Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Autumn leaves at Kyoto Eizan train Maple tunnel

2013-11-30 05:12:41 | train travel
I would like to inform Kyoto Eizan train Maple tunnel.

I go to Demachi Yanagi station by Keihan train.
At Demachi Yanagi, change train to Eizan train.

Eizan train has two big Autumn leaves area, Kurama and Yase-Hieizan-Guchi.
I recommend you to buy One-day Free ticket, 1000yen.

First to ride Eizan Line to final stop Yase-Hieizan-Guchi.

Get off this station, you can see lots of red maple trees.
Go to river and see maple tree, this is wonderful.

Then go to Kurama station.

Till end of November, Autumn Leaves Lighting up is available to see at night.
Lighting up area is from Ichihara station to Ninose station.

At this area, car ligh is turned off and train moves slowly, you can see a wonderful Autumn Leaves.

Please wear a winter clothes, this area is colder than Kyoto down town.

Eizan train Autumn Leaves is available to see till December 6.

Enjoy Kyotio Autumn Leavs.

That's it.

Walking trip for Tohukuji temple, Senshoji temple, Yogenin temple, Sanjyusangendo temple

2013-11-25 00:48:34 | Walking Trip
I would like to inform middle East of Kyoto trip by walking.

First go to Tohukuji temple.
Get off JR Tohukuji station, after 15minutes walk you arrive Tohukuji temple.

Earthen wall are continueing to Tohukuji temple.
Tohukuji was named To by Todaiji temple, Huku was named by Kohukuji temple.
Befor Temple, you arrive the bridge.

At this bridge, you can see Tsuten bridge and lots of maple trees, it is wonderful.
I go to Kaizando.
In this main temple, stone garden and Japanese garden are existing.

When you sit down the beranda, you can see a beautiful stone garden, and feel
nice time.

Early of November, National treasure display 2nd floor of Sanmon.
Buddha statues and pictures are shown about one week.

Only this period you can climb Sanmon and see national treasures.
At the beranda Kyoto tower and big landscape are seen.

Early of November, please visit Sanmon.
Near Sanmon Tousu is existing, this is a big toilet for Monk at Muromachi period.

This toilet is length 30m, width 10m.
Tousu is a Important cultural properties.
Lots of toilet bowl are seen.
Autumn leaf season is end of November.

Next is Senshoji temple, 25minutes from Tohukuji temple.

Senshoji temple is Emperor using temple.
Not so many travelers are visiting this temple.

Enter main temple, you find many Crest of chrysanthemum in the temple.
Gyokuza no Ma is a emperor sitting room.

Next is Yogennin temple.
20minutes walk from Senshoji temple.

Ms.Yodo-gimi establish this temple for Nagamasa Azai.
After firing this temple, Ms.Ogo establish this temple again.
In the garden, Grave of Oichi,and Ogo are existing.

This temple's monk gather worshipers and explain them this temple, so you have to wate about 20 minutes.
Important goods: Husuma picture by Sotatsu Tawaraya, worshiping Azai and Toyotomi and Tokugawa.
You can find Bloodstain of Samurai on the Ceiling.

Next is Sanjyusangendo.
1000 Kannons are standing in the temple.

Each Kannon is different face and pose.
Because producer is different.
Sanjyusangendo means 33gen.
Gen is measuring Japanese length scale.
Between pole to pole is 33gen; 60m.

New years day, this temple hold Toshiya: arrow competition.
This temple is famous for foreign travelers, lots of travelers are entering this temple.

This trip Cource needs 6 hours.
Walking trip is better for you.
Please chalenge walking trip at Kyoto city.

Ryoanji Temple, Tojiin temple Trip by Randen Kitano Line

2013-11-22 23:36:18 | Trip
I would like to inform Myoshinji temple, Ninnaji temple, Ryoanji temple, Tojiin temple,
Kitano Tenmangu shrine.

I ride a Randen train, from Shijyo Ohmiya to Katabirano Tsuji.
Using a one day free ticket is convenient and economy.
Change train at Katabirano Tsuji, and ride Kitano line train to dgo to Myoshinji station.
Get off at Myoshinji station, and go to south gate of Myoshinji temple.

This temple has a big precinct, and some bicycles run in a precinct.
This temple is Zen temple.
Simple appearance that saved waste is characteristic.

Next is a Ninnaji temple, that is northwest from Myoshinji temple.

Ninnaji temple was established at 888.
It was a Emperor house, and World heritage.
Main shrine has the important Husuma pictures.

Now a Automn leaf is beautiful.

Next is a Ryoanji temple, 15minutes walk from Ninnaji temple.

Stone garden is famous and World heritage.
This temple is crowded, so sitting the beranda is not easy.

This garden is sands and 15 stones.
To see all stones is difficult, but one position is available to see all stones.
Gardener say that Sands is sea, Stones is mountain.
Ryoanjj temple has big garden, after stone garden, please walk this big Gardena.

Next is Tojiin temple, 15minutes walk from Ryoanji.

Tojiin is a Ashikaga house temple, and built at Ashikaga Shogunate period.
This temple has a Grave of Takauji Ashikaga and the grave of all Ashikaga Shogun.

