Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Hell museum at Senkoji temple

2016-08-30 00:12:20 | Temple visiting
I would like to inform Senkoji temple in Osaka city.

I ride JR train, get off at Hirano station.
I walk south from the station about 15 minutes, arrive at Senkoji temple.

This temple was built at 600, by Shotoku-Taishi.
This Temple's entrance is merchandise street.

I go to main temple.

In the main temple, there are Yakushi-Nyorai at center, both sides are Bosatsu Budda.

Next is Hell Museum.

At the entrance, Check machine for Hell and Heaven.
You have to answer for 10 questions.
According to the evidence, you are selected to Hell or Heaven.

In the museum, Enma king exists.

His right side is Hell statue, left side is Adjudicator.

When you hit the drum under Enma king, Enma king starts to speak.

The video shows hell’s situation.
It is not terrible for adults people, but for children it is terribleness.
The end of video, Enma king say 'For not going to hell, not to do a bad thing, to cherish your life.'

Hell Museum was built at 1989.

I thought junior and senior high school students' bullying and suicide were big social problem then, and Mr. Kawaguchi, the chief priest could do something, and planned in order to express that it's damned realistically when doing a bad thing.

There is a stone at the exit of this museum, you enter your head in the stone, you can hear hell's sound.

Next is "Buddhist country".

There are 151 stone statues are principal Buddha and Mr. Kobodaishi.
Central stained glass is Mandala of esoteric Buddhism.

Everything of space economy drew the Budda's world with Mandala, and is an included plan. It's wrapped in the life which is the Budda when I sit down on Mandala and meditate, and the state which becomes united with the Budda soon is being opened.

Finally I go to Cheep snack shop Museum.

This museum shows Middle of Showa period
Lots of toys and Electrical appliance.

This temple has many displays and amusements.
Please visit Senkoji temple.

That's it.

Rikugien, Kyu-Furukawa Gardens at Komagome in Tokyo

2016-08-21 23:09:19 | park
I would like to inform Rikugien, Kyu-Furukawa Gardens at Komagome.

I ride JR Yamanote Line, get off at Komagome station, walk south 7minutes.
I arrive at Rikugien.
I enter from red brick gate.

Entrance charge is 300 yen.

Rikugien was built by Yoshiyasu Yanagisawa at 1702.
This garden is keeping Edo period condition.
This garden is famous garden in Tokyo.

From inner garden gate, Japanese garden starts.

Pine trees are set on the lawn.

Go ahead, big pond and island are seen.

Left side, Takimi Chaya, small waterfall, Chidiri bridge are seen.
This area is not hot at summer.

Go ahead, arrive at Hukiage Chaya.
You can drink Japanese tea.

Go ahead, Fujishiro Toge is seen.
I climb this pass, overall wonderful view of pond is seen.

This park has many dragonflies, butterflies, birds.
It is natural paradise.

Next I walk north 20minutes, arrive at Kyu-Furukawa Gardens.

Entrance charge is 150yen.

This garden was built by Furukawa zaibatsu at 1917.

Western house and western garden are designed by Mr.Josiah Conder.
Japanese garden are designed by Mr.Harubei Ogawa.

Western garden is designed Italian and French style.

Rose flower's full blooming is May and October.
At these seasons, many travelers visit this garden.

I enter this garden, soon western house is seen.

Western house's outer wall is stones.
1st floor has Dining room, billiards room, hospitality space.
2nd floor has living rooms.

There are 3times Guide tours for seeing western house.
When you pay 800yen, you can enter western house.

Go ahead, Japanese garden is seen.
Japanese garden has pond, island and trees.

Rikugien and Kyu-Furukawa Gardens are admirable garden.

For loving nature people, Rikugien is suitable.
For desiring to see western house/garden, Kyu-Furukawa Gardens is best.

Please visit these gardens.

That's it.

Yoshino river fireworks Festival at Gojo in Nara prefecture

2016-08-08 16:32:31 | Festival
I would like to inform the Yoshino River fireworks festival that is maximum in the Nara Prefecture.
Gojo city is the hometown of Kagiya Yahe who is fireworks master.

I ride JR Wakayama line from Osaka to Gojo station.
This fireworks Festival place is far from Gojo station 15minutes walking.

Firewoks Festival : August 15. 20:00~21:00

Before Firewoks, I go to History ruin park. After 15minutes walking, I arrive at this park.
This park is no charge.

Open 10:00-16:00.
This park was made from Gojo Daikansho Nagatogate.
This park shows Gojo historical goods and papers.

Next I go to Fireworks place.
This festival 80thousand people are gathering.
Fireworks are 4000.

Yoshino festival fireworks , will be launched the laser beam and the fireworks to the music .
Long ball is No.7 size, that is powerful firework.

Last fireworks is Niagara, that is really something spectacular that has been laser beam and contrast .

Also the faint light of lanterns flowing through the river, you can see co-star of fireworks and a laser beam according to the music.

Please go to look at all means the advanced techniques of the fireworks, and the light of lanterns through the surface of the river .

That's it.