Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年01月28日 18時08分20秒 | Weblog

Women in short skirts and high heels 'risk rape' says Tory MP
PUBLISHED: 00:13 GMT, 28 January 2013 | UPDATED: 00:14 GMT, 28 January 2013

A Tory MP has been criticised for saying that women were increasing their risk of being raped by wearing tight, short skirts and getting ‘blind drunk’ on nights out.
Richard Graham said that while what a woman wore did not necessarily attract sexual predators, it could make it harder for them to get away from an attacker.
The Gloucester MP said: ‘If you are a young woman on her own trying to walk back home through a park early in the morning in a tight, short skirt and high shoes and there’s a predator... if you are blind drunk wearing those clothes, how able are you to get away?
‘It’s not about the impact of your clothes on a potential predator – it’s about whether the clothes you’re wearing make it harder to get away from a predator.’
Jo Wood, a trustee of Rape Crisis England and Wales, said: ‘These comments have set us back 100 years.



沖縄 米兵レイプ事件 田母神元幕僚長ツイッター炎上
2012年10月25日 日刊ゲンダイ






Why feminism is a dirty word, by Mary Berry: Bake Off star says she does not want women's rights
PUBLISHED: 23:57 GMT, 27 January 2013 | UPDATED: 00:05 GMT, 28 January 2013

But Mrs Berry, who has published 70 cookbooks in a 46-year career and had three children, said: ‘I would always stand up for women but I don’t want women’s rights and all that sort of thing.
‘I love to have men around and I suppose if you’re a true feminist you get on and do it yourself. I love it when someone says, “I’ll get your coat” or, “I’ll look after you”, or offers you a seat on the bus. I’m thrilled to bits. I’m not a feminist.’

 フェミ系を自称する日本人女性のなかにも、欧米人の、“I’ll get your coat” or, “I’ll look after you”などというのを何の不思議にもなく讃嘆している人がいてびっくりしたことがある。


Asked if she believed feminism means ‘shouting at men’, she said: ‘I don’t like that at all. I respect them, I don’t like shouting.’
She added: ‘Feminism is a dirty word. You’ve got to persuade them [men] gently to do things and, of course, when they come back they say, “Oh, wasn’t that fun?” ’



Mrs Berry, who with her daughter Annabel Bosher, 40, runs Mary Berry And Daughter which sells a range of sauces and dressings, appeared to criticise female employees who take their full maternity leave entitlement, saying: ‘I had about five weeks off and now I think, gosh, they haven’t half cottoned on to it.
‘You have a year off, and you don’t have to tell them whether you’re coming back or not.
‘It makes it terribly difficult for the small employer to employ young women, young married women or [women] with children.
'You’ve got three in the department and they all go to have children and you’ve got to leave the job open.’


Mrs Berry’s comments have been attacked by some women.
Writer Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, who has described herself as a ‘leftie liberal, anti-racist, feminist’, said: ‘They show an ignorance of the power relationship between men and women.
‘They also show an ignorance of what feminism is.
‘I am a feminist and I cook for my husband every night – and I make very good cakes.’





Cancer patients who say No to a mastectomy 'more likely to survive'
PUBLISHED: 01:15 GMT, 28 January 2013 | UPDATED: 01:16 GMT, 28 January 2013

Women stand a better chance of surviving breast cancer if they don’t have a mastectomy, a major study has found.
Those aged over 50 who have only the lump removed, followed by radiotherapy, are almost a fifth more likely to survive the illness than patients who lose the whole breast.
Many women diagnosed with breast cancer choose to have a mastectomy thinking it will remove the tumours as quickly as possible and give them the best chance of survival.
But the results of a ten-year research project by academics show that a less radical form of treatment – breast conservation surgery – is more effective.


Autistic girl spent ten hours in a cell – because police wrongly thought she was drunk
Melissa Jones, 17, was finger-printed and had her DNA taken
Mother, Christine Evans, 49, said her daughter had been been through 'hell'
Jones was charged with being drunk and disorderly
Teenager became suicidal while waiting eight months for case to go to trial
PUBLISHED: 22:40 GMT, 27 January 2013 | UPDATED: 22:40 GMT, 27 January 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2269228/Autistic-girl-spent-hours-cell--police-wrongly-thought-drunk.html#ixzz2JFJhBp3H
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

A teenage girl with autism was arrested and hauled before the courts because police mistakenly assumed she was drunk.
Despite being completely sober, 17-year-old Melissa Jones spent ten hours in a police cell, was finger-printed and had her DNA taken.
She was charged with being drunk and disorderly, forced to appear in court and became suicidal while waiting eight months for her case to go to trial.




