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Hydrangea and lotus of the Mimurodo temple

2020-06-12 14:50:31 | Temple visiting
I would like to inform the trip to admire a hydrangea, a lotus to Mimurodo temple of Uji.

Transfer from JR Kyoto Station to going, Keihan Railway to Tofukuji Station,
via Chushojima on Uji Line, getting off at Mimurodo Station, going west from the station in a 15-minute walk, I arrive at the Mimurodo temple.

The hydrangea from the beginning of June to 7/5
As for the lotus, the late June and early August is in full bloom.

I pay admission fee 800 yen and enter the precincts.
Light blue, pink and white the hydrangea, the pink lotus are wonderful.
I recommend to go to Mimurodo temple from the end of June to July 5 and enjoy
watch a hydrangea and lotus.
that’s it.


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private airport transfer to hotel (private airport transfer to hotel)
2022-03-14 23:47:46
Sydney airport has twenty two thousand aircraft movements per month (based on June 2009 figures). Thirty one thousand passengers will depart Sydney Airport during the weekdays and twenty nine thousand over the weekend.private airport transfer to hotel Twenty nine percent of people who visit Sydney Airport will park their car and sixty five percent of people who collect passengers from the airport will park their car at the airport.
