Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

中高年 抜け出せない貧困

2013年01月10日 14時07分38秒 | Weblog
2013.1.10 08:22



NHKネットクラブ 番組詳細 ろーかる直送便 金曜山梨「再び、汗をかきたい~4、50代 抜け出せない貧困~」

放送日時: 2013年1月9日(水)
ジャンル: ニュース/報道 > 特集・ドキュメント
ドキュメンタリー/教養 > 社会・時事
ドキュメンタリー/教養 > ドキュメンタリー全般
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2013年01月10日 14時00分02秒 | Weblog
2008-10-07 22:58:51



In Defense of Hagel for Defense



How refreshing to imagine decisions about war made by brave doves rather than by chicken hawks.


As for Iran, Hagel will need to sound more hawkish in public to mesh with the administration, and it is useful for Iran to worry about a military strike. But I hope that Hagel, in private, continues to be cautious.



Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2013

Xenophobia finds fertile soil in web anonymity

Staff writer
As diplomatic strains with China and South Korea worsen over territorial disputes, more and more Japanese are using the relative anonymity of cyberspace to vent their political spleens online.

Enter "Net uyoku," the people who freely post their ultranationalistic, xenophobic bluster online. Here is a closer look at these people:

Who are the Net uyoku?

They're people who post ultranationalistic and xenophobic rants ― especially against Chinese and ethnic Koreans ― on the Net.

Nihon University professor Mitsuru Fukuda said outbursts of anti-Chinese and anti-Korean rhetoric became pronounced after September 2002, when North Korea officially admitted to then-Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi what Japan had long suspected ― that its agents had kidnapped Japanese nationals in the past.

Before the admission by the late Kim Jong Il, the abduction issue hadn't gotten much public attention, and it was considered a political taboo to link the suspected abductions to Korean residents of Japan.

But after Koizumi's two trips to the North, even the general public grew angrier toward the North and toward Korean residents of Japan, especially on 2channel, the notorious messaging board.

As for South Korea, negative sentiment was muted at the time because South Korean culture, especially TV dramas, was enjoying a boom in Japan, led by NHK's popular "Fuyu no Sonata" ("Winter Sonata"). Private broadcasters offered similar fare in the hunt for higher ratings.

As the boom faded, however, anti-Korean sentiment grew online, especially after Japanese actor Sosuke Takaoka, in a July 2011 message on his Twitter account, slammed Fuji Television Network for excessively airing South Korean dramas. Criticism swelled.

More recently, China's encroachments on the Senkaku Islands and departing South Korean President Lee Myung Bak's visit to the South Korean-held but Japan-claimed Takeshima islets have sparked huge outcries.

Who are the xenophobes?

The Net uyoku appear to be outwardly pedestrian and unaffiliated with the traditional rightwing groups known for their blaring sound trucks spewing nationalistic slogans and other bombast.

While the rightwingers often count yakuza among their ranks, the apparent xenophobes on the Net might be ordinary Japanese ― businessmen, housewives and students who only fan the nationalist fires online.

Critics contend the online hate-speakers are among the ranks of the socially vulnerable, those who can only speak out against people who are in an even weaker position, particularly foreigners.

"For some people who cannot boast hailing from prominent universities or blue-chip companies, they uphold their patriotic passions as a way to portray themselves as superior to others," said Fukuda.

What is Zaitokukai?

While Net uyoku appear to be largely pedestrian, the far-right group Zainichi Tokken wo Yurusanai Shimin no Kai (Zaitokukai) explicitly states it is bent on eliminating the presence of foreigners in Japan, especially "zainichi" permanent residents of South Korean or North Korean descent.

Zaitokukai has more than 12,500 members, according to its website. It posts propaganda on the Internet and holds regular protests on the streets against giving zainichi the right to vote in local-level elections or benefits from the national pension system, which they pay into.

Do the Net uyoku represent mainstream society?

