


2013-06-20 08:49:08 | 日記


 馬場辰猪が英文で書き、一八七三年(明治六)にロンドンで出版した『日本文典初歩』(『日本語文典』ともいう)は、『馬場辰猪全集 第一巻』(岩波書店、一九八七)に収められている。ただし、これは英文のままであって、序文のみ、日本語訳が付されている。
 また、明治文学全集第一二巻『大井憲太郎 植木枝盛 馬場辰猪 小野梓集』(筑摩書房、一九七三)にも、「『日本語文典』序文」が収録されている(西田長寿試訳)。
 本日は、明治文学全集所載の「『日本語文典』序文」の冒頭部分を引用してみる。また、『馬場辰猪全集 第一巻』から、それに相当する部分の英文も引用しておこう。


 WE have two objects in publishing this book-the flrst, to give a, general idea of the Japanese language as it is spoken ; and the second, to protest against a prevalent opinion entertained by many of our countrymen, as well as foreigners who take some interest in our country, and to show the reasons why we do so. It is affirmed that our language is so imperfect that we cannot establish a regular and systematical course of education by means of it ; and that the best way is to exterminate the Japanese language altogether, and to substitute the English language for it. Those who maintain this opinion ought to have examined the language and proved its imperfection as a medium of intellectual thought and expression, but so far as we are aware they have not done so.
 For example, Mr. Mori, in his introduction to “ Education in Japan,” says,“without the aid of the Chinese, our language has never been taught or used for any purpose of communication. This shows its poverty.”
 From this statement, which seems to us to be too little qualified, indeed, to be altogether much too extravagant and sweeping, we are compelled emphatically to dissent. Before the introduction of Chinese we must have had some sort of language which served as a means of communication. Since we introduced the Chinese classics, literature, &c., we have been obliged to use Chinese words or phrases which we could not express in Japanese, and so it became necessary to teach our language with the aid of Chinese. This is generally the case when one nation introduces the classical literature of another country ; because there are always many words in the latter, for which the language of the former cannot find synonyms or equivalents. 【以下略】

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