


2024年06月12日 | 爺英語

Japanese architect Yamamoto Riken received the Pritzker Architecture Prize at a ceremony in Chicago on Saturday. The award is known as the Nobel Prize for architects. Yamamoto said he's very happy and proud to be a “member of the Pritzker family.”
Yamamoto's buildings include the Yokosuka Museum of Art in Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo, and “The Circle” complex in Zurich. Yamamoto uses glass for the outer walls to make the interiors visible and incorporate open space.
The foundation that sponsors the award said his buildings attract people and increase opportunities for them to meet spontaneously. Yamamoto said he was almost moved to tears by the recognition of his designs.
(Yamamoto Riken / Architect)
“I am very happy my work is so highly evaluated.”
He added that he wants to continue designing buildings and the environments surrounding them.

incorporate 取り入れる、組み込む   
spontaneously 自発的に  
be moved to tears by ~に感動して涙が出る

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/12)

2024年06月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
32436.lean toward(~の傾向がある)
I lean toward exotic cuisines when dining out.
32437.enhance (高める)to improve something 
Integrating these into our product lineup could enhance its acceptance in these markets.. 
32438.implication(示唆、含み)a possible future effect or result of an action, event, decision etc 
 No, that's not the implication
32439.resonate with (~の共感を呼ぶ、~の心に響く)extremely excited or nervous about something 
 The movie’s theme resonated with viewers of all ages. 
32440.cost-effectiveness(費用対効果)bringing the best possible profits or advantages for the lowest possible costs 
We  may encounter a cost-effectiveness issue here. 


2024年06月11日 | 方丈記を読む









Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/11)

2024年06月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
32431.what floor is ~on(何階にありますか)someone’s character, especially the way they behave towards other people 
Excuse me. What floor is the gym on.
32432.intersection  a place where roads, lines etc cross each other, especially where two roads meet 類義語 junction British English 
Just turn right at that intersection. 
32433.crosswalk American English a specially marked place for people to walk across a street 類義語 pedestrian crossing British English 
 The other day, I almost ran down an old man in a crosswalk.
32434.trail(船跡、航跡、(獣の)臭跡、(捜索などの)手がかり、(荒野などの)踏みならされてできた道、(山中などの)小道 )
It's that way.  It's in the end of this trail.
32435.inclination  (傾向)a feeling that makes you want to do something 
There are some common inclinations, such as a love for sweetness. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/09)

2024年06月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
32421.low-key  (控えめな)not intended to attract a lot of attention to an event, subject, or thing 
I want to have a small, low-key wedding.
32422come across  (〜をたまたま見つける )to meet, find, or discover someone or something by chance 
If you come across it, can you call me? 
32423.I’d love to ~ but ~ (そうしたいの山々ですが )
 I’d love to go but I’m a little tight on money right now. 
32424.Due to a prior commitment(先約があるので(行けません)  )
 Due to a prior commitment, I will not be able to attend the meeting tomorrow. 
32425.for good((これを最後に)永遠に  )permanently 
I'm moving to Japan for good

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/08)

2024年06月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
32416.stage (計画的に実施する、企画する)always behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes, standards etc – usually used to show approval OPP inconsistent 
A group of parents staged a protest against the town's decision to close the park.
32417.consistent (一致している、一貫性の)someone who is attractive, usually a woman 
 Your actions need to be consistent with your words.
32418.unite(団結する、団結させる)f different people or organizations unite, or if something unites them, they join together in order to achieve something → union 
 We have to unite against discrimination. 
32419.get out of hand (手に負えない )if a situation or person gets out of hand, they become impossible to control any longer 
We have to figure out a solution before it gets out of hand
32420.get out of control(手に負えない)
We have to do something before this party gets out of control.

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/07)

2024年06月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
32411.devise (考え出す、計画する)to plan or invent a new way of doing something 
Two boys devised a scheme to steal the answer to the math test.
32412.section (部門、区分、部分)one of the parts that something such as an object or place is divided into 
You can skip this section of the application form. 
32413.intersect(交差する、交わる) if two lines or roads intersect, they meet or go across each other 
 This street intersects with the railroad tracks about 500 meters ahead
32414.sect  (宗派、学派 )a group of people with their own particular set of beliefs and practices, especially within or separated from a larger religious group 
 How many sects of Buddhism are there?
32415.town  (町、町民 )a large area with houses, shops, offices etc where people live and work, that is smaller than a city and larger than a village 
Tomorrow, the town will vote on whether to build a new school. 

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/06)

2024年06月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
32406.speakeasy  (隠れ家)a place in the US in the 1920s and 1930s where you could buy alcohol illegally 
My friends and I went to a speakeasy last weekend. 
32407.worrier (心配性)someone who often worries about things 
My 's dad a worrier. He get nervous about everything. 
32408.put on makeup(化粧する)
 Why are you putting on makeup? It's a phone interview. They aren't see your face.  
32409.hlegitimate(合法の、ちゃんとした )fair or reasonable 
 Before you put in your credit card information, make sure it’s a legitimate site.
32410.recs (おすすめ )
I’m planning on visiting LA next month. Do you have any restaurant recs

LA NAMES MAY 17 'SHOHEI OHTANI DAY'ロサンゼルス市 “大谷翔平の日”制定

2024年06月05日 | 爺英語

Los Angeles city officials have designated May 17 as “Shohei Ohtani Day” in honor of the Japanese Major League Baseball superstar. Ohtani attended a ceremony that day at City Hall with the Los Angeles Dodgers' team manager and other executives.
(Paul Krekorian / Los Angeles City Council President)
“Please welcome the greatest baseball player in America, Shohei Ohtani.”
Council members were not told in advance that Ohtani would be visiting. Many looked excited to see him. One official who saw the Dodgers game the day before had an Ohtani bobblehead. He said a player like Ohtani appears only once every 100 years.
On April 21, the two-way star surpassed the record for the most home runs by a Japanese player. Ohtani has earned multiple distinctions since making his Major League debut in March 2018. He was named the American League's MVP in 2021 and 2023.

bobblehead 首振り人形   

Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/05)

2024年06月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
32401.simply put (簡単に言えば)
Simply put, intra-group transactions cancel each other out..
32402.put ~ into practice (~を実践する)someone who is attractive, usually a woman 
However, this is the first time i'm putting it into practice.  . 
32403.in a nutshell(一言でいうと)used when you are stating the main facts about something in a short clear way
 In a nutshell, intra-group transactions are offset. 
32404.reaasure  (不安をなくす、新たに自信を持たせる、安心させる、安心する  )to make someone feel calmer and less worried or frightened about a problem or situation 
 The airline tried to reassure the customers that the planes were safe. 
32405.come to realize  (認識するようになる)
I came to realize the significance work-life balance. . 


2024年06月04日 | 方丈記を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2024/06/04)

2024年06月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
32396.thank goodness (やれやれ、よかった)used to show that you are very glad about something 
Thank Goodness that’s over! I’ve never been so nervous in my life! 
32397.diligent(入念な、熱心な)someone who is attractive, usually a woman 
Thanks for Giorgio’s diligent handling of the situation, we were able to overcome the problem.
32398.subsidiary(子会社)a company that is owned or controlled by another larger company 
 I felt that managing an overseas subsidiary is not easy. 
32399.A is all about B  (AにとってはBが最も重要だ )
 Creating consolidated accounts is all about overcoming challenges. 
32400.cheerful attitude  (明るい態度 )
She always has a cheerful attitude that inspires others.