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Hassaku festival of the Matsuo Taisha shrine

2019-08-16 11:33:00 | Festival
I would like to inform Hassaku festival of held Matsuo shrine to 8/31, 9/1.

"Hassaku festival" of the Matsuo shrine is a festival to pray for wind and rain going well, a staple grains abundant harvest, family security.
It will be held on first Sunday of September every year.

I get off at Hankyu Arashiyama Line Matsuo Taisha Station.

I arrive Matsuo shrine to the west on an approach to a shrine from the station square for approximately five minutes on foot.

On the Hassaku feast day, the eve is enforced on 8/31 Saturday of the day before.

2019Festival contents
The 8/31 eve
Group drum : start about 17:00
Festival dance : start about 19:00 - finish about 20:30
9/1 main festival
Hassaku sumo : start about 8:00
Goddess sedan chair Imperial tour : start about 8:30 - finish about 15:00
Kamikatsura spirit of a dead person drum : start about 13:00
Sagano Rokusai Nenbutsu dance : start about 16:00 - finish about 17:30

Many lamps of the precincts are turned on after the sunset with both days.
The picture which the child wrote becomes many lamps.

At the eve 8/31, Bon festival dance is recommended.

Quiet many lamps corridor gives attraction.
There are many women wearing a yukata.

It is most suitable if I participate in Bon festival dance with a yukata.

There are many branches, and the lucky charm is sold, too.

9/1 main festival
The miniature shrine which women carry, start Matsuo big shrine for from 8:30 to 9:00.

The miniature shrine go to Ooi River for perform ferrying event.
It is supported by two ships and goes to the upper Ooi River.

It is welcomed by "the meeting drum" at about 12:30 and goes ashore.

The miniature shrine performs Shinto ritual in Nomiya Shrine at about 13:00.
The miniature shrine take a brake at Itsuki teahouse across Togetsu-kyo Bridge.

You can see a carrying woman and a miniature shrine slowly and carefully if you watch the departure of the miniature shrine here.
The miniature shrine leave the Itsuki teahouse and come back to the Matsuo shrine at past 15:00.

After the miniature shrine was over, the Sagano Rokusai Nenbutsu dance is carried out in a worship hall.

After the interesting dance of the "man with a clownish mask" "woman with a clownish mask ", and the dance is finished by "a dance of a lion and spider”.

You can thoroughly enjoy Hassaku festival if you participate by staying from the eve.
Because there are few tourists in the hassaku festival of the Matsuo shrine, you can watch the details of the festival.
Please go to and look festival in detail.

that’s it.