Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年01月26日 21時53分52秒 | Weblog

British man claims he was tortured and forced to sign confessions by CIA
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Published: 25 January, 2013,

Hashi says that Djibouti interrogators stripped him down to his underwear and threatened him with rape and sexual abuse while he was blindfolded, threatened to beat and electrocute him, and forced him to watch the torture that other prisoners endured.
Prisoners endured “beatings, being sexually abused, being pinned down naked and their testicles beaten,” Hashi told his lawyers.
At one point during his detention, Hashi was forced to watch a Swedish detainee horrifically tortured, which interrogators said would happen to him if he didn’t comply.
“They beat the soles of his feet, poured cold water on him and said they would electrocute him. There was screaming all around me and it was pretty horrific,” Hashi said.
The young man says American interrogators treated him better, but still forced him to sign a confession and a disclaimer waiving his right to silence and ignored his pleas to relay information about his detention and torture to British authorities


IQ160超の連続殺人犯 VS.辣腕検事長 42年前のレイプ殺人事件で有罪判決
2013.1.26 12:0


Rodney Alcala

Prosecutors say that Alcala "toyed" with his victims, strangling them until they lost consciousness, then waiting until they revived, sometimes repeating this process several times before finally killing them



 職業婦人、キャリアウーマンの飲酒による死亡率の上昇 イギリス


Secondary school 'repeatedly ignored warnings that music teacher was sexually abusing dozens of young girls'

Convicted paedophile Michael Crombie, 75, jailed for a further three years
New case added to 2010 conviction of five years for abusing 29 young girls
Another 30 victims stepped forward after music teacher's 2010 trial
PUBLISHED: 20:36 GMT, 25 January 2013 | UPDATED: 21:24 GMT, 25 January 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2268394/Secondary-school-repeatedly-ignored-warnings-music-teacher-sexually-abusing-dozens-young-girls.html#ixzz2J3Ktq2EN
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The Old Bailey heard she taught at his home, where he regularly kissed her, asked her to turn up to lessons naked, and told her to imagine how she would react to him raping her.
'She replied she would run out screaming, and he said no-one would believe her,' said Sandy Canavan, prosecuting.
A further victim, who was groped and kissed by Crombie, was told chillingly by the abuser: 'if you sing the notes right this wouldn't be happening.'
Jailing him for three years, Judge Wendy Joseph QC slammed the two schools where Crombie had worked for failing to take claims of abuse seriously.
She said: 'It is clear that complaints were made to schools by a number of girls on a number of occasions, but nobody took any, or any adequate, steps to ensure that this defendant was stopped from preying on girls in his charge.


Japan may shutter world’s largest nuclear plant over earthquake threat

Ex-CIA officer Kiriakou gets 30-months prison for intel leak

The charges in question related to an email sent by Kiriakou in August 2008, revealing the name of a covert CIA officer involved in waterboarding to a freelance journalist.
However, Kiriakou and his defense claimed that the email is merely a pretext and the real reason for his sentence is an interview he gave ABC News in 2007, blowing the whistle on torture practices conducted by the CIA that he regards as "wrong and ineffective.”
"I'm headed to prison while the torturers and the lawyers who papered over it and the people who conceived it and the man who destroyed the proof of it, the tapes, will never face justice. And that's the saddest part of the story," Kiriakou said.

柏崎刈羽原発など 断層調査を検討



Thou shall not kill

2013年01月26日 20時51分18秒 | Weblog

I killed people in Afghanistan. Was I right or wrong?
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By Timothy Kudo, Saturday, January 26

[O]ne day in Afghanistan in 2010, my patrol got into a firefight and ended up killing two people on a motorcycle who we thought were about to attack us. They ignored or didn’t understand our warnings to stop, and according to the military’s “escalation of force” guidelines, we were authorized to shoot them in self-defense. Although we thought they were armed, they turned out to be civilians. One looked no older than 16.

the military lost more active-duty members last year to suicide than to enemy fire.

it’s impossible to forget what happened, and the only people who can forgive me are dead.

The immorality of war is not a wound we can ignore ― as is painfully obvious with so many veterans committing suicide.

