(English follows Japanese)
個人的の「結果」としては、アメリカン・パシフィック大学の博士課程を修了致しました。課程の最後に237ページに及ぶ博士論文を書き上げ、憧れだったPh.D を名乗れるようになったのはとても誇りに思います。その他、米国CPAなど幾つかの資格を得ることもできました。
更に、今年は数多くの貴重な出会いとともに、貴重な再会もありました。おかげで人は常に変化しつつも、根本となる大事な何かは永遠に続くものだと再確認することが出来ました。これも私にとって、priceless な「結果」です。
平成17年 元旦
岡本 武士
Dear All,
Happy 2005! I trust all is well with you and your family.
As in the past few years, I have condensed Christmas cards and New Year greetings into a single message.
Last year, I promised to make 2004 "A Year of Results" and to report on the results in this year's New Year greeting.
In its second fiscal year, Afia has seen substantial growth in revenue, and more importantly, a significantly improved relationship with our clients and business partners. We also completed a capital increase in February, which allowed us to expand our operations.
In terms of personal results, I completed my doctorate in clinical hypnotherapy at American Pacific University. In early 2004, I also received the CPA, CMA, and CFM designations. Perhaps the greatest result of the year, however, was meeting many
new people of all kinds and reuniting with friends from the 20th century.
I would like to make 2005 "A Year of the Beginner's Spirit".
The beginner's spirit is one that was treasured in the past centuries in Japan, and is one of blind belief in a given discipline and in infinite potential, and one void of self-consciouness or regret. Everything lies ahead and there is nothing to lose...
Finally, I would love to hear from you and correspond on an individual basis.
Best wishes in 2005!
Best regards,
Takeshi Okamoto, Ph.D., CPA, CMA, CFM
January 1, 2005
個人的の「結果」としては、アメリカン・パシフィック大学の博士課程を修了致しました。課程の最後に237ページに及ぶ博士論文を書き上げ、憧れだったPh.D を名乗れるようになったのはとても誇りに思います。その他、米国CPAなど幾つかの資格を得ることもできました。
更に、今年は数多くの貴重な出会いとともに、貴重な再会もありました。おかげで人は常に変化しつつも、根本となる大事な何かは永遠に続くものだと再確認することが出来ました。これも私にとって、priceless な「結果」です。
平成17年 元旦
岡本 武士
Dear All,
Happy 2005! I trust all is well with you and your family.
As in the past few years, I have condensed Christmas cards and New Year greetings into a single message.
Last year, I promised to make 2004 "A Year of Results" and to report on the results in this year's New Year greeting.
In its second fiscal year, Afia has seen substantial growth in revenue, and more importantly, a significantly improved relationship with our clients and business partners. We also completed a capital increase in February, which allowed us to expand our operations.
In terms of personal results, I completed my doctorate in clinical hypnotherapy at American Pacific University. In early 2004, I also received the CPA, CMA, and CFM designations. Perhaps the greatest result of the year, however, was meeting many
new people of all kinds and reuniting with friends from the 20th century.
I would like to make 2005 "A Year of the Beginner's Spirit".
The beginner's spirit is one that was treasured in the past centuries in Japan, and is one of blind belief in a given discipline and in infinite potential, and one void of self-consciouness or regret. Everything lies ahead and there is nothing to lose...
Finally, I would love to hear from you and correspond on an individual basis.
Best wishes in 2005!
Best regards,
Takeshi Okamoto, Ph.D., CPA, CMA, CFM
January 1, 2005