
[ フェイントハート ]  
【feint h:(r)t】


2023-12-05 19:59:21 | その他
Michelle Gurevich (ミシェル・グレーヴィッチ)~ Blue Eyes Unchanged


Blue Eyes Unchanged

Across from me, on the bus this afternoon
 今日の午後バスの中で 私の向かいに
a girl of age ninety, eyes of blue,
peering out from a body changed too soon
I saw the girl so charming in her youth.
Her hat reveals a woman of taste,
now, just to get off this bus, is a torturous fate.
 それでも このバスを降りるだけでも大変なはず
She'll slowly make the way back to her place,
an apartment where no one awaits.

Blue eyes unchanged,
the body aged,
blue eyes you are my last witnesses, now.
Blue eyes unchanged,
the body aged,
blue eyes tell me what you wanted to be
 青い瞳は 貴女はどうなりたかったのかと語りかける
when you grew up.

Blue eyes once reflected in her mother's gaze
on those summers as a child by the lake.
 子供の頃 夏の湖のほとりで
Blue eyes saw love's first embrace,
the boy down the road
I wonder if he's alive today.

Young girls go laughing past on the road,
no one pays attention to the old,
but, at least, we know justice will be served.
 でも 時は当たり前のように過ぎ去っていく
In the end everyone gets their turn.
 やがて すべての人に同じように

Blue eyes unchanged,
the body aged,
blue eyes you are my last witnesses, now.
Blue eyes unchanged,
the body aged,
blue eyes tell me what you wanted to be
 青い瞳は 貴女はどうなりたかったのかと語りかける
when you grew up.

 昔ポリスの every bless you take をどう訳すかでオレは「あなたの息遣いのすべて」と訳し B子は「あなたのすべての息遣い」と訳したがホントはどっちなのか分からないまま。 

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