Personal-Railroad-Travel KENJI-travel

This is a Japanese train travel for global traverer.

Akashi Municipal Planetarium, Kakinomoto shrine Trip

2016-03-27 20:28:37 | Museum Trip
I would like to inform Akashi Municipal Planetarium at Akashi city in Hyogo prefecture.

I ride JR New rapid train from Osaka.
I get off at Akashi station, walk East 15minutes, arrive at Akashi Municipal Planetarium.

Entrance charge is 700yen.
I go to Planetarium at 2nd floor.
Screen time is 50minutes.

Lots of stars and Day clock are shown.
Explainer has a good explanation.
South Pole Day clock is a special shape.
South Pole at summer, sun is not sinking. All day bright.
Guests spend an educational time at this planetarium.

Next I go to 3rd floor.
There are Meridian town Akashi, Astronomy gallery, Observation data room, Time gallery.

Meridian town Akashi shows that East longitude 135 degrees is on this planetarium.

East longitude 135 degrees is a Japan Time point.

Astronomy has a variety of the solar planets in the video, you can observed orbital period of the solar system planets .

Observational data room, observation and the discovery of a celestial body, such as the development of observation equipment, is the zone to learn about the history of astronomical observation .

Time gallery shows Clock history.

Next is 4th floor.
This floor has Day clocks.

I go to observation room at 13 and 14th floor.
I climb spiral staircase.
It has more than 160steps.
I am tired.
I recommend to use elevator.
At Observation room, I can see Seto inland sea, Awaji island, Shodo island.
It is a wonderful view.

Next I go to Kakinomoto Shrine, near this planetarium.
This shrine's god is Hitomaro Kakinomoto.

He was a famouse poet at Asuka period.
This shrine was built at 887.
This shrine has a famouse water, Kameno water, at near the Torii gate.

Akashi is famouse Akashiyaki cake, same as Takoyaki.

Please visit Akashi Municipal Planetarium.

That's it.

Shuzennji Nijino-Sato Trip

2016-03-14 01:37:07 | park
I would like to inform enjoying Shuzenji-Nijino-Sato trip.

I ride Izu-Hakone train from JR Mishima station.
Get off at Shuzenji station.
I ride a Tokai buss for 20minutes, get off at Nijino- Satp buss stop.
Near the buss stop, Nijino-Sato entrance gate is seen.

This park is 1.5km west from Shuzenji hot spring.
Entrance charge is 1200yen.
This park has United Kingdom village, Canada Village, theme park and Garden.
The scale is same as Tokyo Deseney land.

Near the entrance, United Kingdom village is existing.
This village shows The Middle Ages of the United Kingdom town.
It has also Toy-museum, Railway-museum, shops.

Toy museum has tin toy, Teddy Bear , such as the French circus dolls, exhibiting many antique toys.

Railway museum has United Kingdom railway and steam locomotive history.
It explains well steam locomotive's structure and operating principle.

Kings Cross ( Power Stone Shop) is a shop dealing with a power stone from the classic natural stone until the rare stone . Production experience of the original bracelet to make a combination of the gel candle production and their favorite stone using items such as glasswork and shells you can.

I ride a Romny railway, steam locomotive.
Charge is 400yen.

Romny railway connect United Kingdom village and Canada village, only 1km trip.

You can see a United Kuingdom's landscape.

Canada village shows Nerson city town.
This village has Merson Hall, restaurants and gift shops.

Next is Indian Fort.
This area is amusement area.
This area is for children , there are slide and a jungle gym.

Next is Fairy-Garden.
This is Englis big garden, flowers are seen in all seasons.

I go to Japanese Garden.

Many Japanese trees and pond are seen.
Soseki-Satsume Museum is opened.
I think Japanese garden is not fitted in English park.

The following is Takumi village .
Japanese style of the building is lined , traditional craft of artisans such as print Pottery, papermaking, you can enjoy such as the experience of Nature Craft

Final is Izu village.

It has gifts, restaurants.

When you stay at Shuzenji Hot spring, go to Nijino-Sato village at next day.
Enjoy United Kingdom town, and garden.

That's it.

Ohta Chausuyama Tumulus at Ibaraki city in Osaka

2016-03-03 01:47:24 | Tumulus trip
I would like to inform Chausuyama Tumulus trip.

I ride Hankyu train from Umeda to Ibaraki city.
I get off Ibaraki city, ride a buss to Ohta.
I get off at Ohta, walk 15minutes east, arrive at Ohta Chausuyama Tumulus.

Ohta Chausuyama Tumulus is Keitai Tenno's Mishima Aino grave.

Keitai Tenno is 26th Emperor, 507-531.

This tumulus is ZenpoKoenfun.
This tumulus is covered by moat.

Some Baicho, that is small tumulus, are existing around this tumulus.

I start southeast of this tumulus.
Over the moat, tumulus is seen.
This tumulus east side has Aino hospital, that is general hospital.

Go north, Kusunoki park is seen.
This park has Baicho.
Baicho is covered fence.

Go north, small island is seen.
This is also Baicho.

Go west, I arrive at Sakura park.
This park has two Baichos.

Every Baicho has stone monuments written Keitai Tenno's Baicho.

I walk south, arrive at intersection Ohta Toshiba.
I walk Saigoku Kaido east.

Walk 200m, arrive at the entrance of Ohta shrine.
Ohta shrine pray road is in residential area.
This shrine is built at Heian period.

Pray shrine is small, main shrine is not opened.
I disappointed this shrine.
I take heart, walk east.
Arrive at Ohta Community center.
This center shows the sigh board of Ohta Chausuyama Tumulus.

I can see the northwest of tumulus.

I arrive at Keitai Tenno's Mishima Aino grave.

This tumulus has white gravel.

Ohta Chausuyama Tumulus is not opened.
Only some area are seen.
But Keitai Tenno's Mishima Aino grave is wonderful.

Walking around this tumulus needs 1 hour,

Please visit this tumulus and catch tumulus period feeling.

That's it.