Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Mooka steam locomotive train trip at Tochigi prefecture

2016-11-18 20:18:21 | train travel
I would like to inform Mooka SL(steam locomotive train) trip from Ibaraki to Tochigi prefecture.

I ride JR train from Tokyo to Shimodate.

I get off Shimodate station, ride Mooka Train.
Mooka train connects from Shimodate to Motegi.

This railway has three SL(steam locomotive trains), that are C11 SL, C12 SL, 9600 SL.

When you ride a SL, ¥500 additional pay are necessary.
SL tickets will be sold from one month before fron riding day.

Train normal pay from Shimodate to Motegi is ¥1030.
When you buy One day free path ticket,

SL will be moving at Saterday, holidays.
Shimodate starts 10:35, return from Motegi at 12:06.

I ride a SL from Shimodate to Mooka.

Get off at Mooka, I go to SL96 Museum.

This museum has SL train.

At every Saterday and Sunday, SLs are moving near this museum for 3 times.

You can see SL train in detail.

I ride train from Mooka to Motegi.

The train will proceed comfortably in autumn 's Susuki wilderness.

Train arrive at Motegi station.

Near this station, Honda's "Twin Ring Motegi" circuit site exists.

I walk around Motegi station.

I return to Shimodate, riding SL.
I enjoy SL trip.

Please visit Mooka and ride SL train.

That's it.

JR Umishibaura branch Line train Trip

2015-08-29 23:35:16 | train travel
I would like to inform JR Umishibaura branch train of Tsurumi Line.

JR Tsurumi Line consists of Tsurumi main line, Umishibaura branch line, Okawa line.

I ride Umishibaura branch Line train of Tsurumi Line from Tsurumi station.
Train has 3 cars.
7 Stations from Tsurumi to Umishibaura.
Train goes along houses till Asano station.

First is Kokudo station, 2nd is Tsurumiono station, 3rd is Bentenbashi station, 4th is Asano station.

From Asano station, train goes along industrial zone near sea.

Next is Hatsushibaura station, then train arrives at final stop Umishibaura station.

Umishibaura station is for Toshiba company.
Except company people can not get off this station.

Home is on the seaside.
This station has Umishibaura park, that scale is about 340m2.

Sea is not beautiful, but large sea can be seen.
This park has some benches, I sit bench, and see industrial zone and Tsurumi bridge.

That is wonderful view.

I return to Tsurumi station.

When you would like to see from train, I recommend to ride JR Umishibaura branch Line train.

That's it.

Osaka Monorail Trip No.2

2014-11-13 08:02:20 | train travel
I would like to inform Osaka Monorail Main line trip.
Main line is from Osaka airport to Kadoma city.
I recommend to buy a one day free ticket 'Visit Kyoto free ticket' 1300yen.
Free area Osaka Monorails, Kita Osaka Express train, Hankyu train.

I start from Osaka Umeda of Hankyu train, to Hotarugaike station.
Change train to Osaka Monorail of Hotarugaike.
Go to SenriChuo station.

Monorail change rail route by moving a rail and concreat block.
It is interesting for Railway enthusiasts.

At SenriChuo station, I change train to Kita Osaka Express train.
I go to Ryokuchi-Park.

Kita Osaka Express train connect to Osaka city subway.
Near this station, Hattori-Ryokuchi-Park is existing, about 8 minutes walking.
I go to central park, flower gardens are seen.

Lots of roses are beautiful.
This park has many sports grounds, University and High school students are training in this park.

Return to SenriChuo, go to Yamada station of Monorail.
Change Hankyu train, go to KitaSenri.

I walk around KitaSenri station.
Return to Yamada, then go to Kadoma city of final stop.
Near Kadoma city station, Panasonic factory is existing.
See this factory outline.

Nowadays, Panasonic factory is not good economy.
So near this station, there are not many people.
This station is connecting to Keihan train.

I return to one station, Dainichi station.
In front of this station, AEON Mall is exsting.
This station is connecting to Osaka subway.
This station is prosperously.

Osaka monorail station structure is common to all station.
Counter desk is near the drink vending machine.
It is convenient for travelors.

Next visit is Osaka Airport station.

Airport building 4th floor is observation deck.
This area is no charge, many people see airplanes.

This airport had the international lines at 20yearsago.
So this airport big and has 3 terminal buildings.
I rest at this deck.

Finally I visit Arashiyama by Hankyu train.
I see Autumn leaves at Arashiyama.

A one day free ticket 'Visit Kyoto free ticket' 1300yen is available to December 23.
Please use this ticketless.

That's it.

Osaka Monorail Trip No.1

2014-11-06 19:27:41 | train travel
I would like to inform Osaka Monorail trip.
Osaka Monorail exists at north Osaka, starts from 1990, length is 28km.

Line: Osaka airport - Osaka Expo Park - Kadoma city - Saito West.

This time I travel Saito Line.
Start from Minami-ibaraki station.
This station is connected to Hankyu Train.

In front of this station, Sunchild statue is existing.

