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Kiso road Magome, Tsumagome Trip

2013-06-23 14:35:08 | opinion
Kiso road Magome, Tsumagome Trip

I would like to inform Kiso Magome, Tsumagome Trip.
I go to Nakatsugawa by JR express from Nagoya.
In the morning, you can ride super express about 20% probability
using normal JR ticket.

This super express train has a comfortable seat.
At Nakatsugawa station, change train to Matsumoto train.
Get off Nagiso station, ride the bus to Tsumagome.
300yen and only 7 minutes can arrive Tsumagome.
Bus station is at the middle of Tsumagome.
I visit WakihonJin Okuya house.

I buy set ticket, that is WakihonJin - Honjin - History museum 3 houses are available ticket,700yen.
Wakihonjin was built in 1877, is a Hotel for Samurai and rich people.
It was a Luxury hotel. It is a famous place now.
1st floor is for gentlemen, 2nd floor is for ladies.
This house has a memorial room that is Meiji emperor visited room.
The garden is mossy and clean.

Building has been designated as an important cultural property of the country.
The guide tour is planed every hour.
I recommend you to attend this tour for understanding this house.
Building is built by the Kiso Hinoki.
At Edo period, Hinoki is important tree for building shrine.
Ise shrine must be built by Kiso Hinoki.
At Edo period, Kiso Hinoki is same as human.
When a man cut the Kiso Hinoki, he will be killed.

Next to go to History museum, I understand Kiso history.

Next is Honjin house.This house is built in 1995. It is a hotel for important Samurai.
Father of Toson Shimazaki was a manager for this house.
This house has a Daimyo room, it is luxury room.

This hose has only 1st floor, but the big area.
Tsumagome has only three lodging houses now, but at Showa period Tsumagome has a lot of lodging houses.

We can see a Edo lodging house, and see a feeling of Edo period.

The famouse Tsumagome lodging house, that has a Ginkgo under the eaves, is very good.
I go to Magome by bus, 600yen 20minutes riding.
Jinba is convenient for entering Magome.

From Jinba 50m distance, Observatory is existing.
We can see a wide view to a plane.

I visit Tsumagome Wakihonjin Museum, it shows Magome history.
Magome has a many big fire, because Magome is windy in the slope, so lots of houses were burnt.
Current houses are built at Taisho or early Showa period.
I don't know this true, I think Magome people rebuild new house, because old house is not convenient.
I eat Soba noodle, soft ice cream.
I visit Toson museum 500yen.

This museum has a Birthhouse, and shows lots of Toson books.
But the birth house is not opened, I am disappointed.
Water turbine generator is opened and no charge.

In the house, indicater shows current production of electricity, it is interesting.

Magome does not have a Edo period house but has a slope with stream and wonderful view.

Near Magome about 800m distance, Shimada river park hold firefly festival in June 14 to 16.
Till end of June, firefly is available to see in this park.
When you stay this Magome, please visit this park.

Tsumagome and Magine have the common points.
They have lots of Soba noodle restaurants and Gohei rice cakes.

Gohei rice cake has some types, normal one shape is 250yen,
2 cakes type is 200yen, small type is 100yen.

Souvenirs are wood bath bowl, rice bowl, and doll.
Wood bath bowl is 3500yen, expensive.
Many foreigners are watching wood bath bowl.
Some foreigners buy wood bath bowls.
Weak yen makes foreign travelers to go to Japan, and buy souvenirs.

I return to Nagoya by JR.

That's it.

Hakone Hydrangea flower Trip by Hakone Tozan Railway

2013-06-16 01:25:28 | train travel
Hakone Hydrangea flower Trip by Hakone Tozan Railway

I would like to inform Hakone Hydrangea Trip by Hakone Tozan Railway

From Nagoya, 'JR Holiday Free chiket' 2600yen is better, it is free between Toyohashi and Atami.
At Odawara station, I recommend to buy 'One day chiket for Hakone Tozan Railway and Hakone Tozan Cable car' 1500yen.
From Tokyo,Odakyu railway 'Hakone Free Pass' 5000yen, which is free Hakone & Mt.Fuji area, is better.
Hydrangea flower is best season from middle of June to early of July.
Go to Hakone Yumoto by Odakyu railway.

