Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Nagara River Railroad Trip

2013-03-23 01:30:31 | train travel
I'd like to inform the trip of Nagara River Railroad. Railroad which runs 72 km from Mino-Oota to Kitano.
Nagaragawa Railroad is a local railroad which connects from Minokamo-southern Gifu to the neighborhood of southern Fukui along Nagara-River,
which is one of the three Japanese major clear streams.
Train is a calm one vehicle.
On the railway, there are some wonderful view points which exceeds Nagara-River on an iron bridge, through the train window.

Please purchase the free ticket, 2000 yen.
From 6:00 at Mino-Oota Station at early morning, we can see six Nagara-River wonderful view points along the river.
Aiming at terminal point Kitano Station by train of 6:26 shots.
It arrives at terminal point Kitano Station 8:34.
Gujohachiman is a famous for Gujo odori and clean water.
It gets off at Gujohachiman Station, and goes to the old government building of Gujo odori origin, and Shinbashi.
From Shinbashi, a commemorative photo is taken by the viewpoint which is in Nagara River overlooks.
The head which walks along the riverbank of the branch Yoshida river in Nagara-River, and gushes: Visit Sogi water.

When you have a enough time, are a good walker, the Gujohachiman castle should also be gone.
Whole Gujohachiman can be overlooked.

In Gujohachiman of 13:00 shots, it gets off at Mino city Station, and takes a walk the rows of houses from the Edo period which a short pillar set on a beam to support a ridgepole goes up.

It gets off by 14:30 shots at the station in front of an edged tool hall, and sees work of an edged tool at a blacksmith tradition hall.

"the dark state of the west side -- a barrier -- please take a rest in a tea stall and take a walk a riverbank.
A cherry tree can be seen in spring.

Kitakinnki Tango railroad trip of Northern Kyoto

2013-03-14 01:46:49 | train travel
Introduce Kitakinki Tango Railway trip.

Kitakinki Tango Railway consists of Miyafuku Line which connects Miyazu to Fukuchiyama,
and a Miyazu line, which connects Toyooka to Nishi-Maizuru, passes along near the Amanohashidate of the three most famous views in Japan.

Schedule: Propose the railroad trip for one night and two days from Osaka.
1st day: Please go by JR train from Osaka to Higashi-Maizuru, and then walk and see the Maizuru municipal-government memorial hall of a city office, and the red brick museum.
And then go to Nishi-Maizuru by JR, the Tanabe castle museum should be seen. Please stay one night in Nishi-Maizuru.
The 2nd day: Early in the morning at the beautiful station building in Nishi-Maizuru, purchase the free ticket "Oneday local freechiket with onetime special express chiket" of Kitakinki Tango Railway. It is 1500 yen. You can ride whole-line-free for a standard-sized car, and a special express can also be taken only once.
Kitakinki Tango Railway, the following route is recommended.
Starts at 7:00 in the morning from Nishi-Maizuru -> Miyazu -> Amanohashidate (it gets off and takes a walk) -> Kizu hot spring (getting off footbath) -> Final stop Toyooka (it gets off and takes a walk)
To ride a special express from Toyooka to the Fukuchiyama at about 13:00.
It goes to south from Miyazu, and going to Fukuchiyama about 30 minute.
To travel to the Fukuchiyama castel, its first daimyo is Akechimitsuhide.
To see a wonderfull view from Fukuchiyama castel.

Notes :
-To Toyooka line train, sitting on the right-hand side is better for seeing sea side and Amanohashidate.
Best view
-There is an iron bridge no less than 550 m length in the Yura river,between Miyazu and Nishi-Maizuru. You can see a tremendous view,same as running on the sea.
-You can see a Amano-hashidate's wonderful view from the train window.
-A wonderfull view from the top floor of Fukuchiyama castel.

Gakunan Train's Travel

2013-03-03 20:19:50 | 旅行
I'd like to inform you Gakunan Train's Travel.

Gakunan Train is a local train in Shizuoka Pref.Japan.
Train is from Yoshiwara to Gakunan-enoo.
Start Yoshiwara station is in Fuji city,between Fuji Sta.and Higashi-Tagonoura Sta.
in JR Tokaido line.
The whole line of this railroad is only 9.2km.
Yoshiwara is not Tokyo's Yoshiwara,is post town in Tokaido.
At Yoshiwara Station,please buy a oneday free ticket in a low price,Saturday & Sunday:400yen,weekday:700yen.
Ticket is a old fashioned type, that is thick papar and punched.
Japanese railroad fan likes this ticket.
Recommend travel is Yoshiwara post town -> Gakunan-fujioka -> Gakunan-enoo.
Getting off in Yoshiwara-honmachi, you will find a post town in west side of
this staion.You can eat some famous food,Fujiganmo which is a famous fried Tofu in this town.
From Gakunan-harada and Hina staion, you can see a new scenery.Train goes to between paper factories,you can see a chimney and Mt.Fuji.
At Gakuna-Fujioka staion,Yusui park & Iou temple are good places.In Iou temple,you will fond a grave of Kansuke Yamamoto,he was a staff officer of Shingen Takeda at about 420 years ago.
Final station Gakunan-enoo,you will see two traditional trains in platform,please take a picture.
When you are single,please request train driver,he will take a picture for you.
Returning to Yoshiwara can easy to ride JR train,because Gakunan train is scheduled to JR time table. Have a good train travel.