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The Kakeuma Shinji of Fujimori Festival

2023-04-11 13:12:12 | shrine trip

Fujimori Festival is held from May 1 to 5 every year, and during the Shinko Festival, three mikoshi, a warrior procession, and a drum flute corps built by Ujiko in the Edo period tour the Ujiko area. 

This time, we will introduce the Kakeuma Shinji of this Fujimori Festival. From JR Kyoto Station, take the Nara Line and get off at Fujimori Station. It takes about 5 minutes on foot to the northwest and you will arrive at Fujimori Shrine.

The Kakeuma Shinji will be held on May 5 from 11:30 and 13:30, and seven types of acrobatic techniques such as reins diving, reverse riding, arrow slashing, sideways riding, and handstand will be demonstrated. 

The stunning feat of recreating the horsemanship of the battlefield is thrilling and powerful.