We all live in happiness -Our life is full of joy

楽園中毒的Aya's Life
Have a dream anything you want:)

My life goes on

2006-05-29 23:29:59 | Life&Love
Sky High~ We can touch the sky~

Sometimes I wonder what I want to do, what I should to do now.
I don't have a job now, there are many choices.
Actyally I was something at a loss which to choose, so I came back to the origin of my dream. I can see my way~

I have many dreams.
①I want to travel many places which I've never been.(Taiwan, Europe,Canada,Russia...)
②I still want to look for possibilities.
③Always be together someone who I love.
④I want to visit all my friend's countries.
⑤I want to open my web-shop(Maybe this year~)
⑥I want to get a job which related traveling~

My friend, Daniel says "Make a rist of your dreams"
I just followed it.

I didn't get my result yet.
Let you know I got a good news~



Howl's moving castle

2006-05-26 20:01:24 | Book・Movie・Music

I saw this DVD with English subtitles.
I also went to see this one maybe two years ago at theater.
But I wanted to see it again.
It's not Ghibli's original, however I like this love story
And Takuya Kimira(木村拓哉) works as a voice actor on this movie.
His voice is matched with it.

By the way, when I've been in the US, Many people asked me about Japanese Animes and cartoons. I realized that these Japanese one are famous all over the world. And I'm also big fan of them


Taiwanese friend in JP

2006-05-26 18:46:02 | Friends in the world
Yesterday I met one of my Taiwanese friends, who is learning Japanese in Japanese language school.
But he used to study and work in the US for seven years, that's why he can speak English fluently.
He wanted to have a japanese conversation partner.
So I became this one. It's good~ coz I also speak English.
I can keep my English~
During the conversation, he said that living in Japan is my long term dream, like your American life, right?
(Aya)Hum~~~ Exactly!! it's same as you.
And I'm also happy that someone loves Japan.

日本に住んでいる私がconversation パートナーになった。

Da Vinci Code

2006-05-24 22:14:03 | Book・Movie・Music

Today I saw a movie which is Da Vinci Code with my sister.
This book is read by many people, however I haven't read it yet.
I understoon the mystery of Jesus Christ.
It is very interesting to me and easy to know about it.
After the movie, my sister said the story was shorten than real one.
Yes, the movie needs to include all information.
I know this move is criticized by many people.
I don't know this story is true or not.
But I had a fun~

舞台がフランスでフレンチが中心だったけれど、人の発音に注意しながら聞いているとなかなか勉強になる。英語の字幕があればいいのに・・・と思ったけれど無理な話。Jesus Christの謎も全く知らなかったので面白かった。

Job interview

2006-05-23 21:34:37 | Life&Love
I took a job interview today.
I thought I did it well, but I don't know how's going on it.
But I hope I can get this job, coz I met the woman who works at personnel section. She is nice person.

Oh~~actually I'm a little nervous...Finger crossed!

Anyways, do you know this website? → MIXI website

It is Japanese website, but it seems like a facebook in the US.
So, I made my ID in it. I joined some communities which is UF(Gators)
I also found some old classmates.

Happy birthday Sanae teacher!!

2006-05-21 23:27:55 | Life&Love
Today is Sanae's birthday.
Happy Happy birthday~ I wish all your happiness~

It's my pleasure to meet you.
I knew how wonderful life is because of you.
Even though I'm in Japan, English is part of my life.
It's an important factor for me.
Speaking English gave confidence to me very much.
Now I feel like anything I can do.
Anyway let you know how's going on.
I want to bring a good news to you later~

Heavenly~ Kume-island(久米島)

2006-05-19 20:23:11 | Okinawa沖縄
I've ever been to maybe over 20 islands include abroad.
You know I started South island traveling since I was 22 years old.
I really love Okinawa islands, which located in South part of Japan.
There are over hundreds of islands there.
I didn't have vacations, but I could go 3 or 4 days trip on weekends or some holidays.
One holidays, I've been to Kume-island in order to find a treasure island for me.
It tooks for 3 hours from Tokyo by air.(about $300/one way)
I was shocked by clear blue ocean!!!! That's so wonderful
I fell in love this island.
Even though I've met many beautiful scene, I can't find heavenly island like Kume-island.
If you guys have a chance to go to Okinawa, you should travel to this island
You will feel like in Heaven!!!!

Hate beach(はての浜)

Tatami ishi(畳石)


Mother Teresa 2003'

2006-05-18 12:17:30 | Book・Movie・Music

I know Mother Teresa, but I don't know exactly how she lived so much.
Today I watched the movie of Mother Teresa.
I knew how she's worked for hunger and poor people who without love, food, and job in India. She just believed god and carried through her faith. She made a house for people who almost died on the street, so her and her sisters took care of them until die. It's not easy work.
I was shocked by her, coz her love is so deep and it doesn't matter of religions.

It is not easy to visit the house which her made.
But I'm sure I will be there in the future.

Quotes of Mother Teresa
"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin."

"Keep the joy of loving God in your heart and share this joy with all you meet especially your family. Be holy – let us pray."

"Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents. Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace of the world."

"If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive."

☆Reference from here...☆Words of Mother Teresa




