We all live in happiness -Our life is full of joy

楽園中毒的Aya's Life
Have a dream anything you want:)

Party and movie night~~

2006-12-30 21:29:44 | Joetsu上越

Sanapi and Aya

Aya and Saki

I came back to my home town, Joetsu in the early morning today.
So I wanted to meet them, coz I think they are very close to me.
They have been to San Francisco a month ago, I wanted to hear about their trip to there.
I also love San Francisco
We were excited taking about it.
I wish I could go to there with them sometime soon.

After the party at the Sanae's school.
We went out the moviewhich is "Eragon".
I will write about it later.

Thanks you guys.
I had a wonderful time with youguys.
Sanapi and Saki

Almost done!

2006-12-29 21:20:02 | Life&Love
Today was the last work of this year.
After the work, we had kinda year-end-party in the office.
I really enjoy talking each of them.
It's a fun~~
I'm so glad to meet nice cowokers.
I hope that I can do nice job next year.

Okay, I'm gonna go back to my sweet home soon.
I'm looking forward to seeing my family and friends.

KFC party @my home

2006-12-26 00:23:21 | Tokyo東京
A Very Merry Christmas you guys
I sent christmas e-card to my friends last night.
They replied my mail also.
I'm so glad to know how're they doing and living in Happiness
What have you done on special day?

So today my sister and I had a KFC!! as a christmas dinner
I have not eaten chicken, that's what I wanted to have it.
It was Yummy~~ dinner

Life goes on

2006-12-24 22:12:04 | Life&Love
I have got Lucy's mail, which said arrived at home safety and met family.
She must be happy to see them and her hometown.
And she also said really miss Japan.
Yes, I understand how's she feeling very well.
However I hope that it goes the best way to her future

The year pasted so quickly, it have almost done.
I came back to Japan the yesterday of last year from America.
And I met my family at Narita and spent Christmas holiday with my family.
Oh,,,,Time flies....I realized that my life goes on.


いろんな事があったけれど、so far so good!としよう


Narita airport 成田空港

2006-12-23 23:47:12 | Friends in the world

After the Narita temple, We went to Narita airport to see off Lucy
Actually I was thinking about my travel plan to visit Lucy sometime soon last night.
Coz,I'm going to miss Lucy very much...
So I met Lucy and asked about coming back to Japan.
She has a plan to come back to Japan and take classes on next semester in Akita.
It must be awesome
We can go trip somewhere maybe Okinawa!!!??
And I hope that I can visit Akita too~~
Anyway, the next year 2007' will be fantastic



Have a safety trip to Tampa~~~ Lucy~~


2006-12-22 23:43:35 | Life&Love

@SanFrancisco At the same day of last year(2005/12/22)

There are a lot of happiness in our life time.
I remember that my last year trip in San Francisco.
I was in there at the same day of last year.
I met some funny guys there, and still in touch now.
The nationality is not matter of being friends.
Yes, one of happiness is keep close to friends

My one more happiness is stay with my sweetheart.
Before I moved to Tokyo, I was living in Joetsu, Niigata.
We couldn't meet easily, like once in a month or two months.
The reason to live in Tokyo is not only him.
However I think our relationship is something changed closer

Xmas Greetings

2006-12-22 00:10:15 | Friends in the world
I gotta awesome card from my sweet friend Yvette
She made a special card with her picture and photo.
I love it. Thank you so much Yvette!
I also sent Xmas card to my friends who're living in abroad.
Happy holidays~~ Wish your all happiness


池袋 and 千葉

2006-12-18 00:56:14 | Tokyo東京
My sister came back to Joetsu.
Before she left Tokyo, Aki, Meg and I went to Ikebukuro for shopping.
Actually we woke up very late....><Coz of me After a quickly shopping, we had a lunch and saw her off.
I went to Chiba to meet my sweetheart
We were not sure that we can meet next Saturday.
Toshi and I made Yosenabe
It's a yummy diner