


2010-09-30 15:02:31 | Telegraph (UK)
Europe's austerity anger grows
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:29 Sep 2010
More than 100,000 marchers converged on Brussels from across the EU to protest austerity measures on Wednesday, while Spanish unions took the extraordinary step of breaking ranks with Spain's socialist government by launching a general strike.


"Workers are on the streets today with a clear message to Europe's leaders," said John Monks, head of the European Trade Union Confederation. "There is a great danger that workers are going to pay the price for the reckless speculation that took place in financial markets. You have to reschedule these debts so that they are not a huge burden and cause Europe to plunge down into recession," he said, reflecting growing bitterness among ordinary people that they are bearing the brunt of austerity while bondholders have been shielded from losses.


Spain's car industry was entirely paralysed with the exception of the Mercedes plant in Vitoria, and transport stoppages caused severe disruption. Ignacio Fernandez Toxo, head of the country's CCOO trade union, said premier Jose Luis Zapatero was committing "political suicide" by carrying out harsh cuts while unemployment hovers at 20pc, or 41pc for youths.


Austerity fatigue is surfacing across a large arc of Eastern and Southern Europe, raising concerns that electorates may start to rebel. The Fidesz government in Hungary has already sent the EU and the International Monetary Fund packing, opting for "economic nationalism". Even the police joined demonstrations last week in Romania, hurling their kit at the presidential palace to protest public sector wage cuts of 25pc.


The pro-Russian Harvest Party is leading the polls in Latvia's election this week, threatening to tear up its EU-IMF rescue deal. Critics say the country should have devalued in order to cushion the blow rather than undergoing to harsh deflation under its euro peg.


Latvia's economy has contracted 18pc since the peak. Unemployment is 20pc, and teachers, nurses and police have seen wage cuts of up to 30pc. Diplomats suspect Harvest may try to play off Moscow against Brussels to extract better terms.


France bowed to pressure for further fiscal tightening yesterday, pledging to cut its deficit from 7.7pc of GDP this year, to 6pc next year, still a modest effort by EU standards.


"Considering the current monetary disorder, investors who finance our debt are attentive to our debt-reduction effort," said finance minister Christine Lagarde, alluding to a rise in spreads on France's 10-year bonds to 55 basis points over German Bunds.


In Italy, premier Silvio Berlusconi warned foes that they were playing with fire as his government faced a confidence vote last night after weeks of paralysis, in part triggered by cuts in grants to the regions. "It is absolutely not in the interests of our country to risk a period of instability at a moment when the crisis is not yet over," he said.


Italy's public debt is 118pc of GDP and the world's third biggest in absolute terms.


The protests in Spain and Brussels came as the Commission proposed plans for automatic sanctions of up to 0.2pc of GDP on states that persistently breach the EU's debt and deficit ceilings of 60pc and 3pc of GDP. The mechanism is tougher than the old Stability Pact since states need a qualified majority to stop punishment. There will also be a 0.1pc fine for states that run trade imbalances, including surpluses – a twist likely to anger Germany.


"The EU politicians think they can somehow wipe away economic reality and the structural differences between these countries by bureaucratic means. It's ludicrous," said Ruth Leae, economic adviser to Arbuthnot Banking Group.


Mr Monks said the proposals totally misguided. "How is that going to make the situation better? It is going to make it worse," he said.


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2010-09-30 13:57:16 | Telegraph (UK)
Capital controls eyed as global currency wars escalate
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:29 Sep 2010
Stimulus leaking out of the West's stagnant economies is flooding into emerging markets, playing havoc with their currencies and economies.


Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Korea, Taiwan, South Africa, Russia and even Poland are either intervening directly in the exchange markets to prevent their currencies rising too far, or examining what options they have to stem disruptive inflows.


Peter Attard Montalto from Nomura said quantitative easing by the US Federal Reserve and other central banks is incubating serious conflict. "It is forcing money into emerging market bond funds, and to a lesser extent equity funds. There has truly been a wall of money entering many countries," he said.


"I worry that we are on the cusp of a competitive race to the bottom as country after country feels they need to keep up."


Brazil's finance minister Guido Mantega has complained repeatedly over the past month that his country is facing a "currency war" as funds flood the local bond market to take advantage of yields of 11pc, vastly higher than anything on offer in the West.


