


2014-01-11 13:06:38 | Telegraph (UK)
Eurozone losing 'safety margin' against deflation trap as core gauge falls to record low
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 4:52PM GMT 07 Jan 2014
Fall in inflation raises fears that eurozone is 'sleepwalking into a deflation trap'


Eurozone inflation has fallen to the lowest recorded under two key measures, raising the risk of a textbook deflation trap if recovery falters or there is an unexpected shock.


Core inflation - stripping out food and energy - fell to 0.7pc, lower than at any time following the Lehman crisis.


"It's lower than when the European Central Bank was forced to cut rates in November," said David Owen from Jefferies Fixed Income.


"A large number of countries across the periphery are either in deflation already or very close, and this is spreading to France. The ECB will have to do quantitative easing in the end," he said.


Almost 25pc of the items in the price basket have dropped over the last year, the clearest evidence to date that the deflation 'virus' is becoming lodged in the system.


Officials at the ECB are alert to the danger. The ECB's chief economist Peter Praet says the current inflation level "provides little safety margin against further adverse shocks", but his view is not shared by the German Bundesbank.

チーフ・エコノミストのPeter Praet氏は、現在の物価上昇水準では「更なるショックへのセーフティーマージンには殆どならない」としていますが、ドイツ中銀は同意していません。

While he did not spell it out, the key worry for central bankers is a debt crisis in Asia as China tries to rein in its $24 trillion lending boom. The Bank of England's Mark Carney says shadow banking in emerging economies is what now keeps global regulators awake at night.


The eurozone's service sector inflation fell to a record low of 1pc, though data was distorted by a change in the way that Germany calculates package holidays. Headline consumer price inflation fell to 0.8pc


Mike Amey from the bond fund Pimco said the eurozone is "sleepwalking into a decades-long deflation trap" like the Japanese in the 1990s when they mistook near zero rates for easy money. The region has no margin for error as its ageing crisis takes hold.


While gentle deflation can be benign in low-debt economies, it plays havoc with the debt dynamics of leveraged economies, an effect described by US economist Irving Fisher in his 1933 classic "Debt-deflation Theory of Great Depressions".

債務の少ない国では、穏やかなデフレは良性である場合もありますが、重債務国の債務ダイナミクスには、米国のエコノミスト、アーヴィング・フィッシャーが1933年に古典となった著作『Debt-deflation Theory of Great Depressions』に記したような、大きな悪影響を与えます。

The Brussels think-tank Bruegel said deflation risks pushing Italy and Spain into a "runaway debt trajectory" as the debt stock rises on a shrinking or static nominal base. Each one percentage point fall in inflation forces Italy to increase its primary budget surplus by an extra 1.3pc of GDP to stabilise debt, a Sisyphean task.


Greece, Cyprus, and Latvia are in deflation already. EMU-wide prices have fallen since May when adjusted for austerity taxes, with Italy, France, and Holland all negative, a pattern replicated in Eastern Europe.


A key cause is excess plant China where fixed capital investment topped $4 trillion last year, matching Europe and the US combined. "This is transmitting a deflationary impulse through the global system," said Julian Callow from Barclays.


The ECB cut rates to 0.25pc in November to head off deflation, causing a storm of protest in Germany. The Bank's president Mario Draghi has since sought to win back German support, toughening his rhetoric. He told Spiegel that the ECB's governing council sees "no immediate need" to take further action, suggesting that it will hold tight this week.


Mr Callow said the ECB is taking a risk by remaining passive and hoping that global recovery will lift Europe off the reefs. The region faces imported tightening from the US, as well as "endogenous tapering" at home as banks deleverage. Business lending has fallen by 3.9pc over the last year.


The ECB's balance sheet has fallen from €3 trillion to under €2.3 trillion over the last year - from 31.8pc to 23.7pc of GDP - as banks repay much of Mr Draghi's €1 trillion lending blitz. It is a form of monetary tightening.


"The situation cries out for the ECB to boost its balance sheet again. It would normally be a no-brainer to loosen, but with rates at rock-bottom they don't have many options: QE is too controversial since it means buying government bonds, if it is going to have any effect. The threshold for that is very high," he said.


Mr Callow said the global expansion dates back to March 2009 and is already long in the tooth by historic standards. The risk is that the cycle could start to turn again before the eurozone has sorted out its problems, with inflation already at deep recession levels and unemployment at 12pc.