Most Americans have little idea what war means. Our battles are fought with volunteers, making an intimate knowledge of war voluntary as well ― and therefore avoidable

And if explaining what I did 6,000 miles away in a conflict far from the public’s consciousness makes the next war less likely, then maybe my actions weren’t in vain.






Press TV
‘UK Prince Harry crass, arrogant’

Lindsey German, the convenor of the British anti-war campaign group, denounced Harry’s comments as “crass” and questioned how he could know that those he had killed were actually members of the Taliban.

"In recent months many civilians have been killed by air strikes. This arrogant and insensitive attitude to killing Afghans, whoever they are, is hardly likely to win hearts and minds - a supposed aim of the war,” German said.

This comes after a series of interviews marked the end of the British Prince’s controversial role in Afghanistan.

Harry, who is a helicopter gunship pilot, claimed that he killed insurgents in Afghanistan during his 20-week deployment saying, “Take a life to save a life. That’s what we revolve around, I suppose.”

German also stated that Harry is returning to a life of luxury and comfort, whereas most soldiers return to Britain facing “unemployment, austerity and social problems”.

Harry had compared his role in Afghanistan to his hobby of playing modern computer games, which was condemned by two Taliban officials as disrespectful to those who fought and died in the Middle Eastern country.






Death and Dishonour: US marine urinating video exposes daily abuse?




2013年01月26日 20時45分51秒 | Weblog
人質事件慟哭の対面 「ぶん、帰ってこい」

2013年1月26日 朝刊




アメリカ 有事のさいには、撤退する選択肢も

2013年01月26日 19時06分15秒 | Weblog
尖閣棚上げ支援を 米紙、オバマ政権に促す
2013.1.26 17:27





Should China attempt to seize control of the territory, Mr. Obama could have to choose between backing Japan in a military confrontation and a climb-down that would undermine the “pivot to Asia” he has placed at the center of his foreign policy.

万一中国が尖閣の支配権を握ろうとした場合、オバマ氏はに有事の際、日本を支援するか、あるいは、自らの外交の中心においた アジアへの政策転換を撤回する選択に迫られるのである、と。」


この、a group of tiny, uninhabited islands 誰も住んでいない小さな諸島のために、NYTもWapoもアメリカが核戦争のおそれのある紛争に巻き込まれるのはいやだ、というわけですね。ある意味当然ですね。

With U.S. help, it ought to be possible to return the issue of the Senkakus to the back burner, where it belongs.





This time around, China has given no clear indication of what Wang meant by "putting the problem on the shelf." With no consultation, China declared the Senkakus its own in a 1992 territorial waters law, giving the distinct impression that it is China that first began to break down the "tacit understanding" that had been in place since the 1970s

それに対して、2012年 尖閣を石原都知事の自由にさせずに、平穏かつ安定的な維持管理するため、国有化したわけである。



Japan must face the past
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By Jennifer Lind, Saturday, January 26,



by training attention on wartime crimes, Japan’s conservatives distract people at home and abroad from that record.


they argue that Japan, in its expansionism and human rights violations, behaved just as other countries did and so should not be singled out for criticism and demands for apologies.

But whether or not the “everyone was doing it” argument holds true, such denials are counterproductive:


Japan’s wartime atrocities were terrible. They shattered the lives of millions of Chinese, Koreans and others. Failing to fully acknowledge the wartime sex slave program is a further injustice to the hundreds of thousands of girls and women whom Japanese soldiers raped, tortured and murdered. Furthermore, by attempting to conceal what was terrible about Japan in the past, conservative leaders obscure what is admirable about Japan today.




U.S. wartime atrocities were terrible. They shattered the lives of millions of Asians and others. Failing to fully acknowledge the wartime sex slave program is a further injustice to the hundreds of thousands of girls and women whom American soldiers raped, tortured and murdered. Furthermore, by attempting to conceal what was terrible about the U.S. in the past, conservative leaders obscure what is admirable about the U.S. today.





