Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Arashiyama Trip by Trams Train, Randen Train

2013-11-17 23:07:14 | opinion
I would like to inform Arashiyama and Randen train Trip.

I get off at Saga Arashiyama station, and go to Trokko Train.

First to reserve ticket, because tickets are full booking.
I recommend reserve a afternoon ticket, because after eating Yudofu for lunch.
Next to go to Togetsu bridge.

Togetsu bridge is usually crowded.
Please take care not to hit people.

Kyoto taxi is running near pedestrian at high speed.
Very danger for pedestrian.
At walking narrow road, take care cars.

Walking around Hozu river, I recommend Yudofu: boiled tofu.
It is famous hood at Arashiyama.
Yudofu tofu is delicious.

After eating Yudofu, return to Trokko Train, ride this Train.

Autom leaf at Hozu river is now a best season to see.
Riding Trokko train is cold. Please wear a thick clothes.

Ride this train till Kameoka.
Getting off at Kameoka station, ride a bus to Pier.
Next is riding a Hozu boat tours.

Trokko train and Hozu river boat tour is a best method for seeing autumn leaf.

Next is going to Daikakuji temple by bus.

Daikakuji has a Hirosawa pond.
Enter the temple and walking around pond is good.
Now a autumn leaf season, autumn leaf with pond is wonderful.

Next is riding Randen train.

One day free ticket is 500yen.

Get off at Rokuouin station.
After 15minures walk, you arrive at Rokuouin temple.

This temple is Zen temple.
Garden has a maple tree and moss.
I recommend to sit down veranda and see this garden.

Next is Kurumaori Shrine.

Station is Kurumaori shrine mae.
In front of this station, this shrine is existing.
This shrine is for money, good luck, study, marriage.
Main shrine's vermilion color is beautiful.

Final stop Shijyo Omiya station, get off this station.
15minutes walking to the west, you arrive at Mivu temple.
Mivu temple is famous for Shinsen gumi, and Mivu Kyogen.
Shinsen gumi is training the members at this Mivu temple.

This temple has a grave of Isamu Kondo, and Shinsen gumi membership.

Around Mivu temple, Kintsuba cake is popular.

Kintsuba has 4 kinds types: Silver, green tea, Malone, sweet potatoes.

Trip by Randen is available for going to many famous travel points of west Kyoto.
This time inform Randen Arashiyama Line.
Next time I will inform Randen Kitano Line.
Please enjoy Randen trip.

That's it.

Choshi Train trip : Inubosaki, Soibeans factory, Chosi port tower

2013-09-24 01:03:37 | opinion
 Chosi train is between Choshi and Tokawa 6.4km.

This year is a 90th anniversary.
Cargo is only one or two. But 2trains by hours.
Choshi train is Loss-making operations from Tohoku earthquake.

But Nure Rice cracker is a good sales. It is the sales of four times of Trainn.
Start is Choshi station, I buy one day free ticket 620yen.
This train is old fashioned, but woman conductor is informing travel spots, and hand out guide maps of Choshi Train to passengers.
Going to Tokawa station, 20 minutes riding, you arrive at Tokawa station.

Tokawa station does not have a travel spot.
I walk around the station.
Next is a Inubosaki station, I get a Nure rice crackerjack.
Please buy the Nure rice cakes for helping Choshi train Loss-making operations.
Nure rice crackers is good taste.
After 20minutes walking, you arrive at Lighthouse.

Inubosaki lighthouse is small, but you can see a big Passific Sea.

Arround lighthouses, green field is existing.
Please sit down this green field and catch refresh wind.
You get a wonderful feeling.

Walking arround sea shore coast, and see small fishes. I return Inubosaki station.
Next is Nakanomachi station, this Nakanomachi has a Soybeans factory.

It is Yamasa soy beans factory about 10minutes walking from station.
Waching factory is interesting.
Its material is wheat and soybean.

After factory watching, I buy a soybeans soft-ice-cream.
It's a new taste of soybeans.

At Choshi station, I ride bus to go to Choshi Port Tower.
This tower has 57.7m high, and has an Observatory.
At this tower, I can see big view.

For reducing Loss-making operations, would you ride a Choshi Train?
Inubosaki big sea view is wonderful.

That's it.

