

The Metropolitan Museum of Artにて

2009-03-08 | 絵画
The Metropolitan Museum of Artにて

1FのRobert Lehman Wingの手前ではフランドルの織物を鑑賞。

Special Exhibition;Pierre Bonnard: The Late Interiors
January 27, 2009–April 19, 2009
Robert Lehman Wing

ボナールPierre Bonnard (1867–1947)が1926年にla Villa Le Bosquet au Cannetに家を購入した以降の作品を中心に展示されている。同時期のマティスの装飾的、アラビア的な室内風景とは違った、印象派的な光を再現しようとした室内風景を描いたことがよくわかる。
The METのサイト

Special Exhibition:Arts of the Ming Dynasty: China’s Age of Brilliance
January 23, 2009–September 13, 2009
Galleries for Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, 2nd floor, north wing

呂紀 Lü Ji 1980.414, L1997.24.9
劉俊 L.1997.24.10,
沈周・文徴明 Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming 1990.54
文徴明 Wen Zhengming 1979.458.1, 1989.363.60, Living Aloft L2001.85.2
沈周 Shen Zhou L2001.85.1,1979.75.1
張路 1990.6
鄭重 Cheng Chung 1991.14
董其昌 Dong Qichang Shaded Dwellings among Streams and Mountains 1979.75.2
張瑞圖 Zhang Ruitu 1989.363.108
呉彬 1989.266.4

北野天神絵巻 25.224b
The METの画像

Special Exhibition;Beyond Babylon: Art, Trade, and Diplomacy in the Second Millennium B.C.
November 18, 2008–March 15, 2009
Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Exhibition Hall, 2nd floor
The METのサイト

Matisse, a New acquisition by MET
“The Three O’Clock Sitting,” a painting by Matisse executed in Nice, France, in 1924, is a gift from the family of Roderick H. Cushman, a commercial real estate investor from Jackson Hole, Wyo. His mother, Cordelia Cushman, bought the painting in 1948 from the New York collector Stephen C. Clark.

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