At Hakone Yumoto, you have to change Hakone Tozan Railway going to Gora.
But this train changing needs about one hour necessary.
Because Hakone Tozan train is 2 or 3 cards, and frequency of trains is less, lots of travelers are waiting at this station.
After riding train, it is a crowded train. You have to endure this situation.
Strating Hakone Yumoto, you can see Hydrangea flowers.
Train climb mountains, doing switchback.
Lots of Hydrangea flowers are coming from train window.
About 40 minutes riding you will arrive Gora.
I recommend weekday trip, for escaping crowded travelers.

North of Gora station, there are a noodle shop and souvenir shop.
I have a lunch at Marmie Kitchen, Slilanka Currey 980yen.This Currey is popular.

After lunch, I ride Hakone Tozan Cable, going to Sounzan station.
For riding Ropeway, you have to buy ticket, I recommend Kaizoku ship & Ropeway one day ticket 2850yen.
When you are here at 15:00. Not going to Sounzan is better, it is lack of time for returning to Odawara.

Riding Ropeway, you will arrive Togendai.

Next to ride Kaizoku ship at Lake Ashinoko.

After 30 minutes shipping,you arrive Hakone town harbor.
Hakone town harbor has Hakone Sekisho gate about 5minutes walk, Onshi Hakone Park about 10 minutes walk.

Please enjoy Hakone sighseeing.

Returning to Hakone Yumoto, at Hakone Tozan Railway, you can see a lighing up Hydrangea flowers.
After 20:00 riding, train is not crowded.
Lighing up is from June 28 to July 7.

Night Hydrangea flowers train, which is All seats reserved specified system, is good for seeing Hydrangea flowers.
This train stops at Tonosawa statio for taking flower pictures, and slow down at some view points.

Hakone area is low temperatures, don't forget the long-sleeved clothing.

Noto Peninsula Trip, Wakura Hot Spring, Anamizu town, Wajima city

2013-06-11 01:59:03 | train travel
I would like to inform Noto Peninshura Trip.
From Kanazawa city, first to go to famous Wakura Hot Spring, going to Anamizu town by Noto railway, seeing Nanao Bay.
From Anamizu to Wajima by bus, at Wajima City, riding bicycle for Wajima sightseeing.

First to go to Nanao by JR Nanao line, change train to Noto Railway.

I get off at Wakura hot spring station, ride a bus about 5minutes, I arrive at Wakura hot spring.
I go to Wakura Soyu hot spring, I take a bath.

Soyu was built two years ago, and has three baths.
Standing bath, main bath, open-air bath.
You can drink this spring, the taste is salty, and rich in mineral.
The charge is only 420yen.

This hot spring erea has famous Kagaya hotel.
From Soyu to Kagaya is only 200 meter.
I recommend you to take a bath at Soyu bath.
From Wakura to Anamizu by Noto railway, 660yen, little bit expensive.

This railway has a beautiful landscape of Nanao bay.
I hope Noto railway continue to exist forever.
I have a lunch at Anamizu hole, this hole is new and beautiful.
From Anamizu to Wajima, by bus.

Wajima station was a Noto railway final stop 13years ago.
Wajima station has a railway final stop monument.

Current Wajima has a bus rotary station.
I ride a rental cycle at Wajima station.
I go to Wajima city for sightseeing.

First to go to Morning market.
This road is wide and tiling road.

This morning market has Nagai annual house, that shows Mazinger Z animation robot.
When you have a time,please enter this house.

Next to go to Kamogaura seaside, and Ryugasaki lighhouse.
Wajima's houses have shinying black tiles.
I return to Kanazawa by bus.

Kanazawa city is developping for Hokuriku Bullet train.
New monument are under construction in the city's, and new big bus rotary terminal at Kanazawa station.
I would like to see 2015 final status of Kanazawa station.

That's it.

Shiga prefecture: Lake Biwa, Chikubu island, Hikone castle, Minakuchi castle by Ohmi Railway

2013-06-07 22:50:12 | train travel

Shiga prefecture: Lake Biwa, Chikubu island, Hikone castle, Minakuchi castle by Ohmi Railway

I would like to inform Lake Biwa, Chikubu island, Hikone castle, Minakuchi castle trip by Ohmi Railway.