The great unknown is what will happen in China, now the epicentre of global risk. Societe Generale said Beijing may be tempted to push down the yuan to cushion the blow as it pops the credit bubble, and to counter devaluation by Japan. This would risk a repeat of the East Asia currency war in 1998, this time on a bigger scale and with the world less able to handle the consequences.


Hedge fund veteran George Soros says China is caught in a contradiction, trying to curb debt while carrying out deep structural reforms. Such reforms can themselves "push economies into a deflationary tailspin" without offsetting stimulus.


"How and when this contradiction will be resolved will have profound consequences for China and the world," he wrote on Project Syndicate.



2014-01-11 13:06:22 | Telegraph (UK)
Gold funds hit 2008 level ahead of US Fed action
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 6:00AM GMT 06 Jan 2014
Holdings of gold in exchange traded funds (ETFs) around the world have fallen back to levels last seen before the global financial crisis in 2008


Holdings of gold in exchange traded funds (ETFs) around the world have fallen back to levels last seen before the global financial crisis in 2008, wiping away all the speculative froth in precious metals.


The once-popular GLD fund has lost 57pc of its value over the last year with outflows of $25bn (£15bn) as investors brace for a cycle of monetary tightening by the US Federal Reserve, typically a headwind for gold and commodities.


"The combination of rising real yields and fading inflation fears has proved a toxic mix," said Julian Jessop from Capital Economics.


The gold price crashed from more than $1,700 an ounce last January to $1,190 in December before bouncing back slightly, badly mauled by growing confidence in US recovery and a stronger dollar.


Technical traders say gold may have stabilised after "a double bottom" at a key inflexion point near $1,200, a level where large numbers of mines become unprofitable and start having to close.


"Physical buyers may view $1,200 as an attractive entry point," said James Steel from HSBC.


Yet there is a risk that the downward slide could prove self-fulfilling as more producers sell their output on the futures markets, replicating the hedging pattern that blighted the market in the 1990s.


JP Morgan says interest in gold has evaporated to the point where speculative long and short positions monitored by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission have dropped to the lowest since early 2006.


The wild card is China, still buying fistfuls of physical gold. UBS estimates that the country imported 1,500 tonnes last year, smashing former records.


The great unknown is whether this will last as China reforms its financial system after the Third Plenum, which may open the door to other assets. Analysts are watching for any sign that Chinese appetite for gold is starting to fade as well.


Mr Jessop said the worst was probably over as India prepares to lift import restrictions and global equity prices move too far out of alignment with precious metals. "We see plenty of scope for gold to bounce back in 2014.


The bursting of the bitcoin bubble may even make gold look more appealing to Chinese investors. We reiterate our view that the price of gold will revisit $1,400, at least, in 2014, and probably go higher," he said.



2014-01-11 13:06:00 | Telegraph (UK)

Revamped Airbus lives up to the European dream
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 5:40PM GMT 05 Jan 2014
Chief executive praised as aircraft maker jettisons ideology to emerge as 'normal commercial company'


Europe's plane maker Airbus has defied its staunchest critics to claim global primacy, a shining example of what European nations can achieve together under the right market philosophy.


The newly minted Airbus Group has taken flight on global bourses since New Year under its own name and in rude good health, trading by the symbol of AIR in Paris and Frankfurt.


The European Aeronautic Defence and Space company (EADS) is no more, a relic from an earlier era of grand political ambitions and trophy projects.


Chief executive Tom Enders said Airbus is at last a "normal commercial company", liberated from meddling by fractious governments. The former German paratroop officer with a no-nonsense style has won acclaim from investors, if not from trade unions.


The relaunch of Europe's industrial champion under the Airbus brand caps a year of bitter-sweet success. Orders of big commercial jets topped 1,400 in 2013. They will probably prove the highest ever when results are released next week, pulling well ahead of rival Boeing at 1,074.


The Airbus share price rose 90pc last year as the company captured the full force of 7pc annual growth in global air passenger traffic.


The boom is driven almost entirely by Asia and the Middle East. Malaysia's low-cost carrier AirAsia alone has outstanding orders for 536 Airbus jets.


Airbus snatched a contract from under Boeing's nose in Japan - a near-impenetrable market for decades - winning an order for 31 of its new wide-bodied A350 XWB jets from Japan Airlines.