2013年01月28日 17時30分21秒 | Weblog


Currency wars are best fought quietly - http://FT.com - Opinion http://j.mp/WpV5Ht  通貨戦争について日本を擁護するファーガソン氏の記事

January 25, 2013 6:46 pm
Currency wars are best fought quietly
By Niall Ferguson
The identity of the true warriors might come as a surprise, writes Niall Ferguson

Compare that with the policy of the US Federal Reserve, which has consistently been more aggressive than its Japanese counterpart since the beginning of the financial crisis.

High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email ftsales.support@ft.com to buy additional rights. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/cdc80aa0-6638-11e2-b967-00144feab49a.html#ixzz2JFyfpn00

On the basis of the Bis data, the most aggressive currency warriors of the past 5½ years have been South Korea (a 19 per cent real effective depreciation since August 2007) and the UK (minus 17 per cent). So the Koreans win this week’s prize for hypocrisy.









2013年01月28日 13時57分49秒 | Weblog

21-year-old jailed for dumping pig's head at mosque


A 21-year-old man who dumped a pig's head outside a mosque has been jailed for three months.

Rory Rowbottom left the animal part outside the Muslim place of worship in Pound Street, Newbury, Berkshire, last October.

Rowbottom, of Poffley Place, Thatcham, pleaded guilty to racially aggravated harassment and a Section 4 public order offence at Reading Magistrates' Court today, Thames Valley Police said.

Lucky Nizami, a representative of the Newbury Mosque Committee, said following the sentencing that the local community was shocked by the incident.

He said: “The Muslim community is very tolerant of others' beliefs, but hold several things very close to them - those are the Koran, the Prophet and the mosque.







CIA Secret Prisons Investigation By Poland Loses Steam
Reuters | Posted: 01/27/2013 4:03 am EST | Updated: 01/27/2013 12:59 pm EST

Baroness Warsi: Fewer than one in four people believe Islam is compatible with British way of life


Fewer than one in four people now believe that following Islam is compatible with a British way of life, Britain's most senior Muslim minister will warn today.

Highlighting unpublished research showing that a majority of the country now believes that Islam is a threat to Western civilisation Baroness Sayeeda Warsi will say that “underlying, unfounded mistrust” of Muslims is in itself fuelling extremism.

And she will cite new figures from the Association of Chief Police Officers showing that between 50 to 60 per cent of all religious hate crimes reported to police in Britain are now perpetrated against Muslims.


Just 24 per cent thought Muslims were compatible with the British way of life – with nearly half of people disagreeing that Muslims were compatible.

This compares with research among Muslims that showed 83 per were proud to be British, compared to 79 per cent of Britons overall.

She said preliminary figures from the Association of Chief Police officers found that between 50 to 60 per cent of religious hate crimes were now perpetrated against Muslims - amounting to hundreds of attacks a year.

 イスラム教徒の8割以上はイギリス人であることを誇りにおもっているのだが、イスラム教はイギリスの生活様式と、compatible 相性がいい、矛盾しない、と思っているひとは4分の1もおらず、相性が悪い、と思っているの人が、半分近くおり、宗教的ヘイトクライムの半分以上は、イスラム教徒に向けられている、と。


“There were those who denied the problem existed. There were those who said talking about it was dangerous. But let me tell you what’s really dangerous: It’s when a country turns a blind eye towards that discrimination.”

“Our national hero is a practising Muslim. The double gold medallist saw no conflict between crossing the finish line in the Union Flag and dropping to the ground in prayer.

”In fact, he showed how seamlessly religion and patriotism can go together.“

She will also cite Muslim like her own family - who fought alongside British soldiers in both world wars.







2013年01月28日 13時03分43秒 | Weblog


前防衛相・森本敏 中国の不条理、粘り強くはね返せ






防衛大綱改定へ まず専守防衛の見直しを






2013年01月28日 10時20分37秒 | Weblog
Torture is trivial
The focus on torture in "Zero Dark Thirty" ignores more significant US policies of dubious legality.
Last Modified: 27 Jan 2013



The film's more profound failure is that by reinforcing the same old story about American innocence, it helps obscure the larger truths we don't want to face about ourselves.

