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Tottori Comic hometown of "GeGeGe no Kitaro" and "Excellent detective Conan"

2019-04-04 20:46:53 |  historical trip
I would like to inform the trip to circulate Tottori prefecture comics kingdom and the history from the west to the east.

I go to this trip by car from Yonago-shi of West Tottori to eastern Tottori-shi.
I park in Yonago Station neighborhood, go to terminal Sakaiminato Station on JR Sakai line from Yonago.

Shigeru Mizuki road grows towards the east from Sakaiminato Station.
Shigeru Mizuki road has 177 ghost figures in bronze. It is arrival in "Shigeru Mizuki memorial" when I do it for approximately ten minutes while enjoying the figure of same as living ghosts.

By display from the second floor, I introduce ghost comics, war comics or fantasy comics with the comic book of the comics world Mizuki work, and can read a comic book.
Next is the first floor, I can enjoy "GeGeGe no Kitaro" in a photograph and the original picture of Shigeru Mizuki, a work, ghosts who became the origin of the creation, the cave where ghosts live in, a ghost map of the all over Japan etc.
The Shigeru Mizuki road has the light up by night.

In Sakaiminato, I look at the sea.
Next I go to Kaikeonsen hotspring.

Kaike Onsen is a large-scale hot-spring resort in the northeast shore from Yonago Station.
I enjoy an outdoor bath while looking at the sea.

Next day, I go to Mukibanda remains.
Mukibanda remains has the large remains of the Yayoi period 1,800 years ago, that were restored on the hill of 90-150m above sea level of foot of National park Daisen mountain.
It is no charge for admission.

I can watch a restored dugout and raised storehouse in large gardens.

Trying to make fire of the Yayoi period is available.

From the hill, I can look at the scenery of Yumigahama of Japan Sea, and the magnificent scenery of Daisen.

Next I go to the comics museum "Gosho Aoyama hometown hall" in Hokuei-cho, Tohaku-gun, Tottori. It is a museum of author "Gosho Aoyama" of "Excellent detective Conan".

An original character is welcomers at entrance.

I can look at experiences in breeding of Mr. Gosho Aoyama, a work, a secret of comics production process and the creation in the work room, an interview picture, the dream to the making of work in a studio in near future.

I can enjoy a quiz and the game with the fan board, a projection mapping introduction of excellent detective Conan.
There are a lot of images of animated cartoons such as Conan in near "Gosho Aoyama hometown hall".

I go to Kurayoshi southeastern of "Gosho Aoyama hometown hall" next.
Kurayoshi is the town which prospered in the Edo era.

I take a walk through the calm cityscape of the white wall storehouse.

The next is "Misasa Onsen".

Misasa Onsen is a historical hot spring discovered in 1164.
A traditional Japanese style inn opens around Misasa Bridge.

In the hot spring street of the stone pavement, I can look at an atmospheric hot-spring resort.

I go to "Shikano Castle ruin" in western Tottori-shi the next day.

The ruin of castle becomes the park.
The contrast that a cherry tree and the stone wall of the castle is very good.

I go to Jinpukaku housecertain, near Tottori prefectural government office.

Marquis Ikeda of the Tottori Ikedas built it here as villa of the Ikedas in 1907.
Tottori feudal clan document about the Ikedas are displayed in the hall.

I can overlook a Japanese garden from a balcony fitted with glass of the second floor.
The European-style building of a French renaissance style is beautiful.

Please enjoy comics kingdom and the taste of the Tottori history.

that’s it.

Kintai bridge, Iwakuni castle trip in Yamaguchi prefecture

2017-01-12 02:44:37 |  historical trip
I would like to introduce Kintai bridge, Iwakuni castle trip in Yamaguchi prefecture.

I arrive at Kintai Bridge in 15 minutes by bus from Shinkansen Shin Iwakuni.
The opposite side of the bus stop is Kintai Bridge.

There is a toll gate at the entrance of the bridge.
It costs 300 yen for toll to cross the Kintai Bridge.
Set tickets for crossing bridge & Iwakuni castle & ropeway are profitable at 940 yen.
I purchase this set ticket.

