Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年01月25日 18時57分11秒 | Weblog

平和安全保障研究所理事長・西原正 「河野談話」をより正確なものに
2013.1.25 03:04









'No work, no money, no pension, no future'

2013年01月25日 16時04分28秒 | Weblog
'No work, no money, no pension, no future': What recession-hit businessman wrote in suicide note before he killed himself on canal bridge
Married father-of-two had celebrated his 60th birthday only days before
Raymond Hollingsworth had taken out business loans without telling wife
Keen gardener 'didn't want to be 60' but was not depressed before death
Coroner ruled a verdict of suicide
PUBLISHED: 18:09 GMT, 24 January 2013 | UPDATED: 18:53 GMT, 24 January 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2267780/Private-pension-crisis-Raymond-Hollingsworth-wrote-suicide-note-threw-canal-bridge.html#ixzz2Iy6tOBP5
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Earlier this week, mental health charity SANE reported the damaging effects of the recession were blamed for the significant increase in the number of middle-aged men committing suicide.
Latest figures revealed the suicide rate among men aged between 45 and 59 years old increased between 2007 and 2011 by 8.5 per cent to 22.2 deaths per 100,000 people - the highest level for a generation.
Overall UK suicides hit 6,045 in 2011, according to the figures released by the Office for National Statistics, with deaths among men accounting for a majority of more than 4,550.





2013年01月25日 14時45分53秒 | Weblog





One in six patients put on controversial care pathway last year has dementia
Liverpool Care Pathway aims to reduce suffering in the last hours and days of a dying person's life
Some 130,000 people are believed to be placed on the pathway every year


At least 20,000 people with dementia are put on the controversial Liverpool Care Pathway every year, Parliament has been told.
A national audit suggests that one in six of the people placed on the pathway each year have either a primary or secondary diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, or another form of dementia.
Dr Philip Howard, a consultant gastroenterologist in London, said this raised huge concerns because these patients could not have been meaningfully consulted on whether life-saving treatment should be withdrawn.

Doctors can withdraw fluids and drugs from patients if they are deemed close to death.
Care services minister Norman Lamb has launched an inquiry into the way the pathway operates, following concerns that patients and relatives are often not consulted by doctors when people are placed on the scheme.

He said the pathway was ‘flawed in principle and practice’ because it came into play when doctors decided a person is close to death, yet there was no evidence that doctors can predict when that stage has been met.



Clinical pathway

clinical path


Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient

NHS millions for controversial care pathway
The majority of NHS hospitals in England are being given financial rewards for placing terminally-ill patients on a controversial “pathway” to death, it can be disclosed.

Tens of thousands of patients with terminal illnesses are being placed on a “death pathway”, almost double the number just two years ago, the Royal College of Physicians has found.

In some instances patients placed on the pathway because doctors judged that they were nearing the end of their life went on to recover.
According to responses from a sample of 72 trusts, at least £12.4 million has been paid out in the past two to three years to trusts which hit targets associated with use of the care pathway. But the full figure could be more than £20 million.

Of those, 62 per cent disclosed that they had either received, or expect to receive, cash rewards for meeting targets associated with the implementation of the pathway.

Sentenced to death on the NHS
Patients with terminal illnesses are being made to die prematurely under an NHS scheme to help end their lives, leading doctors have warned.

“Forecasting death is an inexact science,”they say. Patients are being diagnosed as being close to death “without regard to the fact that the diagnosis could be wrong.

The scheme, called the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP), was designed to reduce patient suffering in their final hours.
Developed by Marie Curie, the cancer charity, in a Liverpool hospice it was initially developed for cancer patients but now includes other life threatening conditions.
It was recommended as a model by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice), the Government’s health scrutiny body, in 2004.
It has been gradually adopted nationwide and more than 300 hospitals, 130 hospices and 560 care homes in England currently use the system.
Under the guidelines the decision to diagnose that a patient is close to death is made by the entire medical team treating them, including a senior doctor.
They look for signs that a patient is approaching their final hours, which can include if patients have lost consciousness or whether they are having difficulty swallowing medication.

