We all live in happiness -Our life is full of joy

楽園中毒的Aya's Life
Have a dream anything you want:)

MY conversation partner.

2009-07-31 00:42:20 | Florida留学2005
I can't believe that I see him again in Tokyo!
Actually we haven't meet for 4 years.
We're very excited to see each other in the other side of the world.
I guess some friends know that he is my conversation partner when I was
learning English in ELI. We met once in a week for an hour at that time.
I introduced my self to him, like I am from Niigata, Japan.
Then he didn't know what is Niigata? where is Niigata in Japan? something
like that, but he said he knows Niigata now, and that's a beautiful
place! I am so glad to hear that.
Anyway it was fun, and I will see him soon later.

けど、フロリダで私のConversation partnerだったCliffと再会。
でいろんな話をした。Reitz Unionにて。本当に懐かしくて楽しい時間だったナ。

なった彼は日本の生活に溶け込んでいるようだった。Keep in touch!


2007-01-13 01:58:44 | Florida留学2005
She is my Korean friend, Yoon who I met in Gainesville.
I've got a mail from her today.
She sent me her baby's pictures.
Her baby will be one year old soon.
She seems very happy
She taught me how to cook Korean foods a lot.
She is a good cook, oh~ I miss her Kimchi and some other Korean foods.
I hope that I can visit her in GNV or South Korea in the future.

彼女は去年の一月ママになって、私も去年の春に何度か彼女の家に御邪魔して赤ちゃんと遊んだりした もうすぐ一歳になるらしくて早い~


2006-09-30 01:20:53 | Florida留学2005
I was in Gainesville at the same day of 2005.
One year has passed when I've been to Florida.
Actually, It's like a dream, but it's real.
The American life made me tough and encouged my life a lot.
I did't have a dream clear before going to America, however I was inspired from people, culture, nature, and friends who I met there in America.
And now I still keep in contact with them.
We knew each other naturally in ELI.
ELI was a magical place for students from abroad.
We call each other "Friend", but when the few month passed, we call "Brothers and Sisters" this relationship.
Even though each of us in other countries, it never changed.
Friendship lasts forever...

Almost one year

2006-09-03 14:05:51 | Florida留学2005
I've been to UF in 2005.
I talked with Daniel last midnight.
He said almost one year has passed, when we met for the first time.
Time flies so quickly, I realized.
Daniel is going to come to Japan with his friend Oct 4 to 8.
So we talked about it.
It will be my first time that visiting me from abroad
I'm so excited to meet them.
I have to find interesting places to visit with them.
Oh, I have a lot of plans with joy right now, meeting Daniel(with friend) and Lucy~
I'm looking forward to coming that day

ダニエルが10/4に日本に来る事が決まったらしい やったぁ
と言われて、そうだなぁと思った。これからどんなに時が経っても同じようにKeep in contactしていきたい。


2006-08-01 23:15:56 | Florida留学2005
 Photo@Key West,Florida by AYA
What’s love?
What’s human being?
What’s life?

We look for an answer
There are no answers
No body knows

That’s why
Life goes on
It’s a natural way
I knew somebody by love
I found a treasure in dailiness of my days

It’s a piece of it
On the road
To the future

It's my poem.
I love to write poems
When I was in America, I showed these poems to Dianne.
She's a big fan of my poems.

By the way, one of my teachers Steve asked me.
"Aya, do you want to contribute your poems for student voice?" few days ago. So Steve puts together student works to make a book every semester.
He asked me about it.
I'm so happy, althought I'm in Japan, I can express my feeling to people.

I hope my poems people comfortable~
I will never quit writing




English class of Colombia University

2006-05-09 20:21:18 | Florida留学2005
I watch the English program on the TV at night.
It broadcasts a state of ELI in Colombia university by the program.
I saw many Japanese students and they looked very beginner of English.
It was easy for me, but good for review my English.
There are some programns to study English in Japan at night.
I can compare my knowledge before and after Florida.


Day Break

2006-01-13 15:15:14 | Florida留学2005
―Day break―

Orange night fall
Stars make constellation
Light up skyscrapers
It's a natural
Sometimes makes somebody sad
The other times makes happy
Feel romantic
Thinking future
Singing a love song
Kissing somebody

Everyone alive under the same sky
The sky has no border
We alive on the earth
We will meet a new day break