エアバスは日本でもボーイングから契約を奪い取り(ここは数十年に亘って参入ほぼ不可能の市場でした)、日本航空から新型のワイドボディ機、A350 XWBの受注を31機分獲得しました。

This was followed in September by a contract from Delta for 40 mid-haul jets, part of a drive to capture market share in the US where Airbus is going native with an assembly plant for A320s in Mobile. Labour and power costs are much cheaper in the US.


Yet Mr Enders' sweeping shake-up of the scattered Airbus family will lead to 5,800 job cuts in Europe by 2016 and the closure of smaller plants, often sited in remote spots for political reasons without much commercial logic.


He is has insisted on a single headquarters in Toulouse to replace the twin-headed structure meant to symbolise Franco-German parity, and quietly buried the strategic pretensions of the old guard. Gone are plans to build a defence conglomerate fit for a superpower, with an arbitrary target of 50pc sales from military kit.


The collapse of Europe's defence budgets has seen to that. Mr Enders tried to revive the defence arm with a proposed £28bn merger of EADS and BAE Systems in 2012 but this was blocked by Berlin in an attempt to protect German defence interests, a low point in political interference that appears to have shaken everybody to their senses.


France and Germany agreed last March to cut their "national" stakes in the company to 12pc each, ensuring that the company will no longer be "a puppet on the string of any government", in Mr Enders' caustic words. Spain's share falls to 4pc. Politicians will be kept at bay unless national security is involved.


The defence operations are no longer playing their old role as a stabiliser, helping to offset the ups and downs of the commercial jet cycle. Eurofighter has been bedevilled by delays and rescinded orders.


Airbus delivered its first A400m military transport plane to the French air force in September, but the venture has been costly. A much-coveted contract from the Pentagon was scuppered by Congress, suspicious of explicit links between EADS and the EU political project.


Under the revamp, Airbus Commercial Aircraft will be the central pillar, accounting for two thirds of revenue.


The defence unit Cassidian and the Astrium satellite operations will be combined into Airbus Defence & Space based in Munich, with a third unit under Airbus Helicopters.


The reforms have won high praise from Richard Aboulafia, an aviation analyst from the Teal Group in Washington and virulent critic for years. "The bad old days of management by deranged political hacks are over. Airbus is a far more focused company. It has made tremendous improvements," he said.


The irony is that Airbus is now achieving what Europe's idealists always dreamed of, a cutting-edge company with world-beating products that binds France, Germany, Britain, and Spain together, drawing on the strengths of each national industry. But it has done it by embracing the market and ridding itself of ideology.


In a reversal of roles, it is Boeing that is now on the back foot, plagued by layers of management with too few engineers, seemingly unwilling to listen to expert staff. The worldwide fleet of the 787 Dreamliner - already badly delayed - was grounded in January for four months after a battery caught fire in Boston.


Boeing has fought back with the launch of its 777X, amassing orders worth $95bn (£58bn). The duopoly in global aerospace remains, with challenges from China, Russia and Brazil fading, but Airbus has the edge.


Even the superjumbo A380 is proving less of an albatross than feared. Emirates has ordered another 50 jets, much loved by long-haul passengers. The project has come back from the dead, and should break even by 2015.


Airbus success is percolating though to the British operations, which employ 17,500 and support 135,000 jobs with contractors. The UK plants emerge relatively unscathed from the shake-up. There will be 700 job cuts, some in research, others at Astrium operations near Portsmouth as Airbus struggles with a price war in the cut-throat global market for satellites.


The wings for Airbus jets - increasingly made of high-tech resins - are designed at Filton near Bristol. They are built at Broughton in north Wales, then shipped by river to Mostyn harbour, and from there to France.


There were fears that Britain would lose this vital part of the UK's engineering base after BAE sold its 20pc share in EADS seven years ago, reducing London's political leverage and therefore the British "workshare" in new projects as well.


The danger has subsided. Mr Enders' refusal to bow to politics has effectively secured the UK operations, so long as they compete on cost and skill. There is no longer anything to fear. "An Airbus without wings would just be a bus," he said.



