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Nagano convenient Hot spring near JR Nagano station

2017-04-21 00:24:42 | Hot spring
I would like to inform the convenient Hot spring near JR Nagano station.

Nagano has many hot springs.
But near the JR Nagano staion, hot spring does not exist.

At 2002, Yumoto-Uruoi hot spring was bilt north of Nagano prefectural office.
I ride Nagano loop bus from JR Nagano station to Nagano prefectural front.

Walk north along the river about 10minutes, I arrive at Yumoto-Uruoi hot spring.

Entrance charge is ¥670.
This spring has 2 type hot springs, Gold one and Silver one.

It has many baths that are Outdoor bath, Jet bath, Hit bath, Sauna bath.
Outdoor bath is a big scale.

At the north of parking, foot bath is also existing.

This hot spring has many guests, about 30% guests are foreign travelors.
Staying this hot ring for 1hour, you can relax and reflesh.

South of this hot spring, Sukitei restaurant exists.

This restaurant has famouse Sukiyaki and Shabshab menues.

The Shinshu beef is delicious.

This restaurant also has the Oyu house.

This is a traditional house.

Please go to this hot spring and Sukitei restaurant.

That's it.