However, doctors warn that these signs can point to other medical problems.
Patients can become semi-conscious and confused as a side effect of pain-killing drugs such as morphine if they are also dehydrated, for instance.
When a decision has been made to place a patient on the pathway doctors are then recommended to consider removing medication or invasive procedures, such as intravenous drips, which are no longer of benefit.
If a patient is judged to still be able to eat or drink food and water will still be offered to them, as this is considered nursing care rather than medical intervention.






仏 ”米国からは素早く力強い支援が得られると期待していた”・・・ものの・・・・

2013年01月25日 11時36分59秒 | Weblog

AFRICA NEWS Updated January 23, 2013, 10:17 p.m. ET
Mali Exposes Flaws in West's Security Plans

2013年 1月 24日 21:17 JST

via mozu


French officials involved in planning the Mali campaign say they had expected quick, robust U.S. military support based on comments by Pentagon officials in a series of private meetings, including one last October in Paris about how to tame violence in North and West Africa.


Senior U.S. defense officials dispute those accounts, saying Washington's messages to France may have been "lost in translation." During the meetings, the U.S. officials said, neither Mr. Panetta nor Mr. Sheehan directly urged France to use force and didn't promise specific support.


Speaking Wednesday before a congressional hearing, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, "We are in for a struggle, but it is a necessary struggle. We cannot permit northern Mali to become a safe haven," though she offered few specifics. "We've got to have a better strategy," she said.

一方、米政権内では、トップの政策決定者らはもっと慎重だ。こうした当局者らはイエメンを拠点とする、アルカイダ系の武装組織「 アラビア半島のアルカイダ(AQAP)」と比較して、AQIMは米国への脅威が小さいと考えている。こうした向きは、アフリカの軍隊が自力で脅威に立ち向かえるよう、米国が情報を与えたり訓練を施すことで、地域の軍事能力を向上させる戦略を好んでいる。

At the White House, top policy makers are more cautious. They see AQIM as a lesser threat to the U.S. than other groups, including al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, in Yemen. They tend to favor a strategy that relies heavily on building up the capabilities of African armies to take on the threat themselves, aided by U.S. intelligence and training.


A senior U.S. official also said the French should have known that "when you start using military force, those are presidential decisions, not DOD decisions," referring to the Department of Defense.

NATO is giving only limited help because of the "political, psychological trauma of Afghanistan," she added. "There is reluctance to go into a conflict without a clear exit strategy."



2013年01月25日 03時09分45秒 | Weblog


Uranium Rush: African resource grab behind Mali mission?


Is French invasion of Mali tied to a colonial war for uranium?

Uranium is France’s key energy resource, according to the World Nuclear Association, with 75 percent of the European nation’s electricity being produced from nuclear energy, which explains French dependency on uranium. According to mineral resource analysts, beneath the deserts in Northern Mali and Eastern Niger, territory now exclusively claimed by the nomadic Tuareg tribes, exists the world’s third largest uranium reserves as well as substantial oil reserves.

Some observers say for 40-years the French company Areva had exclusive rights to uranium exploitation in Niger, until recently when the government of Niger issued permits to China, India, Britain, South Africa, the U.S., Canada and Australia to explore for uranium and oil, therefore France cannot afford to lose the uranium reserves in Mali.

There is also the China factor.

The Independent, a British publication, stated on Jan. 15 that China has given millions “as a gift” to the Malian people to raise their standard of living. A story in The China Times revealed that Mali and China signed three agreements worth $117.7 million. The Chinese are to build a hydro-electric dam in Taoussa, located in the region of Gao in northern Mali, now under Islamist control.

“The French don’t need a letter to intervene in their former colonies because of the accords they forced on them before granting independence; and these accords have not been re-worked,” Dr. Jeffries said.