Cross the Kintai Bridge to the west of Iwakuni Castle.
This bridge was built in 1673 by the lord Kikkawa Hiroyoshi.
It is a wooden bridge consisting of five beautiful archs.
This bridge is 193.3 meters long and 5 meters wide, and it is skillfully assembled by the technique of the group tree such as fittings and joints, and it seems that none of the nails is used.
It is a famous wooden arch bridge in Japan.
Since this bridge was all lost in the typhoon of 1950, the current bridge was restored in 1953.

The middle arch is the highest setting.

Nishiki river is a wide river.

In the spring we can see cherry blossoms from Kintai Bridge.

Cross the bridge and head towards Kikko park.

There is a statue of Hiroyoshi Kikkawa, the lord who built the bridge.

Next, there is a fountain from stone wali.

You can see the stop of the ropeway.

The ropeway is operated every 15 minutes.
I arrive at top of the mountain after riding ropeway about 10 minutes.

I arrive at Iwakuni Castle after ten minutes walking from here.

Iwakuni castle was built in 1608 by Kikkawa Hiroiee and was rebuilt in a reinforced concrete in 1962.

From the castle tower, you can see the Nishiki River, the Kintai Bridge, and the Seto Inland Sea far away.

From Iwakuni Castle to Kintai Bridge, Kikko Park area reproduces the town of Edo period style, it is a wonderful scenic spot.

Video explains the history of Iwakuni Castle and Mr. Kikkawa at the history museum near the castle.
It explains why Mouri escaped without fighting while becoming the general of the Western army at the Sekigahara battle.
Although there were many treacheries during the Warring States Period, it is ridiculous that the general is betrayed.
I would like to say "Do not become a general if you betray it."
I will descend at the ropeway through the main gate.

Next, I will visit Kikkawa Shrine to worship Mr. Kikkawa Iwakuni lord.

The row of worshipers grew, it takes about 30 minutes to visit.

I go to Kinunkaku near the shrine, it was built in 1885.

The ema is in a state in which the color is falling and I do not know what picture.

Next, cross the Kintai bridge east and see the back side of the bridge from the river bank.

You can see the splendid structure of trees in triangles.

Please look closely at the back side of the bridge in Kintai Bridge.
Quite a lot of tourists take a closer look at the backside.

In the vicinity of the Kintai bridge in Iwakuni, the castle town of the Kikkawa clan in the Edo period is reproduced in a wide area.
Please go to see the stunning Kintai Bridge.

That's it.

Arimatsu old town road in Nagoya

2015-09-26 09:59:09 |  historical trip
I would like to inform Arimatsu old town road.

I ride Meitetsu train from Nagoya to Arimatsu station.
I get off at Arimatsu station, go south, turn Righ at signal.
Walk east 400m, arrive at Gion shrine.
Arimatsu old town starts from Gion shrine.

Arimatsu town was built at Edo period 1608.
Mr.Takeda developed Shibori Zome (Tie-dye).
Arimatsu Tie-dye became famouse at middle of Edoperiod, then Arimatsu town was prospered.
Old town is spread about 1km along Tokaido road.

I enter Gion shrine.
There are many stone Buddhas.

I walk north 400m.
Arimatsu Tenman shrine is seen.

This shrine holds Arimatsu Spring/Autumn festival.
This autumn festival will be held Oct.4.
3 Dashi cars start from this shrine.

I return old town road, go east.
JinguKogosha Dashi warehouse is seen.

Next is Koduka house. This house is not opened.

Go east, I find Takeda house.
This house has Kura warehouse.
This house is opened, no charge.

House keeper say, " Please enter, see this house."
Entrance area is shop area.
Go first, Big Arimatsu Tie-dye Kimono, and Tsuitate are seen.

They are expensive and artistic.
This house is continued from Mr.Shokuro Takeda, he is a developer of Arimatsu Tie-dye, 300years.
This house is a head office of Takeda Yoshibei company.

Western-style room is in the back.
Ceiling has golden Kujyaku birds picture.
Next is big living room.
Go garden from this living room.
Gareden is Japanese garden.

Opposite side is Karakosha Dashi warehouse.

Hisada Tie-dye goods shop has leather Tie-dye.

I arrive at main street from Arimatsu station.

Go to west area.
Left side has restaurants, bakery, cafe, tie-dye shops.
Tie-dye goods; Smal bag is \1000, Tshirt is \2500-3000.

Next is Narumi/Arimatsu Tie-dye museum.
2F has a demonstration how to make Arimatsu tie-dye.

