Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

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Nagashi Bina Festival at Shimogamo shrine in Kyoto

2016-02-24 23:02:43 | Festival
Nagashi Bina Festival at Shimogamo shrine in Kyoto
I would like to inform Nagashi Bina Festival at Shimogamo shrine.

Nagashi Bina Festival is held on March 3.

I ride Keihan train from Tofukuji station to DemachiYanagi station.

Walk 10 minutes to west, I arrive at Shimogamo shrine.

Nagashi Bina Festival
start from 11:00

I recommend you to arrive this shrine at 10AM, for attending Nagashi Bina Festival.

This Nagashi Bina Festival for praying child's health.
This festival is famous doll festival in KyotoArashiyama.

Priest pray at shrine, and float Hina doll on Mitarashi river.

Next Princess and Prince float Hina dolls.

Next guests and Maiko girls are floating dolls.

Mascot character also floats doll.

Finaly kindergarten children sing a song.

After official festival, travelors and citizens float Hina dolls.

Please buy Hina doll.
Adult is 1000yen, child is 500yen.

Lots of people are gathering this Festival.
Please enjoy Heian period Nagashi Bina Festival.

That's it.

Yamatona Hinamatsri festival at Nara Kooriyama

2016-02-15 01:45:10 | Festival
I would like to inform Yamatona Hinamatsri festival at Nara Kooriyama.

I ride JR from Osaka to Kooriyama.
I get off Kooriyama and walk west 10 minutes, arrive at Old Kawamoto house.

Yamatona Hinamatsri festival was started 4 years ago.
This year is 5th festival.

This festival held around old town of Kooriyama city.
From Feb.20 to March 6.
Hina dolls are displayed at Machiya house, that are old merchants house.
Hina dolls are seen throw lattice window.

I enter old Kawamoto house.
This is 3floors wooden house.

This house is used for city events.
Officer explaine this house.

Hina dolls at stepes is famouse.

Over 100 Hina dolls are set on the steps.
These dolls are beautiful, and historically.

This house also has Flowing Hina dolls.

That is Hina dolls sitting on the raft boat.
That is artistic Hina dolls.

Next is Hamoto house.

Walk north 8minutes, arrive at Hamoto house.
Near the entrance, Yagata Hina dolls are set.

Many Samurai Hina dolls are set.
This house people explaine these dolls.

This house also has Goldfish Hina dolls.

Kooriyama old city has 134 Hina displayed houses.
Please enjoy Hina dolls.

That's it.

Kyoto Mt.Atago climbing trip in winter

2016-02-07 23:20:17 | Climbing mountain
I would like to inform Kyoto Mt.Atago climbing trip.

I ride a bus from JR Kyoto, riding about 1hour, get off at Kiyotaki.

Climbing Mt.Atago from Kiyotaki.

Mt.Atago is 924m heigh.
This Mt. is the god for Bewaring of fire.
Top of this Mt. has Atago shrine.

This shrine is famouse for Mitsuhide-Akechi prayed the victory of fighting Nobunaga-Oda.
Spring and summer climbing has lots of travelors, but winter climbing has few people.

Start from Kiyotaki, Toenkyo bridge is seen.
This bridge is red colored.

Next is Nino Torii gate.

This is the entrance of Atago Shrine.

Walk forward, Otasuke water is seen.
This water is bording every day.

Next is Mizuo branch, this is the road branch Kiyotaki-Mizuo-Mt.Atago.
There is small rest house.

Climbing 10 minutes, I arrive at Kuromon gate.

Go forward, Atago shrine is seen.

Climb stone steps, I arrive at Main shrine.

About 2.5hours from Kiyotaki.

Top of the mountain, you can see a wonderful view of Kyoto city.
I rest at this point.

At early of Showa period, Mt.Atago has amusement area.
There are amusement park, hotel, cable car and train.
Train is till Kiyotaki, cable car is till Halfway up the mountain.

From Tsukinowa temple, Kuuya waterfall is seen.

Go forward, I arrive at Osugi valley.
This area road is steep.

Go down the mountain, about 2 hours walking from top of the mountain, I return to Toenkyo bridge.

Climbing road is not difficult for climbing, but some area has a steep road.
Please wear climbing shoes.

Top of the mountain temperature is 10 degrees below the lower bound.
Please wear snowsuits.

Climbing this mountain in winter makes you a sacred feeling.

That's it.