This statue is Artist Yanobe's Work.
After Great East Japan Earthquake, this statue shows a dream and hope to Tohoku peoples.

First I go to Saito-Nishi.
Change train at Bampaku-kinen-koen station.

Saito line is running along Osaka Expo Park.
Wonderful view is seen.

Train arrive at final stop Saito-nishi.
This station was built at 2007.

Saito-nishi is a new town at north Osaka, north area of Ibaraki city and Mino city.
Company's Laboratory and residential area.
Saito-Nishi is a good name.
Around this station area is a hill, and a good wide view is seen.
I go to Farm shop in front of this station.

Orange and some fruites are low price.
I buy oranges.
Hill side is a beautiful flowers, hospital, laboratories, mansions.

After walking this area, I go to Handai-byoin-mae.
In front of this station, Osaka hospital is existing.

14th floor tool building.
Observation area at 14th floor, a wonderful view is seen.
This floor also has a hotel restaurant.

Osaka Expo park forest and Osaka plain are seen.

1st floor has convenient shop, Cafe shop, restaurants, book store, Barbar, Beauty salon,bank ATM etc.
This hospital is biggest in west Japan.

Next I go to Osaka Expo Park.

Today, some companies hold PE festival, so many peoples are gathering at this park.

Entrance charge is 250yen.
This charge is available for Nature Culture Park and Japanese Garden.
In front of center entrance, Taiyo-no-to is stood.

This statue is 44years old, very big.
Festival park is back of this statue.

Japan was strong at 1970.
This Expo had a dream and a hope the people.
At that time, Japan had a passion.

Next I go to Water park.

Water park is a refreshig area.
Walking this park, I think fondly Osaka Expo.
I was a child at Osaka Expo.
I went Expo with family.
We have to waite long time at popular pavilions.

Next I go to Japanese garden.
In front of this garden, many roses are spread, and beautiful.

I enter this Garden.

We can see a Stunning garden from central rest house.
I sit down the bench, drink a juice. Its a refreshing time.

This park forest becomes bigger.
Current tall trees are covering this park.

I go to west area.
I arrive at tea house, and drink green tea.

Then go to bamboo trees and water fall.

Next go to east side.

Calamus pond, lotus pond are seen.
A view place, we can see a overall view of Expo park.

After resting, I exit this park, ride a monorail.
Next time I inform Osaka monorail Main Line trip.

That's it.

Iwate trip: Hanamaki SL Ginga train, Hiraizumi-Konjiki-Do temple Trip

2014-06-04 23:16:44 | train travel
Iwate trip: Hanamaki SL Ginga train, Hiraizumi Konjiki Do.

I go to Hanamaki from Morioka by JR.
Get off at Hanamaki station, go to Hanamaki castle ruin for 10 minutes walk.
This castle was Nanbu clan's Castle.
Current there is only some stone wall.
School and city hall are built at castle area.

I return to Hanamaki station.
Lots of people are gathering SL Ginga Steam locomotive train.
Deer dance is playing for celebrating SL Ginga at the home.
Deer dance is famous traditional dance at Iwate and Sendai.

SL Ginga is operating from Hanamaki to Kamaishi, and started from April.
Lots of people are taking pictures SL Ginga.
This train operates only one time operating at Saterday and Sunday.
I would like to ride this train in the future.

Next is Hiraizumi.
I rent a bicycle near the station.
First visit is Yanaginogosho Ruin.
Fujiwara clan house and garden were built at this area.

Next is Muryo-Koin Ruin.
This temple was built by learning to Uji-Byodoin temple.

Next is Takadachi-Gikeido.
I climb stone steps, Main temple is seen.
Charge is 200yen.
Yoshitsune Minamoto was died at this temple.
Yoshitsune Minamoto's statue is in this temple.
From this temple, wide view of Kitakami River.

Next is Chusonji temple.
I climb slope for 15minutes. I arrive at this temple.
Gold main temple is in this temple, but it is covered with glass.

I visit Hiraizumi culture Ruin center.
This center shows Hiraizumi ruin goods.
This center is big museum, but no charge.

Final visit is Motsuji temple.Charge is 500yen.
This temple was built by 2nd and 3rd Fujiwara clan.
I pray at this temple.

Around this temple, big Japanese garden is existing.
Pond is seen.

This garden is big,I go around this pond.
Tsukiyama shows rock at seaside.
Kaisando celebrates Laisan Jikaku Taishi.

Kondo-Enryuji ruin,Kyoro, Shoro are seen.

Yarimizu is used for Kyokusui no En.
Jyokyodo, Hokkedo, Suhama are seen.
I go one lap the pond at Nandaimon.

Scale is larger than the garden and temple in Kyoto, restoration is desired.
The Motsuji is beautiful at 4seasons.
Winter:flavor in the snow covered.
Spring is Flowers.Summer is fresh green.

Iwate has Morioka, Hanamaki, and Hiraizumi etc.
It takes time to traffic to Iwate, but please try to visit Iwate.

That's it.