No. They represent only a fraction of the people. Although studies are scarce, experts agree a key trait is that they are generally heavy Internet users.

Osaka University associate professor Daisuke Tsuji said Net uyoku are probably even a minority among Net addicts. According to a study he conducted in 2008, only 1.3 percent, or 13 people out of 998 heavy Internet users, appeared to fall into that category.

Those 13 apparently shared a common lack of friendly feelings toward South Korea and China, support revising the Constitution's war-renouncing Article 9 to effectively return the right of belligerence to Japan, and want prime ministers to visit Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine, which honors the nation's war dead, as well as Class-A war criminals. They also advocate an education system more indoctrinated toward patriotism, including requiring the singing of the "Kimigayo" national anthem and the flying of the Hinomaru national flag at schools, and have expressed these views on the Internet.

In a 2012 survey by Fukuda of Nihon University, more than 90 percent of 354 frequent Net users said they are alarmed by Japan's sovereignty disputes with China and South Korea, yet only 10 percent said they would take such visible actions as joining public protests. While it may be misleading to brand the respondents as Net uyoku only by the responses to that question, Fukuda noted that those who are active on the Internet are incapable of leaving the virtual world to engage in real-life action.

Net uyoku also tend to be extremely critical of liberal "mass-comi" (mass communications), calling them "masu-gomi" (mass garbage), he said.

"The Net uyoku do not think their views are rightwing," he said. "They feel they are legitimate, as Japanese nationals.

"Their action reflects a backlash against the mainstream media, which they say have failed to report on political taboos."

What impact do the Net uyoku have on society?

Although the Cabinet Office in its annual survey released in November found that more than 80 percent of Japanese people harbored unfriendly feelings toward China, the highest since the survey started in 1978, experts agree the Net uyoku trend is exaggerated.

Tsuji of Osaka University said playing up their influence, if any, could give the false impression that what's discussed on the Internet is actually the general opinion of the Japanese public.

Although people do increasingly rely on the Internet, the 2012 government white paper on information and communications technology said that most people still find television to be their preferred source of information.

An election debate in early December on the daring video site Nico Nico Douga was reportedly held at the suggestion of Shinzo Abe, who favors campaigning online instead of on TV. He went on to repeat as prime minister, amid widespread discontent with the Democratic Party of Japan.

The DPJ's then-Secretary General Jun Azumi criticized Abe's proposal and said Net uyoku often alter such videos by directly overlaying their comments on them.

"Politicians could be misled to believe the public opinion on the Web reflects the majority and shift more to the right," said Tsuji. "People with less interest in politics could also be led in that direction as a result."

Rape culture

2013年01月10日 08時17分19秒 | Weblog
It's more than not cool: Young men should speak out against rape
Community efforts, family support and cultural shifts in attitude toward sexual violence can prevent sexual violence.
Last Modified: 09 Jan 2013

As the world reacts to the trial this week of five men and one minor accused of gang rape and murder of 23-year-old Jyoti Singh Pandey in India, it is important to note rape knows no cultural boundaries.




Rape is trivialised'

Rape culture "describes a culture where rape is trivialised, where both the abuse and sexual objectification of women is normalised, and where as a result, the sexual abuse of women is more likely to happen," writes Foz Meadows in "Reporting on Rape and Sexual Violence", a media toolkit created by the Chicago Taskforce on Violence Against Girls & Young Women.


