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Kyoto Marathon

2015-02-03 23:17:08 | Marathon
Kyoto Marathon
I would like to inform Kyoto Marathon.

Kyoto Marathon is held from 1969 to 1982.
After 1983, it was changed to Women's Marathon.
Kyoto Marathon is restored from 2012.

Nishikyogoku stadium→Gojyo street→Katsura river→Hirosawa pond→Ninnnaji temple→Kitaoji street→Kamigamo shrine→Kitayama street→Takaragaike park→Rakuhoku high school→Kyoto Botanical garden→Kyoto Gyoen→Kyoto city hall→Shirakawa Imadegawa →Heian shrine : total 42.195km.

Participation fee is \12000. It is expensive.
This Marathon is held February 15, 9:00 to 15:00.

This year entry was finished.

When you would like to have a strong will of running at Kyoto city, \12000 is available.
Total runners are 16 thousands.

Good points
-Cheerleading and drum bashing are seen.
-Getting cheers make runners to achieve good running time record.
-Runner can see lots of Kyoto sightseeing points.

Painful points
-Winter Kyoto is very cold.
-Difficult to keep runners running space for many runners.

Closing time is set at 8 Gates.
But closing time span is over 7.5minutes, it is not so difficulty.
Please care the closing time.

I attend this marathon 2years ago.
Start point Nishikyogoku stadium had very many people.
Difficult to run at starting point.

Asphalt road makes runner a big shock to the knee.
Please serect good cushion shoes.

Enjoy Kyoto Marathon.

That's it.


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