学習会 外国人研修生問題とは~~愛知県・一宮からの告発

2013年01月26日 13時01分48秒 | Weblog





2013年01月26日 11時51分23秒 | Weblog
Superpower Denied? Why China’s ‘Rise’ May Have Already Peaked

If one has to take a position, it may be reasonable to argue that the Beijing Olympics in 2008 symbolically marked the peaking of Chinese power. Everything began to go downhill afterwards.

What this analysis reveals is that the growth of Chinese power under one-party rule has peaked. The seductive authoritarian state-capitalist development model may have delivered an economic miracle in the post-Tiananmen era, but for all practical purposes this model has lost its magic, if it has not gone totally bankrupt. However, China's future does not have to be a dismal one. The obverse of this analysis is that, with the right reforms, particularly a return to a pro-market growth strategy and a transition to democratic rule, China can comfortably confront these domestic and external challenges. A more liberal market-based economic system will utilize resources more efficiently and equitably than state-capitalism.


America’s Pivot: One Big Contradiction
January 25, 2013
By Justin Logan

"If Washington isn’t comfortable with a more powerful China...making China wealthier by trading with it doesn’t make much sense."


In part, this is a consequence of Washington’s hub-and-spokes system of alliances in Asia. As Georgetown’s Victor Cha, who worked on Asia policy in the National Security Council of George W. Bush, points out, the hub-and-spokes system of alliances in Asia was designed on the basis of what he calls a “powerplay” rationale, in which the United States created a number of asymmetric, bilateral alliances in order, in each case, to “exert maximum control over [its] smaller ally’s actions.” Further, Cha writes, Washington sought to “amplify U.S. control and minimize any collusion among its alliance partners.”

Whatever the logic of infantilizing America’s Asian clients during the Cold War, that logic falls short today. Put bluntly, Asian states have a lot more at stake in China’s growing power. Western analysts like Ian Bremmer and David Gordon argue that the U.S. needs Japan as its “best ally” in Asia, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe thinks that “the U.S. needs Japan as much as Japan needs the U.S.”

This is exactly wrong. Japan needs the United States far more than Washington needs Tokyo. Without America, Japan would have to scramble to increase its defense spending and strengthen its posture dramatically, possibly including developing nuclear weapons, or else risk putting its sovereignty in even greater jeopardy than it is today. Without Japan, American sovereignty would not be in danger. Although Japan is a friendly state, an important trading partner, and like-minded about China, it has far more at stake when it comes to China’s rise, and ought to be reminded of this more often.

If Washington were to create some distance between itself and its allies and partners in the region, they would likely spend more on their own defense and collaborate with each other more, independently from the United States.



China, America, and the Pivot to Asia
by Justin Logan

Although American political leaders regularly deny it, the U.S. military is working to
contain China in the Asia-Pacific region.

Continually reassuring America’s allies has ensured that a disproportionate share of the
cost of hedging against China ultimately will need to be borne by the American taxpayer.

 Countries like Japan, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam all can and should  be expected to play a larger role.

For wealthy and technologically advanced Asian states with ballooning retired populations and shrinking workforces, such as Japan, a reduced American commitment would create powerful pressures to pursue nuclear weapons programs


Asia’s Other Island Spat…Between Japan and Russia
January 24, 2013
By J. Berkshire Miller

Japan meanwhile has been challenged vigorously over the past several months by China, South Korea and Russia on its territorial disputes. This, coupled with China’s increased assertiveness on security policy in the region, has created an environment with new challenges that Japan and Russia must confront. Both countries are facing an uncertain future as Northeast Asia continues to morph into the most strategically important region in the world.

The substantial and growing overlapping interests make it increasingly important for Moscow and Tokyo to acquire the diplomatic courage necessary to resolve their territorial dispute and move closer to a strategic partnership. Unfortunately・・・・


Russia's Vladimir Putin says West is fomenting jihadi 'blowback'

The Russians argue that they back secular goverments and stability, even where it is enforced by a dictatorship, because the alternatives are almost universally worse. They insist that Western efforts to back democratic revolution have backfired almost everywhere, and will continue to do so.

"All attempts to export revolution end badly," says Andrei Klimov, deputy chair of the State Duma's international affairs committee.

