Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Maritime Self Defense Force of Etajima, Hiroshima Prefecture Old Naval Academy

2017-02-01 23:52:06 | Navy base
This time I visit the Maritime Self Defense Force's former Naval Academy in Etajima, Hiroshima Prefecture.

Etajima is an island in the Seto Inland Sea in the southern part of Hiroshima City where there was a Japanese naval base in the Second World War.

There are many institutions of the Maritime Self - Defense Force and there are schools of executives candidates of the Maritime Self - Defense Force.

From Hiroshima station I take the tram to Hiroshima Port and arrived at Hiroshima Port in 35 minutes. Approximately 30% of the streetcar is a low-floor connected vehicle called Green Mover / Green Movers Max, Cool is good. The picture is Green Movers Max.

From Hiroshima Port go to Etajima by ferry or express boat.
I arrive at Nakamachi Harber. I rent a bicycle. Electric bicycle is 1000 yen a day.

I arrived at the Maritime Self Defense Force Old Naval Academy School (Maritime Self Defense Force 1st Science School) in about 30 minutes by an electric cycle.

Tours are held at the following times. No charge.
The tour time is 1 hour 30 minutes.
Weekdays are held three times at 10: 30, 13: 00, 15: 00.
Saturdays-and-Sundays congratulation is held four times at 10:00, 11:00, 13: 00, 15: 00.

I talk about the visit at the gate, list the name and address, and receive the number tag.
Wait for the first floor of the Etajima club until the start of the tour.
In this building, the Maritime Self - Defense Force History Zone is on the 2nd floor and I first visit here.
The former Navy, the maritime Self Defense Force's weapon model exhibition, and the captain's seat view can be experienced.

The Maritime Self-Defense Force OB explains the history of the Naval Academy at the Etajima Club 1st floor. The direction of tour guide is a soldier who is proud of the Navy and the story of the opening of the Sea of ​​Japan that the former Navy won Russia, the general of Heihachiro Togo, and general of Isoroku Yamamoto are enthusiastic.

After a ten minute explanation, a tour begins.

First, we look at the auditorium from the outside, It is a fine building that covered the outer wall with granite.

Originally the auditorium can be seen in this, but the internal tour is changed to final visit, for preparing for the graduation ceremony.

Next we head to the Executive complementary school office building.

This building is famous and is a long building made of bricks.
There is a grand opposite the battle ship Mutsu big gun, that is installed as a teaching material.

The executive complementary school office building does not enter inside and looks at the corridor inside from the side.
This corridor is the place where the location of the NHK TV drama "Clouds on the slope" was done.

Next, we go to the Education reference building.

There are numerous materials related to naval relationships here, and the wills, photographs and backgrounds of those who died in the Special Suicide Bomber, Special submarine boat are on display in the glass.
Brave pictures of everyone around 20 years old are displayed.
In addition, photographs and relics of navy executives are displayed. Taking pictures are forbidden.
It is said that relatives of survivors of Special Suicide Bomber and Special Submarine Craft can have photographs copied.
Here, we can visit freely this building for about 40 minutes.

Finally, I was able to enter the big auditorium.

The Japanese flag and the Navy flag are crossing and standing.
For the graduation ceremony of executive candidates to be held in February, chairs are lined up on the platform.
This is the end of the tour.

I am in favor of strict training for candidate executives in this visit, but I would like students to be careful not to become a human being who only thinks of following instructions from above.

This trip is not a general fun trip, but in the sense of thinking about Japanese defense it is a trip that become a taste.

That's it.