Start from Maibara station, I buy Ohmi Railway 'One day pass chiket for Hikone and Chikubu island' 2900yen.
Ohmi Railway is connecting from Maibara to Kibukawa.
Going to Hikone, and ride Ohmi bus to Hikone harvor.

Biwako Pleasure boat's charge is including in this one day pass chiket.
I ride this ship to Chikubu Island, about 40minutes cruising.

Chikubu island is a God island, and a famous view in Lake Biwako.
I have to pay 400yen for entering this island.
Climbing steep floor stage, I arrive Houganji temple, Tower of triple, Tsukubujima shrine.

Tsukubujima shrine will hold Sansha bentensai festibal, June 10.
Festibal start at 11 o'clock.
Usually this Festibal has Ranryou King dance.

Dancer with fox mask who is wearing red kimono is beautiful.
Unfortunetly, this Festibal stop Ranryou King dance.
Because this shrine is repairing now.
Chikubu Festibal is mysterious,and ancient.
Chikubu island is power spot same as Itsukushima island and Enoshima island.
Daruma doll of Benten, and Kawarake throwing are popular in this island.
Please pray your wish.
Except Sansha bentensai festibal, Ryujin Festibal is in June 14, and Reitai Festibal is in June 15.
Those Festibal are also popular in this island.

It is 90 minutes necessary for sightseeing Chikubu island.

Returning to Hikone, and go to Hikone castle.
Hikone Castle is small castle,but Tower, Tamon turret and turret Supplementary are national treasure.
This castle was built by Mr.Naosuke Ii.
Please climb this castle and go to castle tower.
You can see lake Biwa at this castle tower.
When you have a enough time, please go to castle garden and museum.
This garden is big and beautiful.
Next I ride Ohmi railway to Minakuchi south station.

About 5 minutes walk, you can arrive Minakuchi castle.
Minakuchi castle is a turret.
In the castle, you can hear the explanation that is castle history from office woman.
In spring,Dashi that is big wooden car is moving in this erea.

From Kibukawa, Shigaraki railway is existing.
Go to Shigaraki station by Shigaraki railway.
Shigaraki train moves slow, because gradient is big.
Shigaraki station has a lot of Raccoon dog dolls.
In front of the station, big Raccoon dog is standing.

I return to Hikone station and Maibara station.

That's it.

OnomichiーFukuyamaーTomonoura Railroad travel

2013-06-03 12:14:23 | train travel

OnomichiーFukuyamaーTomonoura Railroad travel

This time, I would like to inform Sloping road in Onomichi, Fukuyama castle, and Tomonoura national park.

First, go to Fukuyama station by Shinkansen super express.
Change train at Fukuyama, going to Onomichi by local train.

Go to Ropeway station by bus,and ride rope ways.
Ropeway charge : one way is 280yen, round trip is 440yen.
I recommend you to use one way trip, because going downward by walk is better for seeing best view points.
About 3 minutes riding, you will arrive Summit station.
Go to Observatory,buy soft ice cream 250yen, and overlook Onomichi city and Setonaikai sea.
Soft ice cream is popular at this observatory.

Senkouji temple is in this hill, this temple is built near big rock.
So, this temple has a rare view, please see this temple.

Next to go to Fukuyama station by JR train, go to Fukuyama castle in front of Fukuyama station.
Fukuyama castle was built by Mr.Mizuno who is a member of Tokugawa Ieyasu.

This castle is made of reinforced concrete.
Charge is only 200yen.

Next is to go to Tomonoura habor.
From Fukuyama to Tomonoura by bus 40minutes.

Tomonoura's famous statue is Tourodou that is light house.

In Edo period,this light house is important for ship traffic.
This time, sea is low tide, sea-side is not beautifully.
Because lots of seaweed are covered with seaside.
Tomonoura has lots of old house.
It is a feeling of Edo period.
Tomonoura road is very narrow.
When you walk in this erea, car go throw near your side, please keep your notice.

I think big road is necessary for journeys.
Hiroshima governer has to plan new road.
I return to Fukuyama by bus, and enjoy good meal.
Fukuyama town feeling is different from Hiroshima, Fukuyama has a good sense.
Fukuyama town is not confused, not so noisy, and beautiful.

There are lots of roses in this town, you can smell roses.
Citizens are cooperate with city governer to breed roses.
I return to Nagoya.

This is a good trip.

That's it.