Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Yonago Castle Ruin, Izumo-Taisha schrine

2014-04-30 10:57:15 | train travel
I would like to inform Tottori city, Yonago Castle Ruin, Izumo-Taisha schrine.

Go to Kamigori from Himeji. Change train at Kamigori to Jito Express "Inaba" to Tottori.

Get off at Tottori, walk north about 10minutes, you arrive at Fukuro River.
April 4, cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

Next is Yonago city.
Going to Yonago by JR train, you can see a Japan sea.
Mikuriya station is oldest station building in Sanin line.
Near Yonago station, lots of Wind-generated electricities are seen.

HokiDaisen station, big Mt.Daisen is near th station.
I remember Daisen climbing at high school summer climbing.

I arrive at Yonago station.

Get off this station, go along Chokoku road 15minutes, you arrive at Yonago castle ruins.

Over route 9, this is a entrance of Yonago Castle.
Climbing castle mountain, soon arrive at view place.
You can see a Yonago sea.
Climb 10 minutes, you arrive at Honmaru.

Honmaru is a big place.
Over Honmaru, there is Tenshukaku ruin.
Yonago castle is built by Hiroie Kikkawa at 1591.
At 1601, Kazutada Nakamura establish Tenshukaku.
This castle is biggest in Sanin area.
Castle is dismantled at Meiji period, but current is only stone wall.
From Tenshukaku ruin, wide Yonago sea, and Yonago downtown are seen.
It is a splendid view.

After Yonago, go to Izumo city station.

I arrive at Izumo city. I stay this city hotel.

Next morning, I ride Ichibata Electric Railway to Izumo Taisha shrine.

I go to Izumo-Taisha-Mae.
Ichibata Electric Railway is used for Movie"RAILWAYS".
Used train for movie is displayed at this station.
You can see the train and movie photos.
Acter Kiichi Nakai act a train driver.

Get off Izumo-Taisha-Mae, this station building is old and traditional.
Go to north, after some shops, you arrive at shrine gate.

Go to approaching road, big pillar is seen at right side.
At Yamato period, high building is established at here.
This pillar is used for this building.
This pillar is combined 3 pillars by band.

Go forward, you can see a OkuniNushi-No-mikoto statue worshipping Mitama ball.
This statue is according to Old Japanese story.

Final gate and Pray shrine are seen.
Pray shrine has a big Shimenawa.
Over Pray shrine, Main shrine is existing.
Main shrine worships OkuniNushi-No-mikoto.
Main shrine is a big shrine that is 24m height.
Pray method is 2bows-4beats-1bow.
This pray method is original one, usually shrine adopt 1bow-2beats-1bow.

Next is Izumo-Taisha-material museum.
This entrance charge is only 200yen.
This museum display this shrine's history, and shrine's Miniature model.
You will understand overall shrine buildings by this Miniature model.

Izumo-Taisha is famous for god of marriage.
Heisei Daisengu is finished last year.
Daisengu is repairing roof and broken structures after 60years.

So. Current Izumo-Taisha is beautiful.
Please visit and pray Izumo-Taisha.

Next report is Iwami silver mine.

That's it.

Walking Oku-Arashiyama Trip

2014-04-24 23:53:18 | castle trip
I would like to inform Oku-Arashiyama trip.

Get off at JR Kyoto, change train to Saga-Arashiyama.
Get off at this station, first to go to Washoku restaurant for lunch.

I order Kaiseki lunch 3000yen. Tenpura, Tofu are good taste.
But Arashiyama's prices of commodities is little bitte high.
After 12:00, restaurant is full, I recommend early lunch is convenient.

After lunch, go to Oku-Arashiyama, through Togetsukyo, Nakanoshima park.
Cross the bridge, and turn right along Katsura river and Hozu River.
Arashiyama normal sightseeing Cource is Togetsukyo, Arashiyama park, Tenryuji temple.
This time I introduce Oku-Arashiyama, that is Upper stream from Togetsukyo.
There are lots of maple trees with young leaves along Hozu river.
Go to road with slope 15minutes.

Go to road with slope 15minutes.
Big rocks are sitting river side.

Go forward, You find the end of road.
There is boat harbor.
Stone steps is starting.
This stone steps is for Senkoji temple.
Climbing 5minutes, you arrive at Senkoji temple.
Temple charge is 400yen.

After gate, I find Big bell. This bell is used for Jyoya no Kane.
3hits are available for one person.
I hits Bell 3 times, nice sound.

Climb stone steps againe, you find Maine temple.
Main temple has a veranda, from veranda you can see Hozu river, Arashiyama, Truck train, Kyoto tower.

