Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年01月24日 11時36分14秒 | Weblog

'It was a hell of an experience': Harry arrives back in Britain after Afghanistan tour amid backlash over casual talk of killing enemy
Scotland Yard reviewing protection for Prince, 28, after candid admission
Spent four months on deployment at Helmand province in Afghanistan
Apache co-pilot gunner has been on post-deployment at a military base
Landed at RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire on a regular personnel flight
Says on his last day a seven-year-old girl was shot down by insurgents
PUBLISHED: 16:55 GMT, 23 January 2013 | UPDATED: 21:27 GMT, 23 January 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2267122/Prince-Harry-arrives-RAF-base-Oxfordshire-Afghanistan-tour.html#ixzz2Ir2yARvI
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He told Sky News: ‘I don't know what normal is anymore and never really have done.
'There's nothing normal about what we've doing for the last four and a half months.
'In the last day that I was there a seven-year-old girl got shot down by insurgents. Normality is a very ambiguous thing. I will continue being myself. I will enjoy being a soldier.'

he frank admission from Harry that he had personally killed enemy fighters drew a backlash from anti-war activists, some former soldiers and the Taliban themselves.

Labour defence spokesman Jim Murphy said: 'He’s obviously a young and brave man. He was candid. Perhaps he may have been more candid than the Palace may have wished.'
But Prince Harry was also praised for his bravery during a debate in the House of Commons.


Revealed: Irish nanny 'who killed British baby' in Boston is an illegal immigrant with history of drinking, fighting and run-ins with the law

Aisling McCarthy Brady, 34, is accused of killing Rehma Sabir on her one-year birthday
Records show police found bloody baby wipes, pillow and blanket in victim's room
Little Rehma was the daughter of London-born and Harvard and MIT-educated Sameer Sabir
Mr Sabir co-founded company specializing in groundbreaking skin grafts
Girl's mother is Nada Siddiqui, 29, a Princeton University-educated financial analyst
Brady came to U.S. in 2002 on a 90-day work visa and never left, working as a nanny for past decade
Had multiple restraining orders taken out against her between 2005-2012
PUBLISHED: 14:51 GMT, 23 January 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2267029/Aisling-McCarthy-Brady-Revealed-Irish-nanny-killed-baby-illegal-immigrant-history-drinking-fighting-run-ins-law.html#ixzz2Ir4cpgDX
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The town where women cannot leave: Police investigate claims that Mormons kept wives from escaping Utah enclave

Arizona Attorney General claims sect is holding women against their will
He says police in Hildale and Colorado City are holding the women
Marshal's office in Mormon stronghold strongly denies the claim
PUBLISHED: 13:10 GMT, 23 January 2013 | UPDATED: 17:09 GMT, 23 January 2013
Comments (18)

Police in a Utah town dominated by one of the largest polygamous sects in the U.S. have been stopping women from leaving, according to a top lawman.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2267003/Police-investigate-claims-Mormons-kept-wives-escaping-Utah-town.html#ixzz2Ir5XCBIa
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The Japanese Law Banning Child Prostitution and Child Pornography says that any photo that depicts a child touching the breasts or sexual organs of another individual and which could sexually arouse or stimulate a viewer is defined as child pornography,

It quoted the investigating team as saying: 'In comparison to Japan, penalties in Europe for using a young boy in child pornography are more severe.
'We are taking into account that this could be a problem at an international level.'
Kodansha issued an apology, saying: 'In future we will endeavour to do our best to respect the freedom of speech of an author, writer, cartoonist or photographer.





米、稲川会に経済制裁 指定暴力団主要3団体すべて対象に

2013.1.24 09:09





Economists Give Abenomics Early Thumbs Up - Japan Real Time - WSJ http://j.mp/V7aQjd @WSJさんから 21人って誰なわけ

January 23, 2013, 7:31 PM
Economists Give Abenomics Early Thumbs Up



Turkey wages 'cultural war' in pursuit of its archaeological treasures http://j.mp/WfOVtf @guardianさんから トルコ政府と欧米の美術館の「文化戦争」について

Turkey wages 'cultural war' in pursuit of its archaeological treasures
Ankara accused of blackmailing museums into returning artefacts while allowing excavation sites to be destroyed

Constanze Letsch in Istanbul and Kate Connolly in Berlin
guardian.co.uk, Monday 21 January 2013 19.16 GMT

Turkey has been accused of cultural chauvinism and attempting to blackmail some of the world's most important museums in the wake of its demands for the return of thousands of archaeological treasure

Since the return of the sphinx – which Parzinger insists Germany did as a gesture of goodwill despite being under no legal obligation to do so – Turkey has demanded that three further objects be handed over by the Pergamon.

てか、韓国がなぜ、cultural chauvinism と言われないのか不思議だ。



The Turner Report: Ed Emery: Japanese weren't afraid of our armies; they were afraid of our citizens' guns. http://j.mp/14aYH2q  そんなわけないだろ

Ed Emery: Japanese weren't afraid of our armies; they were afraid of our citizens' guns

In this issues video from last year's State Senate campaign, the winner of that election, Sen. Ed Emery, R-Lamar, discusses the Second Amendment, including its historical context.

The amendment, he says, was the reason why Japan didn't attack the U. S. mainland during World War II.

"Japan wasn't afraid of our army; they were afraid of our citizens."

That ridiculous story has been circulating for decades, primarily by those who want to stop any rule or regulation addressing guns. No reputable historian takes it seriously.




