Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年01月16日 20時35分35秒 | Weblog
西村 幸祐

安倍総理の例の英文論文「安全保障ダイアモンド」について、The Diplomatが今回は否定的論説を掲載。メディアとして公平で好感は持てるが、その記事が酷い。


Shinzo Abe’s Strategic Diamond
By Rory Medcalf

January 15, 2013


There will be little immediate appetite for its revival among some participants, notably India and Australia, if they judge that possible benefits in strategic policy coordination are outweighed by the prospective rise in Chinese perceptions, however misplaced, of a containment strategy. Then again, policymakers in these nations naturally resent the idea that China should have a veto over what they talk about with whom. Australia’s conservative opposition has continued to criticize Canberra’s Labor government for withdrawing from the quad in the first place.

And there is no reason why new minilateral arrangements should be destabilizing provided that participants step up their efforts at parallel strategic dialogue with China.

Either way, I suspect we have not seen the last glimpse of Abe’s strategic diamond.


西村 幸祐


January 12, 2013, 9:01 am57 Comments
Worthwhile Japanese Initiative

So while I very much dislike what Abe stands for on cultural issues, and take very seriously Noah Smith’s warning that he may be basically about patronage politics, none of that matters on the macro front; it sure looks as if Japan is, for whatever reason, doing the kinds of things an economy still stuck in the Lesser Depression should be doing.


エジプト大統領、ユダヤ人侮辱発言 3年前に 米紙報道


The US State Department said the comments should be repudiated.

"We completely reject these statements, as we do with any language that espouses religious hatred," the department's spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said.

"This kind of rhetoric has been used in this region for far too long. It's counter to the goals of peace."

The White House called the rhetoric "unacceptable in a democratic Egypt".

"President Morsi should make clear that he respects people of all faiths," spokesman Jay Carney told reporters.

However, both US officials also highlighted that Mr Morsi had shown his commitment to regional peace efforts since taking office in June last year.


"What he has been doing is supporting that peace treaty, continuing to work with us and with Israel on common goals, including in Gaza," Ms Nuland said. "But we'll also judge him by what he says."

 相手との関係を慮んばかって、あいまいに誤魔化さず、間違った点、正しい点をしっかり指摘する、こうした アメリカの たてまえ、論は日本の政治家もしっかりまねるべきだ。原理原則にたった思考法を常日頃していないとできない。

The right’s Colin Powell freakout

In case you missed Powell’s remarks Sunday, he identified “a dark vein of intolerance in some parts” of his own party. He came with facts.

What do I mean by that? I mean by that is they still sort of look down on minorities. How can I evidence that? When I see a former governor [Sarah Palin] say that the president is shuckin’ and jivin’ ― that’s a racial-era slave term. When I see another former governor [John Sununu] after the president’s first debate where he didn’t do well, says that the president was lazy. He didn’t say he was slow, he was tired, he didn’t do well; he said he was lazy. Now, it may not mean anything to most Americans, but to those of us who are African-Americans, the second word is shiftless, and then there’s a third word that goes along with it. The birther, the whole birther movement. Why do senior Republican leaders tolerate this kind of discussion within the party?/




2013年01月16日 03時34分05秒 | Weblog

NHK◆インド 残虐な暴行事件相次ぐ http://goo.gl/pqrLV 「ビハール州のマンゴーの果樹園で、13日、32歳の女性が集団で性的な暴行を受けたうえに木につるされた状態で殺害」「西部のマハラシュトラ州では、9歳の女の子が性的な暴行を受けて殺害」


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2013年1月14日 - 6:16 ·


Gang of men who groomed young girls for sex drove terrified victim, 14, to the woods at night and threatened to cut her head off
The girl had tried to lie so she did not have to have sex with the men but had been discovered
She was told 'You know what we do with pigs, slit their throats’
The court heard the girl had made a complaint to the police in September 2006 and gave a recorded statement
Nine men groomed and horrifically abused vulnerable girls a court has heard
One victim was forced to miscarry after her attacker used an 'instrument' on her in a home abortion
It has been claimed they used 'extreme physical and sexual violence', often beating and burning them as they raped their victims
It was claimed the girls were often given so many drugs that they were 'barely aware'
The abuse is alleged to have taken place over a period of eight years

PUBLISHED: 13:00 GMT, 15 January 2013

Mr Lucas said: 'The evidence will show that these girls were targeted precisely because they were young.'
The men took the girls to towns and cities across the country where they suffered further sexual abuse by other men.
The abuse is alleged to have taken place over a period of eight years.
Prosecutor Noel Lucas QC said: 'Much of what the girls were forced to endure was perverted in the extreme.

Mr Lucas pointed out to the jury that the girls who were targeted by the men were children.
He said the men would came across the girls with 'troubled upbringings' and 'unsettled homes' when they were out drinking or playing truant.
The girls were in care homes and some of them had been sexually exploited by other men before.

Their 'intentional and persistent' abuse is alleged to have happened between May 2004 and early 2012.
The men deny a total of 79 charges including child rape, trafficking for sexual exploitation and arranging or facilitating child prostitution




England will never win a World Cup unless the influx of foreign players to the Premier League is brought under control, says FIFA president
Sepp Blatter claimed England will stay in the shadow of Europe's elite
He said national team will fail to develop if managers keep looking abroad
FIFA president believes England significantly behind Spain, Italy, Germany

PUBLISHED: 10:19 GMT, 15 January 2013 | UPDATED: 17:58 GMT, 15 January 2013
Comments (235)

Sepp Blatter has said England will stay in the shadow of Europe's elite unless influx of foreign players is brought under control
England will stay in the shadow of Europe's elite unless the influx of foreign players to the Premier League is brought under control, the FIFA president has said.
Sepp Blatter is adamant the national team will fail to develop if managers keep looking abroad for players.
He believes England are significantly in the shadow of Spain, Italy and Germany - and so will therefore never win a World Cup unless the buying of players from overseas is limited.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2262629/Sepp-Blatter-England-win-World-Cup-unless-influx-foreign-players-brought-control.html#ixzz2I4Uhjfo8
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日本人監督が言うと、Xenophobia ! へったくれ、と叫ぶやからがいるのだが・・・


US Military suicides continue to climb, reaching record in 2012
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Published: 15 January, 2013

he suicide rate among veterans vastly exceeds that of active-duty troops. According to estimates last year by the US Department of Veterans’ Affairs, a US military veteran commits suicide every 80 minutes – totaling 18 veterans a day.



21 Emotions For Which There Are No English Words [Infographic]






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