"In Iraq, the Americans came in to eliminate fictitious weapons of mass destruction, and knocked out all the pillars of stability in that country. Look at the mess it's in today.... Libya was stable, Syria was stable, until revolutions aided and abetted by Western powers tore them apart. All this chaos is a gift to militant fundamentalists and no one else," he adds.


Russia's backing for the current French-led intervention in Mali is just a case of lining up against the common enemy, the jihadists, pro-Kremlin analysts say.

They point out that the government the West is propping up in Mali is a dictatorship, the result of a military coup last year that overthrew the democratic government on the eve of elections.


Japan and China look to cool island tensions
Japan sends envoy to Beijing to discuss disputed islands in an effort to improve relations.
Last Modified: 25 Jan 2013 18:27

But neither side appeared to offer substantive concessions.


Xi urges addressing "sensitive" issues between China, Japan
English.news.cn 2013-01-25 15:40:54

公明党山口代表 中国訪問記事

Commentary: Ice between China, Japan can only be melted by sincere dialogue
English.news.cn 2013-01-25 09:32:49

Commentary: Ice between China, Japan can only be melted by sincere dialogue
English.news.cn 2013-01-25 09:32:49

Yamaguchi's visit shows the Japanese government's willingness to open "the door to normalizing relations" with China, which, however, should be finally materialized by sincere dialogue and concrete actions.

When looking back on Japan's recent foreign policies, it is easy to see the contradiction in Tokyo's positions. On the one hand, the Japanese government stressed the importance of its relationship with China. On the other, it still stubbornly sticks to its wrong stance on the Diaoyu Islands issue.


習・山口会談 首脳対話に必要な中国の自制(1月26日付・読売社説)






社説:山口・習近平会談 対立緩和につなげたい
毎日新聞 2013年01月26日 02時31分



後退であるが、しかし、これはこれで一つの解決策ではある。 ただ、棚上げ、と 国有化 の事実の辻褄をどうあわせるのか?


訪日外国人 過去2番目の多さに

2013年01月26日 11時20分19秒 | Weblog
訪日外国人 過去2番目の多さに
1月25日 14時45分


read the rest


People Associated With Racist Japan bashing sites

2013年01月26日 02時24分25秒 | Weblog

'Too many foreigners in France', French say
Published: 25 Jan 2013 12:33 GMT+01:00 | Print version
Updated: 25 Jan 2013 14:16 GMT+01:00

A survey in France published this week revealed 70 percent of the population believe there are too many foreigners living in the country and 74 percent believe Islam is not compatible with French society.

The survey, which was carried out by polling institute Ipsos and the Jean-Jaures Foundation, was published in left-leaning French newspaper Le Monde.

As well as having a distrust of Islam and a belief there are too many foreigners in the country, the poll also highlighted French misgivings on everything from globalization to Europe, the media and democracy.

But many of the more interesting results of the survey surround the controversial issues of immigration, religion and racism, which are frequently at the centre of political and public debate.

Some of the stand-out stats include:

· According to the survey, only 29 percent of French people believe the “vast majority of immigrants who have settled in France are well-integrated".

· 46 percent believe unemployment levels can only be cut by reducing immigration.

· 57 percent believe anti-white racism is quite common in France

· 77 percent believe religious fundamentalism in France is a concern.

· 62 percent say they no longer feel at home in France.

Studying the results of the survey for Le Monde, French historian Michel Wincock concluded that “the ingredients for populism are there and not just in the ranks of Marine Le Pen’s Front National party”.

There was also worrying news for President François Hollande, with 87 percent of respondents agreeing with the notion that “France needs a true leader to restore order”.

French pessimism

The survey suggests many people in France lament the decline of their country and hold a bleak outlook for the future.

The vast majority of respondents (90 percent) said French economic power had declined and 63 percent noted a loss of France’s cultural influence.

It appears France’s high unemployment and ailing industry has not gone unnoticed among the population, with just over half of respondents (51 percent) believing “the decline of France is inevitable”.

“The French, or at least the vast majority of them, seem to be afraid of everything,” historian Wincock told Le Monde.

There also appears to be a deep mistrust of France’s elected officials with 62 percent believing politicians are “corrupt”.

