We all live in happiness -Our life is full of joy

楽園中毒的Aya's Life
Have a dream anything you want:)

Many wineries in Napa

2006-04-30 13:26:13 | California
There are many wineries in Napa valley.
We visited some of them.
I could see many Japanese....
This week is Japanese big holiday, "Golden week" that's why...

She is my English teacher Sanae

I bought a sweet wine

My mother, sister, brother,,,love u~

2006-04-29 16:35:02 | Florida留学2006


Yvette said Frankie lost his camera just for few minutes..He found it very quickly that was so funny,,,I couldn't stop laughing~

I didn't...no..I couldn't sleep last night. I was thinking about my American life and my future. I was really soaked with America.
It would be my favorite country. I knew a lot of factors of my life.
"Life is not just exist"(it's from Yvette)It is true.
To have fun, To feel happiness, To know different cultures, To speak English, To have friends from different countries.
Every factor is necessary for me.

My brother Frankie~

2006-04-28 17:11:41 | Florida留学2006
Today we had a commencement ceremony in ELI.
Frankie had a speech. I want to introduce his speech.
I've never heard such a wonderful speech!!

Good morning to all my friends of:Konnichiwa-japan, Anioung-Korea, Ni how ma-Taiwan, Sawadee-Thailand, Marhaba-Saudi Arabia, Salute-Franch, Hola-Germany, Even though of these ohrase sounds different and comes from different parts of the world but they have the same meaning. In the same way, each one of us is from different parts of the world, with different backgrounds, but we all follow the same goal. We linked here for the English Language Institute and our interest to learn English.

For me, the ELI has different meanings. One of them, as for many students here, is that ELI is one step get our goals and reach our dreams. In addition, the ELI for me is a magical place where we can learn about people. Here I had the opportunity to know and make friends with students from different part of the world. I learned about their customs, preoccupations, history, and about the politics of their countries. There are experiences and knowledge that we can not get from any books. More than just friends, some of them I considered as brothers. I have brothers from Korea,Sou Jun and Hank, from Japan, Aya and Kaoru, from Venezuela, Diego and Daniel, from Saudi Arabia, Omar, from Ecuador, Jorge, from Turkey, Aisha and Ali, from Colombia, juan David and Andres, from Africa, Cristian, from Taiwanm Yvette,Katrina, Doris, and Wei, and from Argentina, Martin, from German Mario, from Mexico, Adriana~. Like other brothers we could not understand each other, but in our case literally we did not understand each other. I remember I tried to tell a joke and I was waiting for my classmates to laugh, but their face said me, What are you talking about? But with the passage of the time we understood each other better, but I gave up ti telling jokes.

Even I heard very first part of his speech, I almost cried.
And he said "my sister from Japan, Aya..."
I was touched very much.

Well done Frankie.
Actually, he is my first friend in ELI.
I met him the first day of ELI.
He intruduced me himself, he said my name is "Francisco Lopez, like San Francisco~ call me Frankie!!!" with his smiling.
He is the most kind of man, who I've ever met.
He usually pays attention everybody and make us laughing!

フランキーが今日のセレモニーでスピーチをしたこの文書を読んで分かるとおり、素晴らしい内容だった。最初の"konnichiwa" という言葉を聞いただけで涙が出そうになってしまった。そして、途中、ここで友達以上の素晴らしい仲間を得たという場面で何人かの友達の名前を読み上げた。「私の妹、Aya」それを聞いたらまた泣きそうになった。

彼とは初日に会ってその素敵な笑顔に好印象を受けた「フランシスコ・ロペス。フランキーって呼んで!」とあれから半年が経つんだなぁ。本当に周りに気を配り、jokeを言って笑いを誘い。自分の人生の中でいろんな人に出逢ったけれど、こんなに親切な人がいるんだと思った。彼の人柄は素晴らしい彼は今後アメリカで働く予定。がんばってね! とにかく出逢えたことに感謝

It been great to meet you, my brother Frankie!!

commencement of ELI

2006-04-28 07:28:27 | Florida留学2006
David (Soohwan Byeon) from South Korea:韓国
I'm going to go to Korea next week, however he will go to New York.
That's bad...I'm going to miss you.

Yelena The most beautiful girl from Russia:ロシア.
She is my classmate in W/R class.
Actually, I didn't talk with her so much, it's my regret...
She said my website is nice! Thanks a lot~ I'm very glad.
Yes,Keep in touch~~

Tarik Hey smart guy~ from Saudi Arabia.
He has a lot of knowledge about Japan and Japanese name. It's so funny~
You should visit Japan someday,okay?

Our TOEFL score was same!!!!!! That's amazing.(I can't say my score...)


2006-04-27 12:49:22 | Florida留学2006
Maybe You're already expected to see this picture.
Of course,We dived into the pool with clothes.
The weather was nice.
We enjoyed the swimming time

・・・というか突き落とされた もちろん、服のまま!!!

Aya and Lucy~

Pool party at my house

2006-04-27 12:28:38 | Florida留学2006
I held a party today. That was awesome.
I made Toppoki(Korean food) and Sushi,Yvette made a Tofu dish(Chinese food) and Wei made a chiken dish(Chinese food?) My friends brought many drinks, beers, and snacks!! Thanks for coming
Everything was perfect
パーティー用の料理を作り中!学校が終わってWeiにしたらバイクで迎えに来てくれた。Thanks my brother~こっちに来てからよく作ってるトッポキ(韓国料理)を作ったら大好評で大量に作った甲斐があった

Frankie is expert of dancing Salsa and Meringue
He taught us how to dance Ratin music!!!
It was my first time dancing Salsa. He said just follow the music! It's very difficult for me. He leaded me, I just follow him
I really enjoyed dancing! Frankie thanks