Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Yatsu-Rose garden at Narashino city in Chiba pref.

2016-05-29 20:26:56 | Flower trip
Yatsu-Rose garden at Narashino city in Chiba pref.
I would like to inform Yatsu-Rose garden.

I ride Keisei train from Ueno Tokyo to Yatsu station.
I walk south from station, 5minutes walking makes me arrive at Yatsu-Rose garden.

Yatsu-Rose garden open at 59 years ago.
It locates near Yatau tideland.

Entrance charge is 370yen.

This rose garden has a big scale.
This garden has slopes at the hill road.
Riding wheelchair person is able to see rose, using slopes.

700kinds roses, 7000 roses are set.

I go to fountain.

Next I go to Vine rose arch.
Arch continue about 300m.
I've never seen this long rose arch.

Next Ingo to Rose pergola.
Red rose entangling in a pillar is beautifull.

This rose garden is able to see near rose flowers.

This rose garden is full blooming now.
Full blooming continue to Early June.
Please enjoy various kinds of rose smell.

That's it

Takarazuka City's Temple & Shrine

2016-05-21 18:46:50 | traditional city
I would like to inform Takarazuka City's Temple & Shrine Trip.

I ride Hankyu train from Umeda to Hibarigaoka-Hanayashiki.
I get off Hibarigaoka-Hanayashiki.

I go to north side residential area.
Hibarigaoka-Hanayashiki is a hill town, has many western houses.
I go to slope road, after 5minutes walking, arrive at Old Yasuda house.

This house is built at Taisho periodic.
This house is not opened to officially.

Next go west, I arrive at Takasaki memorial hall.
This house is the Institute of Oriental food, also closed.

Go west 3minutes, arrive at Shoji house.

This house is private house, also closed to travelors.
From this house, we can see a wide view of Kobe and Osaka.

Next I get off at Nakayama-Kannon Temple.
I go northwest 5 minutes, arrive at Nakayama-Kannon.

This temple has wide area.
Escalator is set for slope.

5 temples are buil

I pray Taishido Temple.

South side of this temple, Five-story pagoda is builting, is finished end of 2015.

Next I go to MefuShrine station.
Walk 5minutes, small MefuShrine shrine is existing.

I pray this shrine.
This shrine small but has tradition.

Next I go to KiyoshiKojin Temple.
From Mefushrine, walk about 1.6km up and down road
From the road, wonderful view can be seen.

Abou 1km walking, I enter the approaching road to KiyoshiKojin Temple.
This temple is big temple, so it has 1.2km long approaching road.

I arrive at this temple.

I pray this temple.

This temple's prayers are polite people.
They are keeping temple's praying rule.
Along approaching road, many shopes are closed.
Current not good economy.

Please visit along Takarazuka City's Temple & Shrine Trip.
You can catch traditional feeling in Japanese.
That's it.

Kamishichiken Street near Kitanotenmangu in Kyoto

2016-05-16 00:04:53 | traditional city
Kamishichiken Street near Kitanotenmangu in Kyoto
I would like to inform Kamishichiken Street walking trip.

I go to Kitano-Tenmangu by bus.
From bus stop, I go to Kamishichiken section, there are 3 street to north.
Please select left side street.

Kamishichiken street is underground construction of the wire has been completed.
This street is cobblestone-style pavement, and has nightlight, it is beautiful.

Kamishichiken is Red-light district in Kyoto city.
At AzuchiMomoyama period, this street was Prosperous city.
Kamishichiken name is by the result that 7 Ochayas, that are Kimono dance restaurant, was built using KitanoTenmangu old materials.

Every spring, Kamishichiken Kimono dance 'Kitano-Odori' is held at this strret.

Thers are 10 Ochayas, Geiko and Maiko are 30 members in Ochaya.

From KitanoTenmangu, many Ochayas exsiting.
; Omasa, Ichi, Otaka, Umeno, Nakasato, Sakura, Fujiki, Oichi.