For five decades, France has maintained a neo-colonial relationship known as “Pacte Coloniale” that gave France control of components of the new African states, including their economies and military institutions, Dr. Jeffries said. “Paris has cultivated the dependency of their former colonies by hand-picking weak regimes that gave them access to resources,” he added.

The roots of France's war in Mali
Canadian socialist Roger Annis provides the backdrop to France's new war.

January 21, 2013

But the reasons for this latest intervention lie in the determination of the world's imperial powers to keep the human and natural resources of poor regions of the world as preserves for capitalist profits. West Africa is a region of great resource wealth, including gold, oil and uranium.

The uranium mines in neighboring Niger and the uranium deposits in Mali are of particular interest to France, which generates 78 percent of its electricity from nuclear energy. Niger's uranium mines are highly polluting and deeply resented by the population, including among the semi-nomadic, Tuareg people who reside in the mining regions. The French company Areva is presently constructing in Imouraren, Niger, what will become the second-largest uranium mine in the world.

A key player in the unfolding war is Algeria. The government there is anxious to prove its loyalty to imperialism. Its lengthy border with northern Mali is a key zone for the "pacification" of northern Mali upon which France and its allies are embarked.

Further proof of the hypocrisy of the "democracy" that France claims to be fighting for in Mali is found in the nature of the Mali regime with which it is allied. Often presented in the mainstream media as a "beacon of democracy" in West Africa, the Mali government was little more than a corrupt and pliant neocolonial regime before last year when the U.S.-trained and equipped Mali army twice overthrew it--in March and again in December.

During a brief, sham interlude of concern following the first coup, the Mali army now scrambling to fight alongside its French big brother was condemned and boycotted by the U.S., Europe and Canada. Today, the Mali government is a shell of a regime that rules at the behest of the Mali military, the latter's foreign trainers, and the foreign mining companies that provide much of its revenue.

The Tuareg were brutally subdued by colonial France at the outset of the 20th century. Following the independence of Mali and neighboring countries in 1960, they continued to suffer discrimination. A first Tuareg rebellion took place in 1962-64

The independence declaration proved premature and unsustainable. The MNLA was soon pushed aside by Islamist-inspired armed groups that oppose Tuareg self-determination and an independent state. The army, meanwhile, continued to harass and kill people. A group of 17 visiting Muslim clerics, for example, were massacred on September 22, 2012.

Mali is one of the poorest places on earth but has been drawn into the whirlwind of post-September 2001 militarization led by the United States.

U.S. armed forces have been training the Mali military for years. In 2005, the U.S. established the Trans-Sahara Counter-Terrorism Partnership, comprising 11 "partner" African countries--Algeria, Burkina Faso, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal.

In 2008, Canada quietly launched a plan to establish at least six new military bases abroad, including two in Africa

In an ominous sign of more civilian casualties to come, and echoing the excuses for atrocities by invading armies against civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine in recent years, French military commanders are complaining of the difficulty in distinguishing fighters they are bombing from non-combatant populations. France's army chief Edouard Guillaud told Reuters that France's air strikes were being hampered because militants were using civilian populations as "human shields."

A January 15 statement by the Canadian Peace Alliance explains:

The real reason for NATO's involvement is to secure strategic, resource-rich areas of Africa for the West. Canadian gold mining operations have significant holdings in Mali as do may other western nations...

It is ironic that since the death of Osama Bin Laden, the U.S. military boasts that al-Qaeda is on the run and has no ability to wage its war. Meanwhile, any time there is a need for intervention, there is suddenly a new al-Qaeda threat that comes out of the woodwork. Canada must not participate in this process of unending war.