Opposite side is Hattori house, that has 3 big Kura warehouse.

South of Narumi/Arimatsu Tie-dye museum has a Stone statue of Mr.Shokuro Takeda, he is a developer of Arimatsu tie-dye.

At Arimatsu festivals, 3 Dashi cars are gathering in front of this stone statuette.

Next is Arimatsu Dashi warehouse museum.
This museum display Hoteisha Dashi warehouse.

Arimatsu Atelier has many modern clothes.

Arimatsu post office is renewaled.

Go Eastman, then reach Route 1.

Please visit Arimatsu old town.

That's it.

Tomogashima island & Kada town Trip.

2015-06-20 09:19:45 |  historical trip
I would like to inform Tomogashima island & Kada town Trip.

I ride JR train from Osaka to Wakayama.
Change train, I ride Nankai train at Wakayama to Kada station.
I walk to Kada port 10 minutes.

I ride a ship to Tomogashima island about 20 minutes, 1000yen.

Tomogashima consists 4 islands: Chinoshima, Kamishima, Okinoshima, Torashima.虎島の4つ
Current these islands don't have people.
I arrive at Nonaura port of Okino island.

Trip coCource: Nonaura port →No.2 Battery→Lighthouse・No.1 Battery→
Navy sonar search house→No.3 Battery→Observatory→Nonaura port

I walk 10minutes to No.2 Battery.
No.2 Battery is near seaside. I can see a wonderful view.

Next is No.1 Battery. Only 5 minutes distance.
Lighthouse and Battery are existing.
There aren't good sightseeing area.

Next is Navy sonar search house 10 minutes distance.
This house is searching ship screw sounds.
This house is also near seaside.

Next is No.3 Battery, 15minutes distance.
This point is most famouse sightseeing point.
This battery has 4 cannons and 8 guns.
Brics warehouse is beautiful.

Konosu observatory has good view.

I return to Nonaura port, go to Kadaport by ship.

Kada has also battery.
I ride a taxi 20minutes, arrive at entrance of park.

There are 3 cannons and 6 guns.
Signboard shows old cannons.

This gun bullet from sky to the ship.
This guns don't have effective system.

Kada battery has beautiful guns.
From this battery I can see a wideview landsce.

This battery is in the park.
I go to forest, then go to seafood restaurants.
I eat fresh law fishes.
And go to hot springs.

Please visit Kada town.

That's it.

Ancient Imperial grave of Imashiro Imperial King in Takatsuki city

2014-09-20 12:09:54 |  historical trip
I would like to inform Ancient Imperial grave in Takatsuki city, north of Osaka.

I get off at JR Settsu-Tonda station, go North-East about 39minutes.
I arrive at forest of Imashiro Imperial King.
Bus is not convenient, so I recommend you to walk it.

Forest of Imashiro Imperial King has Ancient Imperial grave museum, and Ancient Imperial grave park.

First visit is Ancient Imperial grave museum.

This museum is no-charge.
Special display needs charge.

Ancient Imperial grave is for Emperor Keitai.
This is biggest at River Yodogawa area.
Double Horis are existing.

Ancient Imperial grave is modified for Historical museum, opened from 2004.
Many Haniwa and big grave are foundling.

Usual exhibition
Haniwa and grave are shown.

Haniwa area
Many Haniwas are seen in this area.

Stone coffin that is house shape
This is a dummy
King corpse is in the stone coffin.

Special Exhibition room
Sometime special exhibition will be held.

Next is Ancient Imperial grave park.
This is also no charge.

Many Haniwas are set along Moat.

At the Mori, many people are playing catch, badminton.

You can enter Ancient Imperial grave.
I enter grave from center entrance.

This big grave is same as hill.
I go to backward.

Many sasas are over the grave.
Backend of the grave, small parks are existing at center area and west end.

There were many Haniwas set at this area.
I go foreward.
This is top end park.

I get out the grave, and see all over this park.

This is Spectacular grave.

I return to Ancient Imperial grave museum.
I try to make Stone jewels at Experience study room.
300yen is necessary.
I can make a stone jewel about 1 hour.

Stuff is teaching me how to make a stone Jewel.

There are many Ancient Imperial grave in Japanese.
But free entering is only this grave park.

Please visit Ancient Imperial grave of Imashiro Imperial King.

That's it.