United States

In February 2011, seventeen United States veterans filed suit against the Pentagon and defense secretary Robert Gates and former secretary Donald Rumsfeld, alleging that they allowed a culture in the military where rape was unevenly reported and punished. In several of the plaintiffs' cases, the victim was forced to work with the accused rapist after reporting them for sexual assault. Unit commanders often have heavy influence over military rape cases, and less than one in five cases are prosecuted.[99][100] According to a 2011 Newsweek report, only one in five females and one in 15 males in the United States Air Force would report having been sexually assaulted by service members.[101] (See also: Sexual assault in the United States military)
In March 2011, a group of 16 current and former Yale University students filed a Title IX complaint against the school with the US Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, alleging that the administration did not respond decisively to misogyny on campus, such as Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity members chanting sexist slogans.[102] The fraternity was subsequently suspended for five years.[103] Academic studies have examined fraternity cultures at other universities and discussed their roles in the creation of rape culture.[104]
In March 2011, editorials on Salon.com and The Huffington Post criticised a New York Times article, saying that the article focused on victim-blaming on an eleven-year-old girl rather than the fact that she was raped. The article in question dealt with the November 2010 gang rape of the child in Cleveland, Texas

そういえば、日本人のレイプ被害者を嘘つき呼ばわりしたMark IN Yayoi氏はアメリカ出身、

Daughter says Klaus Kinski raped her

Published: 9 Jan 13 12:37 CET | Print version

Pola Kinski, daughter of legendary German actor Klaus Kinski, has told a German magazine that she was sexually abused by her father over 14 years from the age of five.





ついでに、韓国、韓国政府、韓国人ピンプ、アメリカ軍の犠牲になった韓国人慰安婦問題について、日本のときのようにセンセーショナルにやったらどうか? 女性の人権問題を軽視するのであろうか?

Will Japan lead the path away from the fiscal cliff?
If Abe manages to restore Japan to a healthy growth path perhaps it will put an end to austerity economics in the US.
Last Modified: 07 Jan 2013

The goal is to reduce the real interest rate: the difference between the nominal interest rate that people actually pay on borrowed money and the rate of inflation.

Given the weakness of the Japanese economy it would be desirable to have a negative real interest rate; however, nominal interest rates will never fall below zero. People will not pay banks to hold their money. Since Japan was actually seeing modest rates of deflation, this meant that the real interest rate still remained considerably higher than would be desired.

However, if people actually come to expect the 2.0 percent inflation targeted by the central bank then it will mean that the real interest will turn negative. Firms that are able to borrow at near zero interest rates will have more incentive to invest when they expect that the items they are producing will sell for 6 percent more money in three years or 10 percent more money in five years.


The idea of deliberately targeting a higher rate of inflation was first put forward by Paul Krugman in a famous 1998 paper. While many prominent economists, including Federal Reserve Board chairman Ben Bernanke, endorsed Krugman's position, no central bank has had the courage to actually test the theory by making it explicit policy. Inflation-phobic central banks found it impossible to accept the idea that a higher rate of inflation could actually be a desirable policy goal.

In spite of the overwhelming evidence that these examples provide of the foolishness of deficit reduction in the middle of downturn, austerity remains very much in fashion in elite Washington circles. If our leaders can't learn from other countries' failures, there is still the hope that they make be able to learn from success.

If Abe carries through his Keynesian agenda and manages to restore Japan to a healthy growth path perhaps it will put an end to austerity economics in the United States. As President Bush always used to say, “Is our leaders learning?”




2013年01月10日 02時10分14秒 | Weblog

How did it survive? RSPCA condemn laughing teen girls who hurled kitten across bedroom on sickening Facebook video
RSPCA said the eight-week-old kitten was lucky to survive
The girls, aged 15 and 16, can be seen swinging the female kitten by its tail
She appears to be knocked unconscious after hitting the ceiling
The pair were fined £85 after their footage was spotted on Facebook
Kitten has since been re-homed with a new and loving family
PUBLISHED: 12:30 GMT, 9 January 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259529/Laughing-teenage-girls-hurled-kitten-bedroom-hard-knocked-unconscious-caught-posting-sickening-footage-Facebook.html#ixzz2HV1YRWnR