France orders special forces to protect Niger uranium: source

フランスは侵攻してウラニウムを確保する理由がない とする説

France does not need Mali’s uranium despite all conspiracy stories to the contrary

Rod Adams · January 24, 2013



Richard Ned Lebow

On his book Why Nations Fight: Past and Future Motives for War




2013年01月25日 02時29分34秒 | Weblog

L.A. church leaders sought to hide sex abuse cases from authorities
Documents from the late 1980s show that Archbishop Roger M. Mahony and another archdiocese official discussed strategies to keep police from discovering that children were being sexually abused by priests.


Breaking Taboos: Journalist Accuses Politician of Inappropriate Advances

She wrote that Brüderle was gazing at her breasts and told her that she "could also fill a dirndl," the traditional Bavarian women's garment that is form-fitting on the upper body and promotes cleavage. In the course of their conversation, the 67-year-old politician allegedly took her hand and kissed it and asked her to accept his advances, she wrote.

Himmelreich told him that she's a journalist and he is a politician, the reporter wrote. When he persisted, she claims to have told him: "I think it is better to keep this on a professional basis." To which he reportedly said: "In the end we are all only human."

The journalist said the evening ended when Brüderle said goodbye to his fellow politicians and then moved very close to her face. She said she stepped back and put her hands in front of her body. An FDP spokeswoman then quickly stepped in and shouted to the politician that it is "time for bed." The woman also apologized to her, Himmelreich wrote.


Air Force appalled by the number of sex assaults
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Published: 24 January, 2013

A US Air Force general has referred to sexual misconduct within the service as a “cancer”, shedding new light on the extent of the problem in wake of a sex scandal that occurred at the Air Force training headquarters.
Gen. Mark Welsh, chief of staff of the US Air Force, disclosed disturbing sexual assault statistics at a congressional hearing on Wednesday. Sexual assault ranging from inappropriate touches to rape has been on the rise, with 2012 seeing 796 reported cases. Last year’s figures show a 30 percent increase from 2011, during which 614 cases of sexual assault were reported, according to AP.


Overall level of crime falls to record low but fears raised 400,000 offences have not been logged by police
There were 8.9m crimes in 12 months to September - the lowest ever according to the official British Crime Survey
Nearly all crime is down apart from street theft, as criminals are targeting smartphones, iPods, iPads and bikes
But separate crime figures recorded by police show an even bigger drop, which experts say shows that have 'overstated' improvement
Targets 'may have swayed officers into downgrading marginal incidents', ONS says
PUBLISHED: 10:37 GMT, 24 January 2013 | UPDATED: 16:06 GMT, 24 January 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2267518/Overall-level-crime-falls-record-low-fears-raised-400-000-offences-logged-police.html#ixzz2IuWZZlSZ
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共産党「赤旗」電子版発行へ 無党派・若年層取り込み狙う



今野晴貴さん 「ブラック企業」と呼ぶ意義
[文]塩倉裕  [掲載]2013年01月22日


French court orders Twitter to hand over names of racist and anti-Semitic users in landmark case
Test case to have widespread implications for millions who tweet every day
Comes after '#agoodjew is a dead Jew' became third most popular in France

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2267649/Twitter-ordered-hand-names-racist-anti-Semitic-users.html#ixzz2IupNGvtU
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The Union of Jewish Students of France (UEJF) and three other similar groups now want Twitter to hand over the names of all those responsible so they can be prosecuted.
Alexandre Neri, Twitter’s French barrister, had told the court that Twitter 'data is collected and stored in the United States’ – namely in San Francisco, where the site is based.
Ms Neri said that Twitter was accordingly 'subject to US law’, adding: 'Should I submit myself to the law of a different country to where I work? I don’t know.’
Suggesting that there was a 'huge void, a question mark’ in the law, Ms Neri suggested that only an American judge could decide whether a US company should hand over data to the French

Last year, Twitter shut down an account run by a German neo-Nazi group based in Hanover, following a request by German police. Facebook and YouTube complied with similar requests.
Before today’s ruling, a spokesman for Twitter said it always suspends accounts when they are illegal, or in breach of its rules, but would not hand over details of account holders unless ordered by a judge.


