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Ancient famous Spa Arima walking Trip

2014-03-29 21:08:02 | Hot spring
Famous Spa Arima in Hyogo pref. walking trip

I would like to inform Spa Arima Trip.
Start is JRKobe station, I go to Shinkaichi station of Kobe Dentetsu.
About 10 minutes walking, I arrive at Shinkaichi station.
I buy set ticket with Taiko-no-Yu, 2100yen.
Ride train about 40 minutes, I arrive at Arima station.
This ticket is available to end of March.
From April, new set ticket will be planned.

Spa Arima is located at North of Mt Rokko, and called Kansai Salon Spa.
Spa Arima history:
Emperor Jyomei stayed this spa at 631.
Monk Gyoki established Onsen temple.
Taikou Hideyoshi loved and refined this Spa town.

Getting off at Arima station, you can see Taiko bridge and Taiko Statue.
North of this bridge, Nene bridge and Nene Statue.
Taiko is sitting, Nene is standing.
Walking along Arima river about 7minutes, you arrive at Spa Taiko-no-Yu.

Present Coupon ticket at Reception, you can get Yukata and towel.
Yukata has blue, pink, gold color.
I select gold one.
Reception is 2nd floor, spa is 3rd floor, Roten-buro is rooftop.
This spa inner wall is gold.
Bath depth is shallow, and spa temperature is low.
This spa has brown one and transparency one.

This spa is crowded. Bedrock bath is not crowded, I enjoy this bath.
I stay at this spa about one hour.

I walk around Arima town.

I visit Sources carbonated spring park.

This park has Shrine.
You can drink Carbonated water beside shrine.
Carbonated water is mixed iron.

Next is Spa Gin-no-Yu.
This spa is full house.
I recommend to buy Gin-no-Yu and Kin-no-Yu common ticket, 840yen.
This spa has enough heigh and temperature.

Kobe city manage Kin-no-Yu and Gin-no-Yu.
Kin-no-Yu is renewaled at 2002,Gin-no-Yu is opened at 2001.
Spa Arima has 2 type Spas.
Brown one is ancient spa Kin-no-Yu, transparency one is new spa Gin-no-yu.

After Gin-no-Yu, I go through Nenbutsu temple and Gokuraku temple,
arrive at Monk Gyoki statue.
This statue is famous, please take a picture.
Near this statue, Arima rest house is existing.
I enter and buy Arima Cider 250yen.

Arima Carbonated water is not string and not sweet, it is new taste.
Seeing Gokuraku Source of hot spring, go to Kin-no-Yu.

Kin-no-Yu is more crowded than Gin-no-Yu.
I have to wait 20minutes.

Kin-no-Yu has hotter spa and normal temperature spa.
I enter hotter one. I think Kin-no-Yu spa is best spa in Spa Arima.
But very crowded, please care your leg, because someone hot your legs.

West of Kin-no-Yu, stone steps is seen at left side.

I crimb this steps, then arrive at Yusen Shrine.
From this shrine, you can see wide view of Rima town.

Return to Kin-no-Yu, north of this spa, Old folk houses are seen along street.
Its Retro feeling is good.

I buy Steamed bread Nene, inside of this is Gyuhi, it is good taste.

Last visit is Tenjin Source of hot spring.

I return to Arima station.

Arima town is Spirited town.
I recommend to enter Kin-no-Yu, and Gin-no-Yu.

That's it.