Truck train going along Hozu river is a wonderful landscape.
Binoculars is set on the chair, please sit on the chair and use Binoculars to see the wonderful landscape in detail.

I go to Arashiyama many times, but I don't know Senkoji temple.
Please enjoy wonderful view.
Woman clerk say "This temple's view is Superb view."
In this temple, tea restaurant is opened.
To stay in this temple with drinking Maccha is a gorgeous time.

From Togetsukyo to Senkoji temple needs 2km distance.
Along Hozu river, Boats, Sighseeing ships are available.

Please try to explore the Oku-Arashiyama.

That's it.

Visit Kochi city trip

2014-04-19 14:36:38 | castle trip
I would like to inform Kochi city trip.

Last report is Tokushima trip.
From Tokushima Oboke station, I arrive at Kochi station in the evening.
I stay at hotel near Harimayabashi.

JR Kochi station is renewed, it is beautiful.

Next morning I go to the Ryoma born museum.
It shows Ryoma Sakamoto's history and his born house.
You can take a picture with Ryoma wax model.

Near this museum, Stone monument of Ryoma is existing.
It is a big monument.

I go to Kochi castle by tram.
After castle gate, you can see a Taisuke Itagaki statue, that make a brave pose.

Climbing stone steps, The wife statue of Kazutoyo-Yamanouchi's with famous horse is seen.
End of stone steps, you arrive at Ninomaru park.

From Ninomaru park, through bridge, you arrive at Tenshukaku.
Tenshukaku is original and national treasure.
This Tenshukaku has 6 floors, top floor gives you a wide and wonderful view of Kochi city.

Kochi Tenshukaku is connected to Honmaru,
In the Honmaru, lots of rooms are seen, this Honmaru is also national treasure.
After Honmaru, go to Statue of Kazutoyo Yamanouchi.
Kochi castle was made by Kazutoyo Yamanouchi.

Before Edo period, Shikoku is governed by Chosokabe clan.
Motochika Chosokabe is a brave Sanurai, borned in Kochi.
I request Kochi city, Chosokabe is a nature famous person.
Please make his castle and museum.

Near castle, Sunday free market is held.
Lots of shops are seen.

After castle, I take a lunch, near Harimayabashi.

Katsuo-no-Tataki is a famouse cuisine in Kochi.
Lunch set of Katsuo-no-Tataki is very good taste.
Katsuo-no-Tataki in Kochi is best taste.
Katsuo-no-Tataki in other area is not good taste.

Next visit is Parking of Tosa tram.
Get off at Sanbashi Mae station.
North-west of this station, Tosa trum parking is seen.
There are colorful 10 trains are seen.
Many trams are waiting their order.

Near this parking, Museum of Free civil rights movement.
The museum is a monument museum of Taisuke-Itagaki.
Free civil rights movement history in Japan are educated by video and many Goods.

Kochi city train traffic is not convenient.
I recommend you to use bus from Osaka to Kochi, bus traffic has many buses in the timetable, and reasonable charge.
Please visit Kochi city of Meiji Restoration by bus.

That's it.

Tokushima castle and Kazura Bridge Trip

2014-04-13 21:33:25 | Walking Trip
I would like to inform Tokushima Trip.

From Takamatsu City, Go to Tokushima City by JR train.

First go to Awaodori Hall.
Walking west about 15minutes, you arrive at this Hall.
This hall hold Awaodori dancing show three times.

Awaodori Museum is 3rd floor.
This museum explain dancing shape.
Man dancing, Woman dancing.

I think Awaodori does not have dancing shape, I understand man shape, woman shape.

Next visit is Mt.Bizan.
Ropeway is from 5th floor.
Ropeway charge : round trip is 1020yen.

Ropeway riding is only 6minutes.
From Bizan, Tokushima downtown is seen.

Descend Mt.Bizan.
Next is Zuigenji temple.

This temple has garden and tea house, triple tower.

Next visit is Tokushima castle ruins.
From west gate, I go to Tokushima castle ruins.

Climb stone steps about 8minutes, you arrive at Honmaru ruins.

Tokushima castle does not have Tenshukaku, has Honmaru, west Ninomaru, East Ninomaru,and West Sannomaru.
This castle is on the low mountain.

Honmaru garden is big.
Thiscastle is built by Iemasa Hachisuka.
Descend this castle, I arrive at SL train park, and Statue of Iemasa Hachisuka.

Near Statue of Iemasa Hachisuka, there is Tokushima castle museum.
This museum has famouse Garden.
East end of this castle, Gate is existing.
This gate is rebuilding.
Only this gate, I can image Tokushima Castle.