Senator withdraws his 'racist' comments
By Fiach Kelly Political Correspondent
Thursday January 24 2013

A FIANNA Fail senator accused of being racist has withdrawn comments in which he said he insists on getting into taxis with Irish drivers because "non-nationals" don't know where they are going.

Paschal Mooney said he wasn't "being discriminatory" but it prompted an angry response from immigrant groups.

"We completely agree with Senator Mooney's assertion, he is not being discriminatory – he is being racist," said Killian Forde, CEO of the Integration Centre.

アイルランド 外国人運転手は道がわからないので、そのタクシーには乗りたくない、という発言を謝罪、


Why you should exercise BEFORE breakfast - you'll burn 20 per cent more body fat
Those who exercised before breakfast also burned 20% more fat than those who worked out afterwards
Early morning exercisers did not consume additional calories during the day compared to their peers
PUBLISHED: 12:04 GMT, 24 January 2013 | UPDATED: 13:15 GMT, 24 January 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2267548/Why-exercise-BEFORE-breakfast--youll-burn-20-cent-body-fat.html#ixzz2IuYSl8Du
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2013年01月25日 02時01分47秒 | Weblog

Mali forces accused of myriad abuses in Western-backed fight
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Published: 24 January, 2013


The Malian and French forces are fighting the same rebels Western powers armed in the Libyan uprising that ended in the ouster of Muammar Gaddafi, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a press conference Wednesday.
"Those whom the French and Africans are fighting now in Mali are the people … our Western partners armed so that they would overthrow the Gaddafi regime," he said.
"Terrorist acts have become almost daily in the region, arms are spreading in uncontrollably, infiltration by militants is taking place," Lavrov continued.
He denied claims that Russia had offered France help in transporting its forces to Mali earlier in the month.
The Kremlin notes the aftermath of the Libyan revolution, which saw arms delivered by Western powers funneled to foreign extremists – a charge confirmed by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her testimony to the Congress Wednesday – as an example of what may follow the conflict in Mali.
"The situation in Mali feels the consequence of events in Libya. The seizure of hostages in Algeria was a wake-up call."
"This will be a time bomb for decades ahead," he said

Clinton testifies: ‘Algerian terrorists got weapons from Libya’
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Published: 23 January, 2013

"There is no doubt that the Algerian terrorists had weapons from Libya. There is no doubt that the Malian remnants of AQIM [Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb] have weapons from Libya," Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee during a hearing on the 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi.

"Those whom the French and Africans are fighting now in Mali are the (same) people who overthrew the Gaddafi regime, those that our Western partners armed so that they would overthrow the Gaddafi regime," Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a news conference on Wednesday.




東京大学准教授・池内恵 人質事件が警告するサヘルの闇
2013.1.24 03:31



UN to examine UK and US drone strikes
Strikes will be studied to assess extent of any civilian casualties, identity of militants targeted and legality of actions
Share 231

Owen Bowcott, legal affairs correspondent
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 24 January 2013 00.37 GMT

Emmerson has previously suggested some drone attacks – particularly those known as "double tap" strikes where rescuers going to the aid of a first blast have become victims of a follow-up strike – could possibly constitute a "war crime".

"One of the questions we will be looking at is whether, given the local demography, aerial attacks carry too high a risk of a disproportionate number of civilian casualties." "The explosion of drone technology [raises the question whether] the military dependence on UAVs carries an unacceptably high risk of civilian casualties."

Between June 2004 and September 2012, according to research by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, drone strikes killed between 2,562 and 3,325 people in Pakistan, of whom between 474 and 881 were civilians, including 176 children.



For Obama’s New Term, Start Here
Published: January 23, 2013

We don’t have any magic bullets. But randomized trials and long-term data give us a better sense of what works ― and, for the most part, it’s what we’re not doing, like improved education, starting with early childhood programs for low-income families. Job-training for at-risk teenagers also has an excellent record. Marriage can be a powerful force, too, but there’s not much robust evidence about which programs work.