But when I look at the decade since 9/11, torture is hardly the greatest crime of the US war machine. Since 9/11, the United States has helped destroy two countries with, at best, sketchy moral and legal justification. The invasion of Afghanistan was connected to the events of 9/11, at least at first, but was the wrong way to deal with those crimes and quickly devolved into a nonsensical occupation. The invasion of Iraq, which was clearly illegal, was a scandal of unprecedented scale, even by the standards of past US invasions and covert operations.

While the Iraq war is over (sort of) and the Afghanistan war is coming to an end (sort of) the United States is also at war in Pakistan and Iran. The US routinely unleashes murderous drone strikes in Pakistani territory, and we can assume that covert operations against Iran, such as the cyber attack with a powerful computer virus, continue even though Iran poses no serious threat to the United States.

All of this was, or is, clearly illegal or of dubious legal status. None of it makes us more secure in the long run. And if one considers human beings who aren't US citizens to be fully human, there is no moral justification for any of it.


The problem with Zero Dark Thirty is that it ignores all of that, as do most of the US movies, television shows, and journalism of the past decade. It tells the story that Americans want to hear: We are an innocent nation that has earned its extraordinary wealth fair and square. Now we want nothing more than to protect the fruits of our honest labour while, when possible, extending our superior system to others. Despite our moral virtue and benevolence, there are irrational ideologues around the world who want to kill Americans. This forces our warriors into unpleasant situations dealing with unpleasant people, regrettable but necessary to restore the rightful order.




Are humans created or evolved?
Intolerant atheism refuses to acknowledge the possibility that science and religion can coexist.
Last Modified: 27 Jan 2013 12:32



Monotheistic religion is essentially about primary belief in one Living God; the rest follows from this premise. In Islamic belief God has 99 "attributes" eg His Omniscience or Omnipotence. The Abrahamic religions are adamant on monotheism. Yes, there is no way of experimentally proving God's presence, but there are coherent evidences in support of this belief, such as a) all the Prophets who were known to be extremely honest and trustworthy in their life informing us of God, b) numerous signs (ayat, in Arabic) within and around us and in the cosmos testify His presence. These arguments cannot just be brushed aside as irrational or non-progressive.

 しかし、唯一無二の全知全能の生きた神がいるか、というと、物質的な宇宙のなかにそうした存在者の存在する余地はないでしょう。 預言者が正しいという確証はないですし、神が現前していると感じているのは信者だけでしょう。

The benefit of a resolute belief in God has a positive impact on life: it has created a myriad of highly-motivated, spiritually-uplifted and self-regulated selfless individuals who have spent or even sacrificed their life for the good of others. The belief in God and a sense of accountability in the Hereafter is a catalyst to those actions.

Then there is the classical argument: imagine there is no God. Believers do not lose anything on Earth. But imagine there is one, what happens to deniers in the Hereafter?




2013年01月28日 02時18分21秒 | Weblog

第九十六条[1] この憲法の改正は、各議院の総議員の三分の二以上の賛成で、国会が、これを発議し、国民に提案してその承認を経なければならない。この承認には、特別の国民投票又は国会の定める選挙の際行はれる投票において、その過半数の賛成を必要とする。

Article 96.

Amendments to this Constitution shall be initiated by the Diet, through a concurring vote of two-thirds or more of all the members of each House and shall thereupon be submitted to the people for ratification, which shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of all votes cast thereon, at a special referendum or at such election as the Diet shall specify.




他国との比較について、憲法改正 日本より条件低くないが米6回、仏27回、独58回も




改憲、自民と有権者に温度差 朝日・東大谷口研究室調査

 憲法改正に「賛成」か「どちらかと言えば賛成」と答えた賛成派は当選議員全体で89%に上ったが、有権者では50%。2009年の前回と比べ、賛成派の議員は当時の59%から30ポイント増えた[が]、有権者は41%から9ポイント増えた[のにとどまる] 。






2013年01月28日 01時06分58秒 | Weblog

Feeling TATTered? (that's Tired All The Time): As one in five say they always feel drained, our experts share their fatigue fighting tips - sorry about the nightly wine
How to beat the constant fatigue affecting one in five Britons
PUBLISHED: 22:00 GMT, 26 January 2013 | UPDATED: 22:13 GMT, 26 January 2013

Are you tired all the time? It’s a symptom so common it even has a handy acronym – TATT – used by doctors on medical notes.
One in five Britons say they are, according to NHS figures, with one in ten suffering long-term problems. Yet just a third of these will have anything physically wrong with them, making it a tricky problem to tackle.


