Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年01月15日 22時35分54秒 | Weblog
France's lonely intervention in Mali
France has found few international friends to support its military action in Mali. Has it started something it can't finish?

Simon Tisdall
guardian.co.uk, Monday 14 January 2013

via mozu



Experience suggests France, ill-served by its friends, has started something it will have great difficulty in finishing.




「刑事司法を根底からゆるがす」と非難 警察庁長官狙撃の捜査結果公表 都に100万円支払い命じる 東京地裁
2013.1.15 15:23



 警察の有罪推定を所作を 「無罪推定の原則に反するばかりでなく、我が国の刑事司法制度の基本原則を根底からゆるがすもの」として司法が非難しているのである。





(2013年1月15日10時28分 読売新聞)

Nicole Hockley says she still finds herself reaching for her son's hand or expecting him to crawl into bed with her for a hug before school.

Read more: http://www.wjla.com/articles/2013/01/sandy-hook-elementary-tragedy-one-month-later-84059.html#ixzz2I0OY8htU



2013年01月15日 09時28分20秒 | Weblog


一月十三日 朝日社説






Japan’s Latest Economic Transfusion
Published: January 13, 2013

The $116 billion stimulus package unveiled Friday by Japan’s new prime minister, Shinzo Abe, is a step in the right direction for the world’s third-largest economy and America’s fourth-largest trading partner. Mr. Abe’s predecessors in the center-left Democratic Party unwisely followed a course of fiscal austerity, and paid the price for it last month at the polls.

Stimulus alone, however, will not be enough for long-term revival. Structural reforms will be needed ― though it won’t be easy for Mr. Abe’s conservative Liberal Democratic Party to challenge established interests like rural voters and government-dependent banks. But Japan has no other choice after two decades of anemic growth, sapping the buying power of consumers and the competitiveness of its leading companies.

The new stimulus package will provide no more than a short-term economic boost at the cost of still more government debt. Mr. Abe may well hope that a temporary boost from these measures will create enough new jobs fast enough to give his coalition the majority in the Parliament’s upper house in elections this July. But if he wants to achieve sustainable growth as well, he needs to follow up with a package of structural reforms.

These should include provisions for letting zombie companies go bankrupt, phasing out costly agricultural subsidies and raising Japan’s low rates of legal immigration to expand the working-age population.



一月十二日付け朝日 高齢者医療―国民はなめられている
一月十四日付け産経 高齢者医療 いつまで「優遇」するのか



2013年01月15日 02時16分23秒 | Weblog



Britain preparing for new Falklands War?
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Published: 13 January, 2013, 22:01

But the prime minister has told his defense chiefs, according to the Sunday Telegraph, that the UK must be prepared for every eventuality.
Last week the PM announced on a BBC TV show that the UK is ready to defend the Falklands if necessary.
Of course we would [defend the territory], and we have strong defenses in place on the Falkland Islands, that is absolutely key, that we have fast jets stationed there, we have troops stationed on the Falklands,” he said.




The World from Berlin
French Mission in Mali 'Is Not Without Risk'
January 14, 2013 | 02:19 PM

"In principle, it is difficult to criticize the use of assault helicopters and air attacks against armed Islamists. ...
But the problem with the French intervention is that it is a French intervention. And one in the classic, neo-colonial style of dirty African wars: Without involvement of the French parliament, French troops head out from former French colonies in Africa while cabinet ministers in Paris deny it. The operation only becomes official long after it has begun."



 体罰じゃないが、ある程度、言うこと聞かなければ、ドカン とやったれ、みたいな風潮である。


Mali rebels advance despite French airstrikes
Al-Qaeda-linked rebels overrun garrison of Diabaly in central Mali after fierce fighting with French and Malian troops.
Last Modified: 14 Jan 2013

Rebels have grabbed more territory in Mali, inching closer to the capital despite intensive aerial bombardments by French warplanes, French and Malian authorities have said.


France launches airstrikes in Mali to ease intervention
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Published: 14 January, 2013

Still, the French authorities have acknowledged that encountered Islamist extremists in Mali are well-trained and armed with advanced weapons, something that has not been expected. On Saturday the militants wounded a helicopter pilot who later died in hospital, becoming France’s only confirmed combat fatality to the moment.

France has still not forgotten its “great colonial past” in Africa and Asia and the operation in Mali, a former French colony (1892-1960), is yet another proof to that fact, told RT political writer and journalist Barry Lando. He said France will be stuck in the operation for longer than it expects and Paris will after all have to negotiate with the rebels.
“The French do not know what their objectives [in Mali] are, how long it is going to go on,” claims Lando. The journalist points out that northern Mali is comparable to the size of France itself, questioning “a few hundred” French troops’ capability to track down the Islamists on such a vast territory that the militants call home and know all too well.
“It is a potentially huge involvement, a very long task. In the end what you are going to do is to negotiate with these people, this is the only way out and I think this is how it is going to end,” predicted Lando.


Five Concerns About Armed Guards in Schools



Noam Chomsky: The responsibility of privilege
The famed linguist and political activist says intellectuals have a moral duty to hold centres of power to account.
Talk to Al Jazeera Last Modified: 12 Jan 2013

"The more privilege you have, the more opportunity you have. The more opportunity you have, the more responsibility you have."



高齢者医療 いつまで「優遇」するのか
2013.1.14 03:16