第四四条  愛護動物をみだりに殺し、又は傷つけた者は、一年以下の懲役又は百万円以下の罰金に処する。
2  愛護動物に対し、みだりに給餌〔じ〕又は給水をやめることにより衰弱させる等の虐待を行つた者は、五十万円以下の罰金に処する。
3  愛護動物を遺棄した者は、五十万円以下の罰金に処する。
4  前三項において「愛護動物」とは、次の各号に掲げる動物をいう。
一  牛、馬、豚、めん羊、やぎ、犬、ねこ、いえうさぎ、鶏、いえばと及びあひる
二  前号に掲げるものを除くほか、人が占有している動物で哺〔ほ〕乳類、鳥類又は爬〔は〕虫類に属するもの



Police have stopped me 25 times... just because I'm black: Stephen Lawrence's teacher brother launches damning race case against the Met
Stephen's brother Stuart Lawrence, 35, left furious by harassment
Final straw said to be when he was stopped in London in November
Mother Doreen Lawrence OBE says 'racism has not gone away'
PUBLISHED: 22:59 GMT, 8 January 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259271/Stuart-Lawrence-Police-stopped-25-times--just-Im-black-says-brother-Steven.html#ixzz2HV0bu1y1

レイシャルプロファイリング UK

'F**k this life': Despairing message of girl, 13, who plunged 60ft to her death revealed as inquest hears rumours of sex video featuring her were circulating around school
Chevonea Kendall-Bryan, 13, died in March 2011 in south-west London
Changed BBM picture to person with head in a bin, saying: 'F**k this life'
Friend claims someone said she'd fallen from window - before she died

PUBLISHED: 21:45 GMT, 8 January 2013

Chevonea had been the victim of bullying, which had got worse after two boys forced her into sex acts, one of whom had threatened to break her windows.
But despite being verbally and physically abused by more than 11 boys in school, one of her teachers said it was just ‘kids being kids’, the court was told.
A friend said: ‘There was loads of bullying going on, coming from the boys at school. It started off verbal, then physical, then cyber bullying.
‘It never stopped for a few months or a few weeks - it was at least every day there was some kind of bullying happening.
‘The teachers weren’t stopping it, they didn’t know anything about it, and several times we had gone to them - Chevonea on her own and with friends - and they tried to stop it but it was never a priority of theirs.
‘I remember having conversations with them and they said formally they can’t do anything, they can’t exclude the boys.
‘A teacher said they hadn’t done anything wrong and kids will be kids, and kids will be cruel.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259202/Chevonea-Kendall-Bryan-Schoolgirl-13-plunged-60ft-death-rumours-sex-video.html#ixzz2HUs9XoGt


EXCLUSIVE - 'There are days when Mom finds her crying': Revealed, the torment of 16-year-old Ohio ra

'There are some fantastic, hard working people in Steubenville but football is powerful there and when it comes down to it not one person stood up and helped that girl that night.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2259246/Bob-Fitzsimmons-There-days-weep-Lawyer-16-year-old-Ohio-rape-victim-opens-remarkably-strong-girl-tries-forget-horrific-attack.html#ixzz2HUulYtCK






“Obviously, violence is not an answer, but white supremacists are extremely hateful, violent people. Here we are, the state is prosecuting these five kids. Why aren’t they looking after the white supremacists?” attorney Sara Garber, who represented Alex Stuck, asks the Chicago Sun-Times.
"All the Nazis at the restaurant have records, with violent felony backgrounds," Garber adds to Patch. "They had weapons, guns in their cars."


Cloud surfing: US surveilance act ‘grave threat’ to EU sovereignty
Get short URL email story to a friend print version
Published: 09 January, 2013

US lawmakers passed a five-year extension to 2008 amendments of the FISA at the end of December, allowing the US to keep tabs on phone calls and emails in and out of the country by US citizens.

In essence, at the behest of a secret government order US companies operating in the EU will be obliged to hand over data on European citizens. Non-American citizens dwelling outside the US are not subject to the search and seizure protections of the Fourth Amendment, and as such are easy picking for American snooping.



2013年01月10日 00時10分06秒 | Weblog
読売新聞 1月9日(水)14時33分配信