"We're in the midst of an international currency war. This threatens us because it takes away our competitiveness. Advanced countries are seeking to devalue their currencies," he said, pointing the finger at America, Europe and Japan. He is mulling moves to tax short-term debt investments.


Goldman Sachs said net inflows have been running at annual rate of $520bn (£329bn) in Asia over the last 15 months, and $74bn in Latin America. Intervention to stop it creates all kinds of problems so the next step may be "direct capital controls", the bank warned.


Brazil's real has been one of the world's strongest currencies over the past two years, aggravating a current account deficit nearing 2.5pc of GDP. The overvalued exchange rate endangers Brazil's industry, especially companies that compete with Chinese imports. The real has appreciated to 1.7 to the dollar from 2.6 in late 2008, and by almost the same amount against China's yuan.


"Everybody is worried that global growth is fading and they are trying to use exchange rates to protect exports. Brazil has watched as the Asians intervened and feels it can't stand by," said Ian Stannard, a currency expert at BNP Paribas.


Brazil has used taxes to slow the capital inflows but the allure of super-yields and the country's status as a grain, iron ore, and commodity powerhouse have proved irresistible. It is a textbook case of the "resources curse" that can afflict commodity producers.


A $67bn share issue by Petrobras has been a fresh magnet for funds, forcing the central bank to buy an estimated $1bn of foreign bonds each day over the past two weeks. Such action is hard to "sterilise" and can it fuel inflation.


Japan has begun intervening to stop the yen appreciating to heartburn levels for Toyota, Sharp, Sony and other exporters. A strong yen risks tipping the country deeper into deflation.


Switzerland spent 80bn francs in one month to stem capital flight from the euro, only to be defeated by the force of the exchange markets, leaving its central bank nursing huge losses.


Stephen Lewis from Monument Securities said the Fed is playing a risky game toying with more QE. There are already signs of investor flight into commodities. The danger is a repeat of the spike in 2008, which was a contributory cause of the Great Recession. "Further QE at this point may prove self-defeating," he said.


Meanwhile, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, tried to play down the fears of a currency war, saying he did not think there was "a big risk" despite "what has been written".



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2010-09-30 13:54:16 | Telegraph (UK)
Ireland and Portugal debt crises start to ease after leaders pledge to take action
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:28 Sep 2010
Irish and Portuguese borrowing costs have retreated from post-EMU highs after the country's leaders pledged to do whatever it takes to restore investor confidence.


Irish premier Brian Cowen said Ireland is funded until the middle of next year and faces no solvency crisis, denying that the country is near a "tipping point". We are determined to do what's necessary to achieve international confidence," he said.


However, Standard & Poor's said the final cost for the bailout of Anglo Irish could be much higher than the €23bn (£20bn) earmarked so far and may exceed €35bn, putting severe strains on Ireland's public finances. Spreads on Irish bonds reached a record 440 points before slipping back.


Trevor Cullinan, an S&P analyst, told Irish broadcaster RTE in a previously recorded interview that the higher figure looks ever more likely. "If that were to be the case, then potentially there would be further downward rating actions," he said. The agency cut Ireland's rating to AA– in August. Dublin will outline its plans for Anglo Irish Bank on Thursday, hoping that a final tally of losses will reassure investors.


Yields on 10-year Portuguese bonds fell 15 basis points to 6.5pc after calls by President Cavaco Silva for the conservative opposition to back a "National Salvation Budget" entailing tax rises and a wage freeze.


There were early signs of a breakthrough after days of deadlock in Lisbon. Ex-president Mario Soares stepped up the pressure, saying it would be treason for political parties to quarrel at such a time and leave Portugal prey to speculators.


BNP Paribas said debt jitters on the periphery of the eurozone were looking "very dangerous". There are concerns that contagion could spread unless Europe's leaders restore confidence quickly. The mood was not helped by comments from German Chancellor Angela Merkel appearing to rule any chance that the EU's €440bn rescue fund will be made permanent.


Rating agency Moody's chilled markets on Monday when it downgraded Anglo Irish Bank senior debt by three notches to Baa3, near junk, even though Irish officials have ruled out any "haircut" on this category of debt, viewed as sacrosanct. No bondholders have faced default on senior bank debt in Europe or America since the crisis. Any change would be a major market event.



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