Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

You British eat cute lambs and chicken claws - so what's wrong with horse?

2013年01月20日 20時54分55秒 | Weblog

You British eat cute lambs and chicken claws - so what's wrong with horse? Top French chef Raymond Blanc challenges our 'hypocritical' attitude to food
Consumers are overly fussy and precious, says chef

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2265281/You-British-eat-cute-lambs-chicken-claws--whats-wrong-horse-Top-French-chef-Raymond-Blanc-challenges-hypocritical-attitude-food.html#ixzz2IW7WNDYb
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Children must be taught about food: how to cook it, the politics behind it, and what can be eaten.
Horse can be eaten and is a good source of protein. I know to an Englishman this may sound rather confusing, but I love horses and I also love horse meat. I feel the same way about pigs and pork, cows and beef, hens and chicken.

In France there is an agreement –unwritten of course – between owner and animal: you look after it during its life, and when it dies it feeds you.
The British stroke their pets. In France, we stroke them but we also eat them.
Mind you, the British have a healthy appetite for other animals such as cute lambs, with mint sauce.
Horse is not only eaten in France, where 15 per cent of the population still consume horse steaks bought from specialist horse butchers. It is eaten in China and Japan. It is eaten in Scandinavia. You will find it on the tables of Belgium, while the average Italian devours about 2lb of horse each year.

Some five million horses are believed to be eaten annually around the world.
And who exports their old horses to be eaten on the Continent? Yes, the British. Again, it seems hypocritical.


Clash of the trash: Neighbours at war over bins as they take bags to each other's side of the road without saying a word
Two men caught on camera hauling bin bags across a road
Onlookers in hysterics as feuding neighbours silently clash over rubbish
Postman filmed the encounter, which lasted half an hour
PUBLISHED: 17:15 GMT, 19 January 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2265059/Clash-trash-Neighbours-war-bins-bags-road-saying-word.html#ixzz2IW4EGj7K
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The corruption of a generation: In a major Mail series, a renowned psychologist argues that our daughters are facing an unprecedented crisis... sexualisiation from primary school age
PUBLISHED: 23:29 GMT, 18 January 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2264781/Corrupting-generation-In-new-major-Mail-series-renowned-psychologist-Steve-Biddulph-argues-daughters-facing-unprecedented-crisis.html#ixzz2IW5L1GrD
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British paedophile jailed for paying poor Bulgarians £60,000 to sexually abuse their sons
Ex-pat Paul Renouf's two victims were just 11-years-old
Their parents increasingly relied on his money for food
He was caught in a sex act with one boy by police
Divorced dad-of-three Renouf was jailed for four years
He left Britain after serving three years behind bars
PUBLISHED: 10:28 GMT, 19 January 2013 | UPDATED: 10:33 GMT, 19 January 2013

Comments (55)

A British paedophile who paid impoverished parents in Bulgaria £60,000 to sexually abuse their young sons has been jailed for four years.
Paul Renouf's victims were just 11-years-old and were handed over to him for weekends and holidays, a Bulgarian court heard.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2264945/British-paedophile-jailed-paying-poor-Bulgarians-60-000-sexually-abuse-sons.html#ixzz2IW3MdyWG
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Mail on Sunday launches High Court bid to end the scandal of Secret Justice
Newspaper has made application to High Court for secret judgment of alleged torture to be published
Secret judgments set to become more common if Justice and Security Bill before Parliament becomes law
PUBLISHED: 22:54 GMT, 19 January 2013

The case cited in The Mail on Sunday’s application involves claims that British troops in Afghanistan routinely handed over prisoners to the country’s security service, the NDS, knowing they would be tortured.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2265209/Mail-Sunday-launches-High-Court-bid-end-scandal-Secret-Justice.html#ixzz2IW4mpGf5
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人間に焼印 動物の気持ちになってーーーイギリス



2013年01月20日 14時39分00秒 | Weblog

Obama: National Day of Service 'is really what America is about'


Judge orders student to wear ‘Mark of the Beast’ ID badge
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Published: 09 January, 2013,

A federal judge has ruled that a 15-year-old Texas girl must wear an identification badge to her high school for monitoring purposes or else face suspension.


US school boots student who refused to wear 'Mark of the Beast' tracking device
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Published: 19

RFID(Radio Frequency IDentification「電波による個体識別」の略)ICタグ

Thousands march in Athens protesting racist attacks in Greece (PHOTOS)
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Published: 20 January, 2013,


Benefits Britain? Unemployed households among highest in EU
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Published: 20 January, 2013


'Scandalous' case of man living in 1.56m² Paris flat
Published: 18 Jan 2013

たこ部屋 フランス


Cancer survivor says she was fired for medical leave ― RT


Emmanuelle Bodin sues NHK: Says she was unfairly fired after fleeing Japan after Fukushima accident


2013/1/16 15:35 NHKに20年以上アナウンサーや翻訳業などの仕事で勤務していたフランス国籍のエマニュエル・ボダンさん(55)が、NHKから解雇されたのは不当だとして、2013年1月15日に東京地裁に訴えを起こし、同日に外国特派員協会で梓沢和幸弁護士とともに記者会見した。