2014-01-11 13:05:43 | Telegraph (UK)
China's 'Tobin Tax' debate stings City hopes for offshore trading boom
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 5:15PM GMT 05 Jan 2014
Any such move could greatly complicate the City of London's plans to become the top market for global trading of the yuan or renminbi


Britain's bid to become a global hub for trading in Chinese assets has run into a major snag after a top Chinese official suggested a 'Tobin Tax', a levy on financial transactions to curb capital flows.


Yi Gang, director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, called for an "in-depth study" of a Tobin tax, particularly on foreign exchange trades and flows of speculative hot money. SAFE is the world's biggest fund, commanding the central bank's $3.7 trillion in foreign reserves.

SAFEの高官、Yi Gangはトービン税の「詳細な調査」を呼びかけました。

Any such move could greatly complicate the City of London's plans to become the top market for global trading of the yuan or renminbi, since the clear intention would be to reduce turnover and limit disruptive flows of capital.


Mr Li, who is also deputy chief of China's central bank, wrote in the Communist Party journal Qiushi that curbs may be needed to ensure an "orderly" transition as the country opens up its internal capital markets and moves towards a free float for the yuan.


"Persistently guarding against cross-border liquidity flow shocks is the key to good foreign exchange management," he wrote. While the article is not a formal proposal, his opinions are closely-monitored as a guide to future policy.


The US-educated Mr Yi said last month that China should stop accumulating huge reserves, arguing that the exchange rate is near "equilibrium level". He wants the yuan to be set by supply and demand, but this must be managed with great care.


George Osborne, the Chancellor, secured a deal in October that would make London the first overseas centre allowed to invest directly in Chinese stocks, bonds, and funds, with an initial cap of £8bn. Chinese banks will set up branches in Britain. Mr Osborne called it "a huge boon for British financial services, for Britain as a centre of global finance".


But China experts said any Tobin Tax would be a cold douche. "It would reduce investor interest in London as an offshore yuan market, though it is positive for Chinese economic prospects. They have realised that they cannot open the capital account without controlling capital flows," said one economist.


Yi Gang told Caixin Magazine that "some people are preparing for a hit from events more disastrous than the Asian financial crisis in 1997 and the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008", apparently referring to those in Party circles resisting reform. He insisted that SAFE's war chest is already big enough to tackle "any scenario".


East Asia has been bedevilled by speculative flows over the last twenty years. The concern is that money will pour into China amid euphoria over reform plans, increasing the risk of an exodus later if the mood turns.


Mr Yi said SAFE has a "response mechanism" for dealing with speculative inflows that cross a danger threshold. It has been activated three times since 2010.


The Tobin Tax is named after Nobel laureate James Tobin, the scourge of unbridled capital flows. France and Italy have pioneered variants in Europe to raise revenue and punish speculators but this has driven business elsewhere.


The French levy raised a third of the tax expected. Eleven eurozone states plan to press ahead together in 2014, but Britain will not take part. Prime Minister David Cameron called it "sheer madness". The US, Switzerland, Singapore, and other financial hubs will have nothing to do with it.


However, it is a different calculation for China as it seeks to open up a closed system one step at a time. Vast flows of capital are making it harder for the central bank to calibrate policy as it tries to cool the credit boom. Investors are betting on a further appreciation of the yuan though this is a risky game.


Diana Choyleva from Lombard Street Research said double-digit wage rises over the last decade have greatly eroded China's competitiveness. arguing that the yuan may be 30pc overvalued - contrary to widespread assumptions.


The country's financial shake-up under Xi Jinping could lead to large outflows. Mrs Choyleva said China's annual savings of $4.2 trillion - more than savings of the US and Japan combined - create a "huge wall of money" to be unleashed on the world.


"If the Chinese are offered the opportunity to diversify their assets abroad in a legal manner rather than trying to evade capital controls, capital outflows are likely to be much larger than before."


"Meanwhile, foreigners' current enthusiasm about China is based on the false perception that reform means immediate opportunity and continued strong growth. The adjustment over the next couple of years is more likely to be accompanied by weak growth, corporate defaults, financial instability and potential social unrest," she said.


Wealthy Chinese are already smuggling money out by over-invoicing imports or through Macao - for 20pc fee. This is overwhelmed for now by hot money inflows.


President Xi unveiled sweeping market reforms at Third Plenum in November in a bid to avert a classic 'middle income trap' as the country's catch-up growth model nears exhaustion.


