

千三つでも元は取れる(The reason why investor can get profit from successful investment of 0.3%)

2010-08-18 17:54:25 | 投資日記






There is good phrase that explain how difficult to succeed in business in Japanese proverb. Only three can succeed in and the other nine hundred ninety seven are going to be dead.

OK. Let's assume the condition described in this proverb. The possibility of success is only 0.3%. then, how can we get profit? The key point is how large the succeeded business can be maximized. At the same time, how high we can get the profit from.

...Well, I reached to the conclusion that is almost impossible in end.

In conclusion, we have to increase the possibility to 1% at least and have to maximize the business size to hundred times bigger than beginning. At the same time, the profitability should be stabilized at around 10 percent. Then, we can say that our trial succeeded.

ah, to be an investor is much easier.

成長の質について(Suggestion about the quolity of growth)。

2010-08-18 16:42:06 | 投資日記








In field of investment, it is usual to concern about the growth rate of company. However the important point is not the rapidity of growth. we have to consider how the business could spread with existing capital without other sources like debt and increased capitalization.

The principal tends to increase the size of company. Briefly speaking, they can make the company bigger with money borrowing from outside. However, this is not our purpose. what we have to focus on is the self multiplication of the capital. Borrowing is enemy for us in a sense.

In short, the main topic for us(investors) are how the company grow with our money. Even if the company are grown 30% up annually, if the material was not ours, the profit is also not ours. that is meaningless.

The pure speed of growing is restricted by the non used capital asset and annual profit. It is natch that company that did IPO grow rapidly because they have plenty amount of money. Likewise, high profitable company can grow rapidly without borrowing.

from those fact, the rational speed of growth can be calculated with following equation.

The speed of growth = ROE (100%-rate of shareholder's return)

魚群探知機のような銘柄探知機が欲しい(Isn't there good tool for serching stock like a fishfinder? )

2010-08-18 16:26:02 | 投資日記

The uploaded photo is fishfinder. if possible, I want to do same thing to stock market. Though there are relatively same tool to find stocks, these are just a dataset of layout of some basic indexes. Unfortunately, those are not effective in finding out even with relatively uncomplicated information.