Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年01月13日 12時07分12秒 | Weblog

「米国が汚職一番ひどい」 ジャッキー・チェンさんが発言 「中国に洗脳されている」と非難の声

The anti-Americanism of Jackie Chan
Posted by Max Fisher on January 10, 2013 at 12:27 pm

you might naturally be wondering how Chan can square his criticism of the United States with his long embrace of the American film market. How, after all, could he spend so much time making movies in “the most corrupt country in the world”? It’s the sort of contradiction that can make Chinese views of the U.S. baffling. I’m reminded of a 2011 Chinese TV documentary about the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, in which a young student beamed that he had been “very happy” about the attacks. He added of Osama bin Laden, “Anyone who quarrels with the Americans is a hero.” When the interviewer asked the Beijinger how he felt about the United States, he said, hardly missing a beat, “I love it. I’m studying in the U.S. soon. If I don’t have to come back, then I won’t come back.”
To be clear, I’m not suggesting that Jackie Chan holds such opinions, or that this is even a particularly common view in China. The young Beijinger’s comments were roundly mocked on Chinese social media precisely because they were so baldly hypocritical. Still, they were an extreme form of a much milder but similarly contradictory Chinese perception of America, one that maybe has echoes in Chan’s condemnation of the country that has helped make him so rich.

To the degree that Chan’s comments were anti-American, they likewise reflect a common Chinese view of the United States, one that is rooted not just in attitudes toward America but in China’s proud but sometimes insecure view of itself. In other words, we shouldn’t be too offended.




(゜з゜) ~♪

Is Delhi So Different From Steubenville?
Published: January 12, 2013


The CIA has escalated its use of drones in Pakistan, launching seven deadly strikes during the first 10 days of 2013 and killing at least 40 people, 11 of which may have been civilian



Among 122 countries interviewed on well-being in a gallup world poll against a nation's real GDP per capita (and adjusted for purchasing power) found that well-being rises with income at all income levels in every country.
Therefor, rich countries are happier than poorer countries.
It also found that you need to increase your income by consistent percentages to feel happier about a raise.


Interestingly, while the U.S. economy has doubled in size since the early 1970s, its self-reported happiness has been declining.That could be attributed to the growing economic disparity between the wealthy and the poor.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2261185/Turns-buy-happiness-New-research-shows-richer-happier-youll-be.html#ixzz2HouHeQZo
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The parties became embroiled in a bitter dispute, which wrapped up this week, when B.C. Supreme Court Justice Linda Loo ordered a judgment of $67,706 in favour of Abraham and Belay. Loo ruled the landlord had not discussed any restrictions on cutting men’s hair with the couple until two months after the contract was signed and therefore did not reach an “enforceable agreement.”

By that time, the judge noted, the couple had incurred substantial labour and material expenses in renovating the shop, which smelled of mould, had cracked and uneven floors and was riddled with water leaks and rotten studs.

Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/life/fashion-beauty/Judge+rules+against+Vancouver+landlord+that+demanded+salon/7702585/story.html#ixzz2HmHoLIPm



Solicitors 'ran immigration scam arranging thousands of sham marriages by submitting touching love stories about couples who'd only just met'
Gang arranged for brides or husbands from EU to marry non EU individuals
At one stage several EU citizens a day were flown in from Eastern Europe
They were housed in London before going to various registry offices

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2260822/Solicitors-ran-immigration-scam-arranging-thousands-sham-marriages-submitting-touching-love-stories-couples-whod-just-met.html#ixzz2HouV46Xy
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

“In Canada we have essentially what amounts to apartheid system in how we treat the indigenous population. In their communities they have less access to water, food insecurity.”
Another serious issue is the situation that indigenous women are facing. “We have huge numbers of murdered or missing aboriginal women. The police don’t care. It’s unaccounted for.”http://rt.com/news/idle-no-more-canada-834/


Police missed three chances to stop paedophile DJ Savile as force admits catalogue of errors
PUBLISHED: 23:33 GMT, 11 January 2013 | UPDATED: 23:35 GMT, 11 January 2013

Jimmy Savile could have been brought to justice several years ago had it not been for appalling blunders by police and prosecutors, a report revealed last night

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2261122/Jimmy-Savile-scandal-Police-missed-chances-stop-paedophile-DJ-force-admits-catalogue-errors.html#ixzz2HmDsSzk0



More than 1,000 priests sign letter claiming gay marriage is biggest threat to religious freedoms si


沖縄米軍基地 化学物質で健康被害の可能性

2013年01月13日 11時33分47秒 | Weblog

Were U.S. Marines Used as Guinea Pigs on Okinawa?

By Jon Mitchell

via mozu

Newly-discovered documents reveal that fifty years ago this month, in December 1962, the Pentagon dispatched a chemical weapons platoon to Okinawa under the auspices of its infamous Project 112. Described by the U.S. Department of Defense as "biological and chemical warfare vulnerability tests," the highly classified program subjected thousands of unwitting American service members around the globe to substances including sarin and VX nerve gases.


In the near future, Washington plans to return a number of U.S. installations on Okinawa to civilian usage. However, just as former U.S. CBW storage sites elsewhere -- such as the Rocky Mountain Arsenal and Johnston Island -- remain dangerously contaminated, Okinawan land is likely to be handed back in a similarly toxic state.

Under the current U.S.-Japan Status of Forces Agreement, the host government is solely responsible for the cleanup of former bases -- a task that's expected to set Japanese taxpayers back hundreds of millions of dollars. With the true cost in terms of health and capital yet to be determined, there is a real risk that these weapons of mass destruction will poison not only the soil but also the Okinawan people and American-Japanese-Okinawan relations for decades to come.



2013年01月13日 10時51分28秒 | Weblog
2013.1.13 09:50