But he has tightened the Party's control over the political system and Chinese society at the same time. Critics say this is an inherent contradiction. One or the other has to give.



2014-01-11 13:05:25 | Telegraph (UK)
IMF paper warns of 'savings tax' and mass write-offs as West's debt hits 200-year high
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:06PM GMT 02 Jan 2014
Debt burdens in developed nations have become extreme by any historical measure and will require a wave of haircuts, warns IMF paper


Much of the Western world will require defaults, a savings tax and higher inflation to clear the way for recovery as debt levels reach a 200-year high, according to a new report by the International Monetary Fund.


The IMF working paper said debt burdens in developed nations have become extreme by any historical measure and will require a wave of haircuts, either negotiated 1930s-style write-offs or the standard mix of measures used by the IMF in its "toolkit" for emerging market blow-ups.


"The size of the problem suggests that restructurings will be needed, for example, in the periphery of Europe, far beyond anything discussed in public to this point," said the paper, by Harvard professors Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff.


The paper said policy elites in the West are still clinging to the illusion that rich countries are different from poorer regions and can therefore chip away at their debts with a blend of austerity cuts, growth, and tinkering ("forbearance").


The presumption is that advanced economies "do not resort to such gimmicks" such as debt restructuring and repression, which would "give up hard-earned credibility" and throw the economy into a "vicious circle".


But the paper says this mantra borders on "collective amnesia" of European and US history, and is built on "overly optimistic" assumptions that risk doing far more damage to credibility in the end. It is causing the crisis to drag on, blocking a lasting solution. "This denial has led to policies that in some cases risk exacerbating the final costs," it said.


While use of debt pooling in the eurozone can reduce the need for restructuring or defaults, it comes at the cost of higher burdens for northern taxpayers. This could drag the EMU core states into a recession and aggravate their own debt and ageing crises. The clear implication of the IMF paper is that Germany and the creditor core would do better to bite the bullet on big write-offs immediately rather than buying time with creeping debt mutualisation.


The paper says the Western debt burden is now so big that rich states will need same tonic of debt haircuts, higher inflation and financial repression - defined as an "opaque tax on savers" - as used in countless IMF rescues for emerging markets.


"The magnitude of the overall debt problem facing advanced economies today is difficult to overstate. The current central government debt in advanced economies is approaching a two-century high-water mark," they said.


Most advanced states wrote off debt in the 1930s, though in different ways. First World War loans from the US were forgiven when the Hoover Moratorium expired in 1934, giving debt relief worth 24pc of GDP to France, 22pc to Britain and 19pc to Italy.


This occurred as part of a bigger shake-up following the collapse of the war reparations regime on Germany under the Versailles Treaty. The US itself imposed haircuts on its own creditors worth 16pc of GDP in April 1933 when it abandoned the Gold Standard.


Financial repression can take many forms, including capital controls, interest rate caps or the force-feeding of government debt to captive pension funds and insurance companies. Some of these methods are already in use but not yet on the scale seen in the late 1940s and early 1950s as countries resorted to every trick to tackle their war debts.


The policy is essentially a confiscation of savings, partly achieved by pushing up inflation while rigging the system to stop markets taking evasive action. The UK and the US ran negative real interest rates of -2pc to -4pc for several years after the Second World War. Real rates in Italy and Australia were -5pc.


Both authors of the paper have worked for the IMF, Prof Rogoff as chief economist. They became famous for their best-selling work on sovereign debt crises over the ages, This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly.

二人は過去のソブリン債務危機に関するベストセラー論文『This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly』で有名になりました。

They were later embroiled in controversy over a paper suggesting that growth slows sharply once public debt exceeds 90pc of GDP. Critics say it is unclear whether the higher debt is the problem or whether the causality is the other way around, with slow growth causing the debt ratio to rise to faster.


The issue became highly politicised when German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble and EU economics commissioner Olli Rehn began citing the paper to justify eurozone austerity policies, over-stepping its more careful claims.


Critics says extreme austerity without offsetting monetary stimulus is the chief reason why debts have been spiralling upwards even faster in parts of Southern Europe.


The weaker eurozone states are particularly vulnerable to default because they no longer have their own sovereign currencies, putting them in the same position as emerging countries that borrowed in dollars in the 1980s and 1990s. Even so, nations have defaulted through history even when they do borrow in their own currency.