Kyoto Rakuhoku Trip by Eizan Train

2013-09-20 02:03:35 | opinion

I would like to inform North Kyoto trip, Kurama temple, Kihune shrine and others.

I stayed at Kansai seminar house in Shugakuin Kyoto.

This house does not have a TV.
Without TV, you can get a lot of time for doing yourself.

Next morning, I get out hotel at 8:00.

First to get a one day free ticket 1000yen of Eizan Train.

I go to MiyakeHachiman station, and go to Renge temple, it is 1km distance from the station.
Renge temple is a famous place for autumn leaves.

Temple entrance fee is 400yen.
This temple has a big Tatami room.

From Tatami room, you can see a wonderful garden view.
This calm feeling at this temple is important for our Japanese people.
Sitting this room and see the garden, you have a calm feeing.
At middle of November, you can see the beautiful red maple leaves.
Next is Kurama temple.
Getting off Kurama station, big Tengu face is seen.

After Tengu face, Temple gate is seen.
Pay entrance charge 200yen, climbing the mountains, you will arrive at the cable car station.

Oneway ticket is only 100yen.
After 2minutes riding, you will arrive at middle position to Maine holl.
Today September 15 is a Yoshitsune Festival day.
This temple has a big triangle stone, which is a power spot.

Many people are waiting for standing on this power spot.

This Kurama mountain has a route for going to Kifune shrine.
This mountain road has many Tourism points.

After 10minutes walking, I arrive at the Spring water for Samurai Yoshitsune.

About 15minutes walking, I arrive at a Yoshitsune Stone compared back to his tall.

From this point, mountain road is steeper, and up and down.
After then I arrive at Fudou temple. I worship this temple.
Opposite side from this temple, Yoshitsune temple is existing.
I also worship this temple.
About 10minutes walking, I arrive at Maou temple.

After this temple, river flowing sounds are heard.

I arrive at Kibune.
Total walking is one hour from Kurama temple.

Next is Kihune shrine.

Kihune shrine is a top shrine of 450 Kihune shrines.
Adress name is Kibune, but shrine is called Kihune.

This shrine is famous for Shrine of marriage.
So many young women are worshiping this shrine.

I am expecting calm worshiping, but today lots of people are in this shrine.
At this Kibune river, many restaurant for Kawadoko Ryouri are existing.

This Kawadoko Ryouri is a eating over Kibune river in summer.
Kibune river is cool, so over the river is very cool.
This cuisine is a Kyoto summer menue.
Eating over the river is wonderful, but it is expensive.

1km walking, you arrive at Kihune Okumiya shrine.
This shrine does not have many people.
I can worship this shrine at calm.

I go to Kibune-Guchi station by bus.

Next is Myoman temple at Kino station.

Myoman temple has a famous garden, Snow Garden.
Best season for this garden is winter with snow falling.
Today without snow garden, but it is beautiful.

That's all for this trip.

Walking Mountain road from Kurama to Kibune is a nice experience.
I recommend you to walk this mountain road.

That's it.

Kiso road Magome, Tsumagome Trip

2013-06-23 14:35:08 | opinion
Kiso road Magome, Tsumagome Trip

I would like to inform Kiso Magome, Tsumagome Trip.
I go to Nakatsugawa by JR express from Nagoya.
In the morning, you can ride super express about 20% probability
using normal JR ticket.

This super express train has a comfortable seat.
At Nakatsugawa station, change train to Matsumoto train.
Get off Nagiso station, ride the bus to Tsumagome.
300yen and only 7 minutes can arrive Tsumagome.
Bus station is at the middle of Tsumagome.
I visit WakihonJin Okuya house.

I buy set ticket, that is WakihonJin - Honjin - History museum 3 houses are available ticket,700yen.
Wakihonjin was built in 1877, is a Hotel for Samurai and rich people.
It was a Luxury hotel. It is a famous place now.
1st floor is for gentlemen, 2nd floor is for ladies.
This house has a memorial room that is Meiji emperor visited room.
The garden is mossy and clean.

Building has been designated as an important cultural property of the country.
The guide tour is planed every hour.
I recommend you to attend this tour for understanding this house.
Building is built by the Kiso Hinoki.
At Edo period, Hinoki is important tree for building shrine.
Ise shrine must be built by Kiso Hinoki.
At Edo period, Kiso Hinoki is same as human.
When a man cut the Kiso Hinoki, he will be killed.

