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Gakunan Train's Travel

2013-03-03 20:19:50 | 旅行
I'd like to inform you Gakunan Train's Travel.

Gakunan Train is a local train in Shizuoka Pref.Japan.
Train is from Yoshiwara to Gakunan-enoo.
Start Yoshiwara station is in Fuji city,between Fuji Sta.and Higashi-Tagonoura Sta.
in JR Tokaido line.
The whole line of this railroad is only 9.2km.
Yoshiwara is not Tokyo's Yoshiwara,is post town in Tokaido.
At Yoshiwara Station,please buy a oneday free ticket in a low price,Saturday & Sunday:400yen,weekday:700yen.
Ticket is a old fashioned type, that is thick papar and punched.
Japanese railroad fan likes this ticket.
Recommend travel is Yoshiwara post town -> Gakunan-fujioka -> Gakunan-enoo.
Getting off in Yoshiwara-honmachi, you will find a post town in west side of
this staion.You can eat some famous food,Fujiganmo which is a famous fried Tofu in this town.
From Gakunan-harada and Hina staion, you can see a new scenery.Train goes to between paper factories,you can see a chimney and Mt.Fuji.
At Gakuna-Fujioka staion,Yusui park & Iou temple are good places.In Iou temple,you will fond a grave of Kansuke Yamamoto,he was a staff officer of Shingen Takeda at about 420 years ago.
Final station Gakunan-enoo,you will see two traditional trains in platform,please take a picture.
When you are single,please request train driver,he will take a picture for you.
Returning to Yoshiwara can easy to ride JR train,because Gakunan train is scheduled to JR time table. Have a good train travel.