

EBITDAは意味が無い? (The value of EBITDA)

2010-08-20 13:43:53 | 投資日記

EBITDA = 経常利益+支払利息-受取利息+減価償却費





EBITDA one of the most popular indexes for investment is recognized as advanced module to calculate the real company value. Is it real? The equation is as follows.

EITDA=Current profit+ Interest cost -Interest revenue + Cost depreciation

This equation assumes that there are no new investment to substitute the depreciated asset.

According to this assumption, the company has to do business with obsolete asset and also have to earn profit as usual. Well, if you are a true long time investor, it may sound odd because it's unrealistic. By using old asset, the efficiency and competitiveness goes down gradually but steadily. It makes easier to invade our existing sales for competitors. Generally speaking, The companies annual profit is below one digit. By dropping competitive strength, there is high possibility to lose the profit. It's meaningless.

We can say same thing to cash flow. It is clear that the cost depreciation is necessary for stable business. Cost is cost. we have to recognize more seriously.

The most important thing is how much the business can generate the profit from existing asset and how much cost we have to pay for the modification of company's size. The cash flow has meaning.
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