getting snacks and sweets.

Next I ride Keihan Train, get off at DemachiYanagi station.
I go to the connecting point of the Kamogawa and Takano Rivers.

Families with children are cheering and taking small fish and crabs.
Medaka and Oikawa 's frys are swimming in herd.

When going upstream in the Takano River a little, Black Kite snows to the river and catches the fish.
Black Kite fly like a fighter aircraft suddenly descends to the river, catches fish, and eats fish in the middle of the river.

Black Kite also aims at lunch boxes of tourists who eat box lunches on the river bank.
I experiensed that my chopstick sushi was stolen by this bird.

Please observe wild birds in Kamogawa between Kyoto sightseeing.
In the summer, you can observe many birds.
That's it.

Observation of Swallow's roost

2017-08-03 01:41:15 | nature observation
I would like to inform swallows returning to roosts.

"Observation of the swallow's roost" held by the Japan Wild Bird Society from the end of July to the beginning of August.
I participated it, and was impressed.

Take the subway Sakuradori line from Nagoya station and get off at Aioi mountain station, walk to the south for about 8 minutes, I arrive at Horagaike Park.

I observe the swallows returning to their roosts.

Swallows are migratory birds that came to Japan in spring and raised their children, after nesting in June, they grow to adults and travel to wintering areas in September.
Overwintering areas are Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and so on.
From the middle of July to the middle of August 2000 to 3000 swallows are roosting at this pond.
In the daytime, the swallow fly around the sky away from the pond, looking for food, returning to this pond in the evening, stopping at the stem of the Ashi growing in the pond.

The observation is good in the evening when it gets dark.
From 19:00 to 19:30 is the best.

Swallows gather this pond from 19:00.
Swallow fly around the top of the pond at high speed, then stop at the Ashi stem and sleep.

The number of swallows are increasing, and at around 19:10 the sky above the pond is covered with swallows.
The swallow fly around at high speed has power.

There are several swallows stopping at the branches of the Ashi.
Ashi is covered with black swallows.

The nearest Swallow is stopping at Ash at a distance of about 2 m from the fence of the pond.

It is best time to visit until August 15th.

When observing, please take countermeasures against insect repellent.
And keep quietly without flash photography.

Swallows are decreasing in number year after year, due to capture by crows and reduction of farmers.
Swallows are rare birds who make nests in human houses and trust people.
Please observe with gentle watching.

That's it.