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A.D. festival of Kamigamo Shrine

2022-01-12 12:47:24 | Festival

I would like to inform introduce A.D. festival of Kamigamo Shrine where a Kamari football is famous.

It arrives at Kamigamo Shrine on a city bus 4 system (A2 platform) in front of Kamigamo Shrine from Kyoto Station in getting off, about 5-minute walk.

The A.D. festival is National Foundation Day now, but is the day when the Emperor Jinmu who is the first Emperor celebrates that it was succeeded to the throne in the shrine of Kashihara. A football and kendo, Karate are carried out for a festival in the precincts in A.D.

Kemari is carried out for a long time and is informed the Emperor Tenji who performed Taika Reformation, the encounter of Kamatari Fujiwara with a football. It is important for a partner to kick the ball which it is easy to kick, and there is the victory or defeat, and football is the play that I continue rejecting as long as possible. I have the elegance while there are a unique sound when I kick a ball, a shout of "Ari, Yao,Ou", the quick movement including elegant clothes.


The festival is held from 10:00 on Friday, February 11, 2022 in A.D.

Kendo is carried out from 9:00, Karate is carried out from 10:15, and Kemari is carried out from 11:00.

Eight people who wrapped the body in silk without starching, formal headwear for court nobles look become one set, and Karate kicks a ball in a ball garden.

Karate is carried out by 2 changes, and, after the third, the general people can participate, too.

Please enjoy elegant football.