Next to go to History museum, I understand Kiso history.

Next is Honjin house.This house is built in 1995. It is a hotel for important Samurai.
Father of Toson Shimazaki was a manager for this house.
This house has a Daimyo room, it is luxury room.

This hose has only 1st floor, but the big area.
Tsumagome has only three lodging houses now, but at Showa period Tsumagome has a lot of lodging houses.

We can see a Edo lodging house, and see a feeling of Edo period.

The famouse Tsumagome lodging house, that has a Ginkgo under the eaves, is very good.
I go to Magome by bus, 600yen 20minutes riding.
Jinba is convenient for entering Magome.

From Jinba 50m distance, Observatory is existing.
We can see a wide view to a plane.

I visit Tsumagome Wakihonjin Museum, it shows Magome history.
Magome has a many big fire, because Magome is windy in the slope, so lots of houses were burnt.
Current houses are built at Taisho or early Showa period.
I don't know this true, I think Magome people rebuild new house, because old house is not convenient.
I eat Soba noodle, soft ice cream.
I visit Toson museum 500yen.

This museum has a Birthhouse, and shows lots of Toson books.
But the birth house is not opened, I am disappointed.
Water turbine generator is opened and no charge.

In the house, indicater shows current production of electricity, it is interesting.

Magome does not have a Edo period house but has a slope with stream and wonderful view.

Near Magome about 800m distance, Shimada river park hold firefly festival in June 14 to 16.
Till end of June, firefly is available to see in this park.
When you stay this Magome, please visit this park.

Tsumagome and Magine have the common points.
They have lots of Soba noodle restaurants and Gohei rice cakes.

Gohei rice cake has some types, normal one shape is 250yen,
2 cakes type is 200yen, small type is 100yen.

Souvenirs are wood bath bowl, rice bowl, and doll.
Wood bath bowl is 3500yen, expensive.
Many foreigners are watching wood bath bowl.
Some foreigners buy wood bath bowls.
Weak yen makes foreign travelers to go to Japan, and buy souvenirs.

I return to Nagoya by JR.

That's it.

Overconcentration to Tokyo and Reduction of the local destination travel

2013-05-02 22:16:03 | opinion
Overconcentration to Tokyo and Reduction of the local destination travel

The travel to Tokyo has been increasing in a Japanese domestic travel.
On the other hand, the travel to local areas is decreasing.
Owing to the economy concentration to Tokyo, the population of local city is decreased and JR abolish line or decreace line, buss company abolish line or decreace line, and also a shopping center is decreaced, and finaly the town will be a gohst town.
This bad circle is continued every year.
Convenience stores are decreased in rural area.
If there is a convenience store in the town, the town is prosperous.
In Tokyo, lots of building are constructing, and increase in a number of JR, station extension, and expansion of the shopping center are performed.
About 20 years ago, overconcentration to Tokyo was not carried out so much yet, and the local city was also prosperous.
Priority of profits becomes strong after the collapse of the 'Japanese bubble economy', JR company decide cut local train,and discontinued the line, and withdrawal of a store. This chain is repeated repeatedly.
We have to stop the Tokyo concentration.

Continued to this tendency, local cities turn into ruins.
Furthermore, Japan joins in TPP, and if agriculture receives a damage, local city population will be decreased sharply further.

The country as my ideal is Germany.

In Germany, about 500,000 people's city is located in each state.
Agriculture is also prosperous and is carrying out a potato, a cabbage, and wine cultivation widely.
Concirning the German population, Berline is 3,500,000, Hamburg 1,800,000, Munich 1,400,000, and Cologne 1 million, the city of a 500,000 to 600,000 people class is crowding in many big city. The infrastructure investment of each city is also equivalent.
Germany is distributing population in each state, the whole country is prosperous.

If it overconcentrates on Tokyo, a superfluous infrastructure will be supplied to Tokyo, other city can not recieve necessary infrastructures. Then other citie's population will be decreased.
The infrastructure also decreases in many local cities, train and bus are not existing, it becomes impossible to go travel to local erea except a private car.
We have to stop overconcentration to Tokyo.
I would like to plan lots of local travel for the local city to be prosperous.