Questions on Monty Python, Maggie and Jessica Ennis at heart of new 'patriotic' test on Britishness for migrants
Gone are questions about public transport, credit cards and job interviews
New Life in the UK test draws on British culture, history and traditions, and well known people who have helped shape the country
Immigration Minister Mark Harper: 'The new book rightly focuses on values and principles at the heart of being British'
PUBLISHED: 12:59 GMT, 27 January 2013 | UPDATED: 15:31 GMT, 27 January 2013

Immigrants will face tests on their knowledge of Monty Python, Morecambe and Wise, and Jessica Ennis in a new guide for people hoping to settle permanently in Britain.
An updated Life in the UK test handbook will go on sale from tomorrow, and in a departure from its politically correct predecessor, the new and somewhat more patriotic version promises to be a celebration of 'what makes Britain great.'


'Life would be difficult if I didn't speak any German'
Published: 22 Jan 13 06:34 CET | Print version

Is it important for you to be able to speak German in your position?

Yes and no. While technically I could work here if I didn't speak any German I think my life would be much more difficult. People are happy to translate, to work in English and to make life as easy as possible. But I do think that for more senior roles, even where everyone speaks English, it is important to be able to take part in German conversation, to pick up the little comments and jokes that aren’t always translated, and to feel like you are really part of the conversation.
I would say that German isn’t a required starting point, but anyone planning to live and work in Berlin for more than a few months should look at picking up a decent level of the language. Not because it's required, but because it makes such a big difference to feeling a part of the team, to not always be the lost guy asking what everything means.

 ドイツの外国人移民の成功者 ドイツ語が話せないと仲間意識がうまれない、と。



Kentucky Neo-Nazis Charged in Gruesome Murder, Dismemberment
Posted in Extremist Crime, Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist by Don Terry on January 25, 2013

The 25-point manifesto of the National Socialist Movement (NSM) makes several hyperbolic “demands,” such as “all non-Whites currently residing in America be required to leave the nation forthwith and return to their land of origin: peacefully or by force.’’

But it appears that two Kentucky members of the neo-Nazi group and an accomplice took at least one of the over-the-top mission statements deadly serious.

Point 17 says, “We demand the ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are injurious to the common interest. Murderers, rapists, pedophiles, drug dealers, usurers, profiteers, race traitors, etc. must be severely punished, whatever creed or race.”

On Jan. 9, according to the authorities, the men lured a white, 19-year-old alleged small-time drug dealer into the back seat of their car, choked him, beat him with fists and a metal pipe, dragged him out of the car, slit his throat, stabbed him in the chest, rolled his body down a hill and left him dead in the bushes, covered in brambles, in a field in Boone County, Ky., essentially a suburb of nearby Cincinnati.



Eradicating racism from German children's books
Published: 24 Jan 13 12:39 CET | Print version

Should Germany expunge racist terms from classic children's books? The Local's Marc Young comments on the country's often exasperating attitudes on race.


Now, I don't condemn these people as racists, but they are guilty of willful ignorance and gross insensitivity. It's utterly irrelevant if white, middle-aged men at leading German publications don't find the use of Neger offensive. I'm certain they won't mind being called a "Nazi" on their next Greek holiday, but the only people who get to decide if a term is hurtful are those having it foisted upon them. People like the defiant nine-year-old who in a justifiably angry letter to Die Zeit defended herself and her black father from the paper's apparent contempt.


 例えば、Jap、という言葉は、米国などでは、歴史的に侮蔑の意味を含んで使われたために、使用禁止になっているが、他の国では、たんにJapanese の省略形である場合も多い。


 じゃあ、Japと言われる日本人が決めていいか、というと、まったく誤解にもとづくものであれば不当であろう。一日本人が例えば、Japanese というのは不快だから、使わないでくれ、nippon jin と言ってくれ、というのも横暴ではないか?


 「外人」はJapanese と同じく、いい含意でも、悪い含意でも使われるから中立的な言葉である、というのが私見である。


 アメリカの評価基準すなわち、世界基準 という観念は捨ててもらいたいものだ。


2013年01月26日 14:06 法/政治


だから、他民族中心主義、国粋主義、自虐史観、他虐史観 を乗り越えるために普遍主義にたつのが望ましいが、それには、糾弾している国、されている国など関係国に、同一の普遍的基準を使って、将来志向で活動するのが一番いい。