15 wooden statues for all Ashikaga Shoguns are existing in the temple.

When entering this temple, you can walk the garden, and see many maple trees.
Green tea set is nice for you.

This tea set has a Japanese confectionery; Fuyo no Tsuki, that is same as Mikasa-Yaki.
To Drink green tea and eat confectionery make you a wonderful time.
A few traveler visits this temple, so you can see valuable traveling points leisurely.
I think that Tojiin temple is a best temple in Japan.

Next is a Kitano Tenmangu shrine. It is 15minutes walk from Tojiin temple.

Kitano Tenmangu shrine is a god of study.
Many Test-takers are worshiping this shrine.
Stroking cow statue makes you a study benefit.

This traveling Cource needs 6 hours.
Go to Kitano-hakubai-cho station, and return to Shijyo Ohmiya.

That's it.

Arashiyama Trip by Trams Train, Randen Train

2013-11-17 23:07:14 | opinion
I would like to inform Arashiyama and Randen train Trip.

I get off at Saga Arashiyama station, and go to Trokko Train.

First to reserve ticket, because tickets are full booking.
I recommend reserve a afternoon ticket, because after eating Yudofu for lunch.
Next to go to Togetsu bridge.

Togetsu bridge is usually crowded.
Please take care not to hit people.

Kyoto taxi is running near pedestrian at high speed.
Very danger for pedestrian.
At walking narrow road, take care cars.

Walking around Hozu river, I recommend Yudofu: boiled tofu.
It is famous hood at Arashiyama.
Yudofu tofu is delicious.

After eating Yudofu, return to Trokko Train, ride this Train.

Autom leaf at Hozu river is now a best season to see.
Riding Trokko train is cold. Please wear a thick clothes.

Ride this train till Kameoka.
Getting off at Kameoka station, ride a bus to Pier.
Next is riding a Hozu boat tours.

Trokko train and Hozu river boat tour is a best method for seeing autumn leaf.

Next is going to Daikakuji temple by bus.

Daikakuji has a Hirosawa pond.
Enter the temple and walking around pond is good.
Now a autumn leaf season, autumn leaf with pond is wonderful.

Next is riding Randen train.

One day free ticket is 500yen.

Get off at Rokuouin station.
After 15minures walk, you arrive at Rokuouin temple.

This temple is Zen temple.
Garden has a maple tree and moss.
I recommend to sit down veranda and see this garden.

Next is Kurumaori Shrine.

Station is Kurumaori shrine mae.
In front of this station, this shrine is existing.
This shrine is for money, good luck, study, marriage.
Main shrine's vermilion color is beautiful.

Final stop Shijyo Omiya station, get off this station.
15minutes walking to the west, you arrive at Mivu temple.
Mivu temple is famous for Shinsen gumi, and Mivu Kyogen.
Shinsen gumi is training the members at this Mivu temple.

This temple has a grave of Isamu Kondo, and Shinsen gumi membership.

Around Mivu temple, Kintsuba cake is popular.

Kintsuba has 4 kinds types: Silver, green tea, Malone, sweet potatoes.

Trip by Randen is available for going to many famous travel points of west Kyoto.
This time inform Randen Arashiyama Line.
Next time I will inform Randen Kitano Line.
Please enjoy Randen trip.

That's it.

Kinosaki hot Spring trip

2013-11-08 22:21:18 | Hot spring
I would like to inform Kinosaki hot Spring in north of Hyogo pref.

Going to Kinosaki by JR Sanin line trough Fukuchiyama, 2.5hours from Kyoto.

Kinosaki hot spring has 1300years history, and 7 famous Hot Springs.
I buy One day free ticket for 7 springs 1200yen.

In front of the Kinosaki station, this spring is existing.
This spring has a Super Sento system.
Big bath and not so many people.

Jizo-son was born from this spring.
Big Toro is near the entrance, hexagon window of this building is designed from Genbu rock.
Jet bath is comfortable.

This spring is welling up from willow tree that was planted from Lake West in China.
This bath is small, deep bath is comforatable.
But lots of people are entering this bath, it is difficult to enter.

Spring doctor said this spring is the best one, so this spring is called Ichino yu.
This spring is cent of Kinosaki town.
Rock bath is famous and has a steam effect.

This spring is opened from 2005, newest spring.
Sky bath, Waterfall bath are famous.
Waterfall bath has three waterfalls.
This spring is also lots of people.

Stork injury was healed at this spring 1400years ago.
So,this spring is called Kono yu.
This spring is little bit away from town.
This spring is calm spring, not so many people enter this bath.
Open-air bath has beautiful garden, you can relax.

This spring was discovered 717years ago.
This spring has a barrel bath.
You can relax in this barrel bath.
Not so many people are entering.

Minimum 3.5 hours and enough body power are necessary for entering 7 springs.
I recommend 4 springs for one day.
Young people are available for entering 7 springs.

Kinosaki spring has a traditional town with river and willow tree.
Walking around this town with Yukata and Geta is relaxing for you.

Winter season is best for Kinosaki spring.
Please go to Kinosaki spring and eat crab.