So, President Obama, to fulfill the vision for your second term, how about redeploying the resources we’ve spent on the war in Afghanistan to undertake nation-building at home ― starting with children so that they will no longer be limited by their ZIP codes.

クリストフ アフガンに金費やすより、自国の教育に金を費やしたほうがいいんじゃない?と。






24 January 2013 Last updated at 04:59 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
North Korea 'plans third nuclear test'

North Korea says it is proceeding with plans for a third nuclear test.

In a statement carried by KCNA news agency, the top military body said the "high-level nuclear test" and more long-range rocket launches were aimed at its "arch-enemy", the US.


North Korea's poets of propaganda stay true to their muse despite world's laughter



2013年01月25日 01時45分50秒 | Weblog


Terrified to return to Tokyo http://j.mp/XCuKTn @Salonさんから

THURSDAY, JAN 24, 2013 10:00 AM +0900
Terrified to return to Tokyo
I can't bear to expose my three small children to radiation risks

The respected scientific journal Nature says that health risks are minimal.

That does not mean that you should not feel what you feel. You were traumatized. That trauma continues to affect you today. Nor does it mean that these scientists know everything, or that there is no risk. There is a risk. There are unknowns.

Furthermore, the psychological damage from post-traumatic stress disorder, especially for mothers of small children, is clear.

“One of the highest-risk groups,” says Evelyn Bromet, a psychiatric epidemiologist at New York’s Stony Brook University, “are women with little kids.”

I suggest you contact the National Center for PTSD for help in finding treatment in your area.

Parts of the population exposed to the accidents appear to bounce back quickly. There is resilience. But several groups have proved to be especially vulnerable to the stress caused by the accidents, said Evelyn Bromet, a psychiatric epidemiologist at New York’s Stony Brook University. ”[And] one of highest risk groups,” she said, “are women with little kids.”

 夫が日本人の子持ちのアメリカ人女性が3.11でアメリカに避難したけど、もう、日本に帰らなくてはいけないが、東京は放射能が充満しているので帰りたくない、どうしたらええでしょうか、という質問に、科学的には、放射能の影響はないが、大変な出来事に直面したショックで傷ついているのは理解できるから、むしろ、心的外傷後ストレス障害PTSD の治療を受けたらどうか、と。





too many foreigners! no longer feels at home as before!

2013年01月25日 00時28分16秒 | Weblog

Les crispations alarmantes de la société française http://j.mp/148UXzb @lemondefrさんから 世論調査結果。経済的、文化的に衰退、民主主義は機能不全、強い権威が必要である。それと外国人多すぎと。

Les crispations alarmantes de la société française
LE MONDE | 24.01.2013 à 12h32 • Mis à jour le 24.01.2013 à 13h24

: 70 % des sondés (et jusqu'à 83 % à l'UMP) jugent qu'il y a "trop d'étrangers en France" et 62 % que l'on "ne se sent plus chez soi comme avant".

Mais le point de fixation de ce rejet massif s'est déplacé du terrain économique vers le terrain religieux. Ce n'est plus, majoritairement, le travailleur immigré, susceptible de "prendre le travail des Français" qui est pointé du doigt, mais le musulman, volontiers assimilé à "l'intégriste", et dont la religion est jugée, par 74 % des Français, intolérante et incompatible avec la société française.

70% of respondents (up to 83% UMP) believe that there are "too many foreigners in France" and 62% that it "no longer feels at home as before."

But the point of attachment of the massive rejection has shifted the economic field to the religious sphere. It is, mostly, the immigrant worker, could "take the work of the French" is pointed, but the Muslim readily assimilated to the "fundamentalist" and whose religion is considered by 74% French, intolerant and incompatible with the French company.