2013年01月20日 14時23分57秒 | Weblog
‘Pentagon’s hand behind French intervention in Mali’
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Published: 19 January, 2013,

RT: At a time when France and the rest of the Eurozone are trying to weather the economic crisis, what's Paris seeking to gain by getting involved in another conflict overseas?
William Engdahl: Well, I think the intervention in Mali is another follow-up to the French role in other destabilizations that we’ve seen, especially in Libya last year with the toppling of the Gadhafi regime. In a sense this is French neocolonialism in action.
But, interestingly enough, I think behind the French intervention is the very strong hand of the US Pentagon which has been preparing this partitioning of Mali, which it is now looming to be, between northern Mali, where al-Qaeda and other terrorists are supposedly the cause for French military intervention, andsouthern Mali, which is a more agricultural region. Because in northern Mali recently there have been huge finds of oil discovered, so that leads one to think that it’s very convenient that these armed rebels spill over the border from Libya last year and just at the same time a US-trained military captain creates a coup d’état in the Southern capital of Mali and installs a dictatorial regime against one of Africa’s few democratically elected presidents.
So this whole thing bears the imprint of US Africom [US Africa Command] and an attempt to militarize the whole region and its resources. Mali is a strategic lynchpin in that. It borders Algeria which is one of the top goals of these various NATO interventions from France, the US and other sides. Mauritania, the Ivory Coast, Guinea, Burkina Faso. All of this area is just swimming in untapped resources, whether it be gold, manganese, copper.
RT: Why was France the first Western country to get involved to such an extent? And what sort of message is this military initiative sending to its allies?
WE: Well I think that’s the Obama Administration’s strategy – let France take the hit on this as they did in Libya and other places in the past year and-a-half and the US will try and play a more discrete role in the background rather than being upfront as they were in Iraq and Afghanistan which cost the US huge amounts of credibility around the world. They’re playing a little bit more of a sly game here, but the rush for the US to announce its support the French military intervention and the actions of Africom over the past year and-a-half, two years ,in Mali make clear that this is a US operation with the French as a junior partner.


INVESTING | 5/16/2012 @ 3:58午後 |7,315 views
Ten Myths About Modern China


Fukushima debris hits Hawaii
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Published: 18 January, 2013,


Fish with radiation over 2,500 times safe levels found near Fukushima plant
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Published: 19 January, 2013,


2013.1.19 10:28 [放射能漏れ]



ムラソイから過去最大25万ベクレル 原発港湾内で採取

基準の2000倍超セシウム 第1原発港湾のムラソイ







ムラソイに基準2千倍超セシウム 福島第1原発の港湾内




“At Home Abroad”

2013年01月20日 14時22分57秒 | Weblog
Book Review: “At Home Abroad” by Adam Komisarof, a survey of assimilation/integration strategies into Japan (interviews include Keene, Richie, Kahl, Pakkun, and Arudou)
Donald Keene

There is still a hard core of resistance to Japanese culture among foreigners living in, say, Minato-ku. [...] All of their friends are non-Japanese ― with the exception of a few Japanese friends who speak Japanese fluently. They live in houses that are completely Western in every detail. They read the English newspaper, The Japan Times, and they know who danced with whom the night before. They are still living in a colony. But I think that colony has grown smaller than ever before and has been penetrated by new people who want to learn about Japan. If you read about Yokohama in 1910, it would have been a very strange family that thought it was a good idea to let their son or daughter to go to a Japanese school and learn anything about Japan. They would never think in terms of living here indefinitely. They would think, “When we finish our exile here, we will go to a decent place.” (23)

Daniel Kahl

I can read a newspaper and my [TV] scripts… I know about 2000 kanji, so I’m totally functional, and I think that’s a prerequisite for being accepted. I hate to say it, but there are a lot of foreigners who complain, “I’m not accepted in society!” That’s because you can’t read the sign that explains how to put out your garbage. And people get mad at you for mixing cans with bottles. Simple as it may seem, those are the little things that get the neighbors angry. (206)

I think that a foreigner who comes here and makes the effort can definitely be accepted. If you feel that you are not, then you’ve already got a chip on yours shoulder to begin with. [...] For example, do you remember the incident in Hokkaido when the Japanese public bath owners had a “No Foreigners” sign up in front of their buildings? I guess two or three foreign folks got really upset about that, and they sued the place. Why would you sue them? Why don’t you go talk to those people? Tell the, “Look, I’m a foreigner. But I’m not going to tear your place up. Could you take down that sign?” Then the Japanese might have explained that they weren’t doing it to keep out all foreigners, but to keep out the drunk Russian sailors who were causing all the trouble in the first place. I don’t know all of the details, but these foreigners thought that they were making a political and legal statement. It could have been made very effectively, though, without embarrassing that city or the public bath owners. The foreigners were trying to change the law, but it was a pretty confrontational way to do so. I can almost guarantee that those foreigners are going to have a hard time being accepted by the Japanese in general. (100)


2013年01月20日 12時39分28秒 | Weblog




「納豆食べられる?」とか耳タコでしょうねw RT @suzuky: RTのビデオについて日本在住アメリカ白人「おれはこの逆バージョンを毎日やられてんだぞ、ばーろー」と。