The survey also revealed that the media is not held in high regard in France, with 73 percent of the belief it is not independent and a similar figure (72 percent) of the view that journalists are “not doing their job”.

The poll was taken from an internet survey of around 1,000 people


2013年01月25日 20:27 法/政治



Take 2: Photographer releases second set of amazing portraits of total STRANGERS who look like twins
PUBLISHED: 04:44 GMT, 25 January 2013 | UPDATED: 08:36 GMT, 25 January 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2268040/Francois-Brunelle-portraits-Photographer-sets-shoot-200-fascinating-portraits-strangers-look-like-TWINS.html#ixzz2J0GiGKsE
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Half of babies born to mothers over 30: Newborns will soon be more likely to have a mother over 35 than under 25

Growing numbers of women are putting their education and career first
Cost of housing and child rearing is also working to persuade women to delay pregnancy
PUBLISHED: 22:43 GMT, 24 January 2013 | UPDATED: 00:29 GMT, 25 January 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2267915/Half-babies-born-mothers-30-Newborns-soon-likely-mother-35-25.html#ixzz2Iy76lERX
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook



「家電の王様」テレビでの凋落 イエスマンだらけの採用が仇に
2013.1.25 11:01




Illinois Politician Associated With Racist Sites, Radio
Posted in Extremist Propaganda by Marilyn Elias on January 15, 2013



hate-oriented sites
an immigrant-bashing hate site that regularly publishes works by white supremacists, anti-Semites and others on the radical right


immigrant をJapan とかanti-Semites を anti-Japanese とかにすると使える表現ではある。

長いことracist Japan bashing site に関わっていた人たちはよーく肝に銘じておいてね。

Ignoring global inequality
International law should be enforcing governments to create frameworks that foster citizens to realise their rights.
Last Modified: 25 Jan 2013 12:01

If you are a woman, if you are from a marginalised ethnic group, if you come from a neglected region of the country, there is a much greater likelihood of your being poor. If you are at the bottom of the social pyramid, you are likely to be at the bottom of the economic pyramid as well. Civil and political rights are inextricably linked with economic and social rights.

Anger in Greece exploded when it was revealed that the Minister of Finance took no action when he had been made aware of wealthy citizens stashing money away in Swiss bank accounts to avoid tax. In the UK, multinational companies were found to have paid little or no tax. In both cases, public anger was fuelled by the fact that the governments are imposing deep cuts in social spending and vast numbers have found themselves pushed into poverty.

We live in a world where the ultra-rich can avoid taxes but retain all the benefits of being residents in a country, where unethical companies can legally swindle resource-rich countries out of their natural wealth, and where corrupt elites can stash their money offshore -- even after their crimes are exposed.

With greater transparency, many of the worst practices can finally be addressed. And the human rights benefit will be huge.


Top CEOs plan to loot US social programmes
A top CEO plan to curb social programmes will be bad for everyone - except them.
Last Modified: 24 Jan 2013 12:54

These CEOs are members of the Business Round Table, an elite corporate club that claims to create 7.3 trillion in annual revenues. That gives them a lot of political clout. The real reason for their push to cut spending on important programmes like Social Security and Medicare is so corporate tax rates can be cut further

they call for raising the retirement age to 70, restricting the growth of benefits and converting the Cost of Living Adjustment to a chained CPI. They also recommend that people save more. In today's economy, in which poverty is increasing, changes that delay or decrease benefits would be just plain cruel. Our older population is carrying high credit card debt and experiencing growing food insecurity. Future seniors are expected to face even greater poverty. They cannot bear further reductions in benefits. And many American families are struggling to meet basic necessities, let alone put money into savings. In fact 38 percent of families have no savings at all

On the contrary, there is strong evidence that investing in social infrastructure stimulates the economy and shortens recessions.

There are real solutions that would address our current crises and actually preserve and strengthen Social Security and Medicare. For example, reclaiming taxes that the wealthy avoid paying would raise enough revenue to strengthen and expand both programmes.





税制大綱 軽減税率は早期導入が筋
2013.1.25 03:06


