Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年01月17日 13時40分22秒 | Weblog





(2013年1月17日10時35分 読売新聞)

January 5, 2013, 6:54 pm88 Comments
China’s New Leader, and the Islands Dispute

My starting point is that China makes a decent case for ownership of the islands. It seems pretty clear from Meiji era documents that Japan effectively stole the islands as spoils of war in 1895, although Japan can also make a plausible argument that prior to that in 1895 they weren’t Chinese but terra nullis, owned by no one. I also think it’s absurd for Japan to claim that there is no dispute at all ― of course there’s a dispute, and that’s why there’s some risk of war.


And the US shouldn’t be taking sides in this dispute, especially when in reality I don’t see any American President going on TV and saying: “The US is now going to deploy naval vessels and risk nuclear war with China over a few uninhabited rocks in the Pacific that you’ve never heard of.” Effectively, the US managed to further escalate the crisis rather than deescalate it.




 アメリカと日本と単純に置き換えることはできないが、しかし、想像してみれば、そんな岩のために、自分たちの若者を、あるいは、自分たちをそんな危険な目にあわせるか? 親米右翼のせつない妄想だろう?

We desperately need to return to the previous status quo with the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. My suggestion is that Japan acknowledge that there is a dispute in fact, while insisting that it is in the right, and open discussions with China about how to avoid shots being fired. Maybe China would agree to make periodic ritual shipping (but not aerial) visits to the general area, stopping at a 12 mile limit, and Japan would refrain from confronting the ships.


It would be great if China and Japan agreed to refer the matter to the International Court of Justice, but I don’t see that happening.







2013年01月17日 10時14分37秒 | Weblog
Can non-Europeans think?
What happens with thinkers who operate outside the European philosophical 'pedigree'?
Last Modified: 15 Jan 2013

Compared to those liberating tsunamis now turning the world upside down, cliche-ridden assumption about Europe and its increasingly provincialised philosophical pedigree is a tempest in the cup. Reduced to its own fair share of the humanity at large, and like all other continents and climes, Europe has much to teach the world, but now on a far more leveled and democratic playing field, where its philosophy is European philosophy not "Philosophy", its music European music not "Music", and no infomercial would be necessary to sell its public intellectuals as "Public Intellectuals".






THURSDAY, JAN 17, 2013 03:39 AM +0900
Newtown truthers: Where conspiracy theories come from
The Sandy Hook deniers are delusional -- but their paranoid beliefs date back to the founding of America


In The Declaration of Independence, the Founders wrote that King George was executing a secret plot with the “direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.”

And after the Revolution, we established a centralized government while Europe’s capitals remained hamstrung by a series of quarreling gentry and competing religious authorities. Soon Washington replaced London as the object of concern for conspiracists on the fringes of both the right and left. This dynamic helped created a culture where fearing the government is not only accepted, but patriotic. Richard Hofstadter famously explored this in his seminal 1964 essay on the “paranoid style in American politics.” “You heard it with Barry Goldwater, you heard it Ronald Reagan, and you hear it today, particularly in regards to the gun rights people,” Goldberg said.


Mali asked U.S. for military aid last week, State Dept. official says

“The Malian government made a specific request of the United States, as they did the French, several days ago for assistance in combatting the threat posed by the rebels,” in the country’s north, the State Department official said.

“Under current U.S. law we are prohibited from providing any direct assistance to the current Malian government,” the official said. “U.S. law clearly states that we must break off all but humanitarian assistance when a democratically elected government has been overthrown by a military regime.”


the original plan had been for European Union (EU) experts to retrain the Malian army first and deploy West African allied troops gradually, while elections were held to re-establish a government with a democratic mandate to replace the current transitional regime established in the wake of the March 2012 coup.

Only after all this was a serious military offensive envisaged - and then only if the jihadist groups had failed to negotiate a peaceful handover back to government rule

France expected to lead the EU training mission - and was briefing to that effect only last week. But it did not expect to lead front-line combat.

French intelligence identified about 200 vehicles and thousands of men, mounting a two-pronged offensive - from Douentza in the east and from Lere in the west, near Mauritania - aimed at seizing the strategic city of Mopti, gateway to the Malian south.

This was clearly a lot more than a negotiating tactic. There was a danger that the militants would have seized control of Bamako and the southern Malian heartland before any of the European military trainers or the West African intervention forces had arrived.

The air strikes and troop deployments of the past few days have brought a halt, and enabled France to hit the militant groups' rear bases in Gao and Timbuktu.



The Europeans aren’t fit for purpose

The interests of the former colonial power in Africa aren't great enough for France to take that risk. France has intervened because the problem state in the Sahel threatens to blow up into a serious threat to Europe. And it has gone in alone, it is because the other Europeans have shirked the responsibility. That says a lot about the state of the common European security and defence policy. And none of it is good.

どうかなああ? ちょっと格好よすぎないか?

So Why Did France Invade Mali Anyway?

Expert says France fights to protect Europe's 'backyard'

January 16, 2013

"[The French] have an interest in Mali, and they have colonial ties to Mali. They consider this their backyard and a threat to France and Europe," she adds.




“By launching this campaign, which the jihadi extremists will use to create a ‘holy war,’ this sets up the tension for more terrorist activity – and instead of terminating or containing this conflict in Mali, what the US and the French are doing is spreading it and endangering their own security,” Lawrence Freeman from the Intelligence Review Magazine, told RT.http://rt.com/news/mali-rebels-france-troops-086/



日本政府に謝罪要求 慰安婦でNY州決議案「最大規模の人身売買だ」
2013.1.17 09:17