When you attend Geiko and Maiko dance dinner, about 50 thousands yen necessary.
This street has also Kyoto restaurants, Souvenirs and pickles shops.

Next I go to lunch.
Turn right at the middle of this street.

Charon restaurant is seen.

I eat 900yen lunch.
It is delicious and not expensively.
This restaurant has Kimono dance studio.
I see this studio and Japanese garden.
That is wonderful.

After lunch, I go to Yakumochi Tenjindo near the Kitanotenmangu.
I eat famouse Yakimochi.
That is good taste.

Please visit Kamishichiken.

That's it.

Mt. Left Daimonji & Mt.Funaokayama

2016-05-08 12:06:46 | Climbing mountain
I would like to inform climbing Mt. Left Daimonji & Mt.Funaoka.

I ride a bus from JR Kyoto to Kinkakuji temple.
I get off at Kinkakuji temple.
Kinkakuji temple has many foreign travelers.

After visiting Kinkakuji temple, I search climbing road to Left Daimonji.
I find climbing road at west of Kinkakuji.

First road is easy to road, but after 300m forward, road become steep.

After 15minutes walking, I find caution boad that is bewailing fire, hangs the tree.

The road is divided 2ways at this point.
Please select right road.

I walk the road, many mountain azaleas are seen.

After 7minutes walking, I arrive at Mt.Daimonji top point.

Daimonji letter exists is down the south-east from the top point.

Jizo exisists top of the Daimonji letter.

Daimonji 'Dai letter' is composed of firing table, that is made of stones and cement.

From this point, you can see Kyoto city view.
That is excellent.

This area has a strong wind, take care not be blown away in the wind .

I go down along Dai letter.

Down road is not existing, please back the going road.

Next I go to Funaokayama, low mount, 112m.

This mountain shape similar to ship bottom.
This mountain is the east-west basic point for making Heian town, and war ruin at Onin-no-Ran.

At Mt.Funaoka's azaleas are full blooming now.

From this park, Left Daimonji and Kyotocity are seen.

This Mt. has many climbing steps.
I recommend that you can spend a good moment of feeling .

Please visit climbing Mt. Left Daimonji, and Mt.Funaoka.

That's it.

Kakeuma Festival at Fujinomiri shrine in Kyoto

2016-05-01 15:05:33 | Festival
I would like to inform Kakeuma Festival at Fujinomiri shrine.

I ride JR Nara line from Kyoto to Fujimori station.
I walk West 5minutes, arrive at Fujinomori shrine.

Fujinomori shrine established about 1800years ago.
This shrine is effective for Fortune of the victory, Horse, Education.

Fujinomori festival is held from May 1st to May 5th.
Kakeuma Festival is held at May 5th.
Kakeuma means Horse riding with many syles festival.

Kakeuma Festival starts from 781.
At Muromachi period, this festival has been established to same festival as current one.

Every May 5th, this festival is held at Precincts approach.

This festival is done 2 times, PM 1:00 and PM 3:00.

First God celebration starts, after 13:20 Kakeuma Festival 1st stage starts.
Horse riding festival is 40minutes.
2nd stage starts from 15:10.

This festival will not stop for small rain.

Kakeuma Festival contents
1.Tezunatsuri :Running at lots of arrows area
2.Opposite riding:Running to see enemy condition
3.Wiping Arrows Riding
4.Side riding : Hidihg myself from enemy
5.Head standing: Ridicule the enemy
6.Fuji Kudari: Pretend to hit the arrows of the enemy
7.Ichiji drawing: Write down the war condition to Ally on the board

Every competitions are done with rider's seriousness.

Yabusame is horse running with high speed, you can not see that festival.
But this Kakeuma is not so fast, you can see Kakeuma festival.

Fujinomori shrine's Hydrangea is also famouse, 3500 Hydrangeas are beautiful from June.

Please visit this shrine .

That's it.