2013年01月24日 10時44分03秒 | Weblog
Half-Jewish, Half-Arab Woman Sues FBI, TSA, Frontier Airlines Over 9/11 Strip Search

By RYM MOMTAZ (@RymMomtaz)
Jan. 23, 2013
A half-Jewish, half-Arab Ohio woman is suing Frontier Airlines, the FBI, TSA and other government agencies after she says was removed at gunpoint from a flight on the tenth anniversary of 9/11, strip-searched and jailed because of her ethnicity.

アラブ人とユダヤ人とのハーフのひとがアラブ系の名前のため、アメリカの空港で不当に、逮捕・捜索されたので、裁判に訴えている、というのだが、half-Jewish, half-Arab と侮蔑的にではなく、普通に使っているわけですね。


2013年01月24日 09時20分46秒 | Weblog

RBB TODAY 1月23日(水)11時41分配信






Congress, do your job

2013年01月24日 09時09分51秒 | Weblog

House Passes 'No Budget No Pay'
By John Parkinson | ABC OTUS News – 4 hrs ago

"This bill simply says 'Congress, do your job.' When I grew up in Wisconsin, if you had a job and you did the work, then you got paid. If you didn't do the work, you didn't get paid. It's that simple," Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said during debate on the bill leading into the vote. "We have a law. It's called the Budget Act. It requires that Congress passes a budget by April 15. All we're saying is, 'Congress, follow the law. Do your work. Budget.'






2013年01月24日 08時55分56秒 | Weblog



Shinzo Abe’s Dangerous Mixed Signals http://j.mp/XXvzIB @sharethisさんから 混乱しているのはミード氏で中国政府のほうが分かっているのでは。



アソー、いきなり国際デビュー! ベルルスコーニに比肩するアホ保守政治家だそうです。Taro Aso: the Japanese politician who wants older people to 'hurry up and die' http://gu.com/p/3d8qp/tw

Taro Aso: the Japanese politician who wants older people to 'hurry up and die'
The finance minister is known for his straight-talking, otherwise known as unpleasantness

Do say: "How many Japanese voters are over 60?"

Don't say: "Only about 30 million."

22 January 2013 3:15pmLink to this comment
"the Japanese politician who wants older people to 'hurry up and die'"
he should lead by example.




たしか、Anpontan のビルさんが、英語圏でのイタリア記事は当てにならないと言っていたイタリア人の引用していたと思って、Anpontanで検索したがなかなかでてこない。

Why journalism is important

Posted by ampontan on Saturday, September 26, 2009



Four in ten girls born this year will live to be 100... but they'll have more ill health in old age

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2266795/Four-girls-born-year-live-100--theyll-ill-health-old-age.html#ixzz2IoLz0FYv
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Mr Appleby warns living longer can bring its own problems, with more years of disability.
While life expectancy for women has risen by 4.6 per cent since 1990, healthy life expectancy has risen by only 3 per cent.

Mr Appleby writes: ‘Living longer is a good thing but not much fun if those extra years are lived in pain and discomfort.
‘How healthy humans will be in the future is an open question, but historically at least, previous gains in healthy life expectancy have more to do with reductions in mortality than reductions in years lived in disability.’
In Europe as a whole, the proportion of people aged over 65 is predicted to hit 40 per cent by 2030.


Two million of the brightest Britons have left UK over last decade in a brain drain, warns MP
Within the last 10 years it is estimated 986 people left Britain every day
MP Nick de Bois fears drain of talent will impact on UK economy
PUBLISHED: 10:33 GMT, 23 January 2013 | UPDATED: 14:42 GMT, 23 January 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2266888/Two-million-best-brightest-Britons-left-UK-decade-brain-drain-damaging-UK-MP-warns.html#ixzz2IoI5tDVS
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Britain is facing a growing exodus of its brightest workers who are leaving to work abroad, new figures show.
As many as 3,599,000 people permanently left the UK between 2001 and 2011, of which 1,963,000 were aged between 25 and 44.
Nick de Bois, secretary of the 1922 Committee of back-bench MPs, fears the 'brain drain' of Britain's educated will have a disastrous impact on the UK's economy.

Of the 3.6 million people who left the UK for a new life abroad, only 125,000 were of retirement age.
Britons leaving the UK are most likely to be going to Australia, followed by the US and Spain. France, Germany, Canada and New Zealand are also popular destinations.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2266888/Two-million-best-brightest-Britons-left-UK-decade-brain-drain-damaging-UK-MP-warns.html#ixzz2IoIhRqOk
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 イギリス 頭脳流失が深刻であると・・・。

 なんでご自慢の国から出て行ってしまう人が多いんでしょうね。(゜з゜)> ~♪

PA, 52, forced out of her job after boss at military giant said he 'wanted to trade her in for a younger model'
Dawn Bailey, 52, resigned after her boss said her illness was 'disruptive'
She had been diagnosed with chronic illness sarcoidosis and depression
Central London Employment Tribunal ruled she was unfairly dismissed from her £75,000-a-year job at defence giant Lockheed Martin
She said boss Stephen Ball repeatedly poked fun at her age when she hit 50
But tribunal finds 'younger model' comments were made in jest
PUBLISHED: 21:45 GMT, 22 January 2013


Unemployment, debt and relationship breakdowns: Why more middle-aged men are killing themselves, mental health charity reveals
Recession blamed for sharp increase in suicide among middle-aged men
Overall UK suicide rate rose by almost eight per cent in 2011
A separate report claimed people are unable to cope with aggressive lenders
PUBLISHED: 08:18 GMT, 23 January 2013 | UPDATED: 11:59 GMT, 23 January 2013


NHKが「おとうさんといっしょ」 BSで4月から