Next is going to Awaikeda from Tokushima station by train.

You have to change train at Awaikeda station.
Starting from Awaikeda station, you can see Ikeda high school on the hil.

Get off at Oboke station, I eat lunch.

I go to Heike house.

Walking to Heike house needs 50minutes.
This house is Kayabuki: that is Thatch.
Shows Heike goods for souvenir.

At Heike house, I ride a bus 25minutes, arrive at Kazura bridge.
This famouse place has lots of travelers.
Kazura bridge is made of Shinakuchi-Kazura plants.
This bridge is length 45m・width 2m・Heigh from river is 14m.

This bridge Origin is making for Heike peoples.
Making by Kazura is easy to cut bridge.
This bridge has to make renewal 3years pitch.
Walking this bridge by one ways.

Near bridge, Waterfall of Biwa is beautiful.
The waterfall height is 50m.

Kazura bridge and Biwa waterfall are famouse traveling point.
Near waterfall restaurant, I eat a big Ayu fish.
I return to bus stop, to a Oboke valley.
Oboke valley shows a beautiful valley.

Oboke valley shop is available to ride a ship.
Down the river: 1080yen is not expensive.
Over this valley, lots of Koinoboris are swimming.
Return to Oboke station, ride a train to Kochi station.

Next report will be informed next week.

Kunozan Toshogu and Kuno Ishigaki Strawberry Walking Trip

2014-04-06 15:24:16 | Walking Trip
I would like to inform Kunozan-Toshogu and Ishigaki-Strawberry-farm in Shizuoka.

Get off at JR Shizuoka station, visit travel information and get a discount ticket around Kunozan-Toshogu.
Ride a bus to NihonDaila.
There are 2 ways for going to Kunozan-Toshogu.
1stway : Go to NihonDaira by bus, ride Ropeway
2ndway : Go to Kunozan Toshogu, climbe Mt.Kuno.
I select 1stway.
Bus for NihonDaira is one hour span time schedule.
Please adjust Bus time-table.

Arrive at NihonDaira. This hill is 307m height.
Pacific sea and Mt.Fuji are seen from this hill.
It is wonderful.
Especially Mt Fuji view is best one in Japan.

From NihonDaira, ride Ropeway for going to Kunozan-Toshogu.
Only 5 minutes riding, you arrive at Top of Mt.Kuno.
Kunozan-Toshogu was built at 1616 by Hidetada Tokugawa according to Ieyasu Tokugawa's will.
Kunozan-Toshogu is National treasure.

Toshogu entrance is in front of Ropeway station.
Set ticket with Treasure Museum is recomended.
Stone steps to main shrine is steep.
First house is Hie shrine, next is worship shrine.

Worship shrine is similar to Nikko-Toshogu.
Because Nikko Toshogu was built after Kunozan-Toshogu.
Name of Toshogu is according to Toshodaigongen, that is Toshogu's Ieyasu god name.
First Toshogu shrine is this Kunozan.

Nikko-Toshogu size is tripple of Kunozan-Toshogu.
Nikko-Toshogu shrine wall has lots of animal's drawing, and restless feeling.
I think Kunozan-Toshogu is better as a proper shrine.
Main shrine has blue Komainu, that is wild same as tiger or lion.

After main shrine, climb stone steps, then you arrive at Ieyasu Grave.

Next visit is Treasure Museum.
This museum has lots of Ieyasu's goods, that are armors, letters etc.
Famous good is golden clock, that is a present from Spanish king.
Please see this clock.
In front of this museum wide pacific view is grate.

Going downstairs stone steps, enjoy wonderful view.
This stone steps are 1159.
To climb this stone steps is tired, but downstairs is easy and available to see wide pacific view.
I recommend 1stway.

Go downstairs about 30 minutes, you arrive at Shrine gate.

After Toshogu, please visit strawberry farm.
Please enjoy picking up strawberry in the farm.
This picking up season is from January to April.
Charge is 1600-2000yen.

Strawberry farm in Kuno adopt stone wall type.
This stone wall type warms strawberry and make its taste sweet.
Then Kuno strawberry is early harvest season compare to other farm type.
I recommend to reserve to pick up strawberry.
I walk around strawberry farm about one hour, I am tired.
I ask town man, where is bus stop. He explain the route, then he ride me his car.
I can ride bus in short times.
I appreciate him for riding me his car.

Then I return to Shizuoka station.
Kunozan-toshogu has wonderful pacific view and bright Shrine.
Please visit this Shrine.

That's it.